About the Workforce Revalidate Option

Some cases of bad data are handled by the Workforce ETL Processes in the Persisted Staging layer and instead of raising an error the bad data is flagged invalid and excluded from Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse . If the bad data is cleaned up on the OLTP then use the Revalidate Option to reprocess it and if valid it will be included in Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse .

Optional or Mandatory

This task is optional, however the default option will always reprocess the bad data which will be a small overhead if it isn't going to be cleaned up.

Applies to

All sources.

Task description in detail

Set the parameter HR_WRKFC_REVALIDATE. The corresponding ETL tasks that will be affected can be found by searching for SDE%Workforce%Validate%. The invalid data can be reviewed by checking the records marked with VALID_FLG = 'N'. The tables and checks implemented are listed below.

E-Business Suite

Persisted Staging Table Type of bad data excluded

Assignment - W_ORA_WEVT_ASG_PS

Overlapping effective dates

Overlapping active primary assignments


Overlapping effective dates

Grade Rate - W_ORA_WEVT_GRT_PS

Overlapping effective dates

Headcount - W_ORA_WEVT_HDC_PS

Overlapping effective dates

Performance Reviews - W_ORA_WEVT_PERF_PS

More than one review per person/assignment per day


Overlapping effective dates

Person Type - W_ORA_WEVT_PTYP_PS

Overlapping effective dates


Overlapping effective dates


Persisted Staging Table Type of bad data excluded

Headcount - W_PSFT_WEVT_HDC_PS

Overlapping active primary assignments

Performance Reviews - W_PSFT_WEVT_PERF_PS

More than one review per person/assignment per day


Persisted Staging Table Type of bad data excluded

Assignment - W_FSN_WEVT_ASG_PS

Overlapping effective dates

Overlapping active primary assignments

Performance Reviews - W_FSN_WEVT_PERF_PS

More than one review per person/assignment per day


Overlapping effective dates

Supervisor - W_FSN_WEVT_SUP_PS

Overlapping effective dates


No dependencies.