IKM BIAPPS Oracle Fact Incremental Update

This IKM integrates data into an Oracle target table in append mode. All records are inserted without any key checks. Data can be controlled by isolating invalid data in the error table and recycling when fixed.


This IKM now supports ETL diagnostics and automatic corrections. The flow control option is no longer used with this IKM.


A prerequisite for using this IKM is:
  • The scenario LOAD_PARTITION_METADATA must be run before any interface using this KM, passing in the target table name as a parameter. This will load W_ETL_PART_TABLES and W_ETL_PART_TABLE_PARTS with the required metadata.

Options for Functionality

For a description of the options available with this IKM, see the options described for IKM BIAPPS Oracle Incremental Update.