Register Source Dialog

Use this dialog to specify details for each of your data sources. In a new deployment, you need to register and enable at least one source instance. For each data source, you complete the two page wizard to specify the details. For Oracle Fusion Applications data sources, use the Cloud Storage Service page to specify details for an Oracle Cloud Storage Service, or the UCM page to specify details for an on-premises data source. For other data sources, for example Taleo, use the Cloud Replicator tab to specify your data source details.

Source Details page

Element Description

Product Line

The source instance product line. For example, if you are deploying OTBI-Enterprise, then you might select Fusion HCM Cloud.

Product Version

The version number of the source instance product line.

Source Instance Name

The name given by the System Administrator to a transactional system that serves as a source of data for Oracle BI Applications data load. The source instance is important because functional setup tasks, and setting of values of objects such as parameters and domain maps are performed in relation to a source instance. Each source instance must have a unique data source number.


(Optional) Enter a short description to help Administrators and Implementors identify and use this data source in Configuration Manager.

Data Source Number

The unique, user-specified number used to identify the source instance.

The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that the data can be identified in the data warehouse. Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Number value.

Source Load Technology

Select None or ODI External File.

Next To complete the register process, you must click Next and complete the next page. For Oracle Fusion Applications data sources, the next page prompts for External File Location Details. For other data sources, the next page prompts for Cloud Replicator Details.

External File Location Details — Cloud Storage Service

Element Description
Storage Type Select Cloud Storage Service for an Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud data source, or UCM for an Oracle Fusion Applications on-premises data source.
Protocol Select htttp.
Host Enter the host name of your Oracle Cloud Storage Service. You obtain this host name on the My Services page in Oracle Cloud.
Port Enter the port number supplied to you by Oracle Cloud Services. You obtain the port number on the My Services page in Oracle Cloud.
Download Folder Enter the Administrator password for your Oracle Cloud Storage Service.
Upload Folder There is no user assistance for this field.
Service Name There is no user assistance for this field.
Container There is no user assistance for this field.
Encryption Support Select the Support Encryption check box, click Generate KeyPair, then click Export KeyPair as file. Save the file locally. You send this file to Oracle Cloud Ops.

External File Location Details — UCM

Element Description
Storage Type Select Cloud Storage Service for an Oracle Fusion Applications Cloud data source, or UCM for an Oracle Fusion Applications on-premises data source.
Protocol Select htttp.
Host Enter the host name of your Oracle Cloud Storage Service. You obtain this host name on the My Services page in Oracle Cloud.
Port Enter the port number supplied to you by Oracle Cloud Services. You obtain the port number on the My Services page in Oracle Cloud.
Username Enter the Administrator user name.
Download Folder Enter the Administrator password.
Download Folder For example, /middleware/BIShared/biapps/shared/210/download.
Staging Folder For example,/middleware/BIShared/biapps/shared/210/ReplStg.
Upload Folder For example,/middleware/BIShared/biapps/shared/210/upload.
Source Files Folder For example,/middleware/BIShared/biapps/shared/210/srcFiles.

Cloud Replicator Details

Element Description
SDS Data Source There is no user assistance for this field.
DOWNLOAD_FOLDER There is no user assistance for this field.
HOST_NAME There is no user assistance for this field.
INTERFACE_NAME There is no user assistance for this field.
PRUNE_DAYS There is no user assistance for this field.
USER There is no user assistance for this field.
PASSWORD There is no user assistance for this field.

Register Source in Configuration Manager

The Register Source in Configuration Manager fields are described in the table.

Element Description

Product Line

The source instance product line.

Product Version

The version number of the source instance product line.

Source Instance Name

The name given by the BI Applications System Administrator to a transactional system that serves as a source of data for Oracle BI Applications data load. The source instance is important because functional setup tasks, and setting of values of objects such as parameters and domain maps are performed in relation to a source instance. Each source instance must have a unique data source number.


(Optional) Additional information about the source instance.

Data Source Number

The unique, user-specified number used to identify the source instance.

The Data Source Number value specifies a data source so that the data can be identified in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. Each source instance must have a unique Data Source Number value.

Data Server Details (Oracle Fusion Applications and PeopleSoft source system only)

If the source system is PeopleSoft or Oracle Fusion Applications, then a read-only list of data servers is displayed.

Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology

The Register Source in Oracle Data Integrator Topology page contains three windows.

Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information

The Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window appears at the top of the page. The information contained in this window is read-only and is passed to Configuration Manager from the Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Repository, based on the specified product line version.

Provide Context Details

In the Context drop-down list, you must select Global. The Global value is required because the Oracle BI Applications interfaces are designed to use this value.

Provide Connection Details

The Provide Connections Details window contains tabs for each application type.

  • Technology: Oracle BI (Fusion Applications only)

  • Technology: Oracle (non-Fusion Applications)

  • Technology: File System

Select the Technology: Oracle BI (Fusion Applications only) tab to set the Oracle BI EE connection details for the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window.

Element Description

Oracle Data Integrator Data Server Name

A short meaningful name incorporating 'FUSION' or similar that identifies the data server as being for Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, FUSION_CMDS.

This name must be unique across all ODI data servers in the ODI Repository.

JDBC Driver

The name of the JDBC driver for Oracle BI EE.

For example:

It is recommended that you leave the default value.


The JDBC URL for Oracle BI EE.

The format for the URL is the following:


For example, jdbc:oraclebi://

Database Username

The database user name for Oracle BI EE.

For example, OBIA_ETL_USER.

Database Password

The password for the OBIA_ETL_USER user.


Use this button to test the connection to Oracle BI EE.

Select the Technology: Oracle (non-Fusion Applications) tab to set the transactional database connection details for the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window.

Element Description

Oracle Data Integrator Data Server Name

A short meaningful name that identifies the data server.

This name must be unique across all ODI data servers in the ODI Repository.

JDBC Driver

The JDBC driver for the transactional database connection.

Leave the default value.

Note that the JDBC driver and JDBC URL are required to create the data server and physical schema in ODI for the transactional database.


The JDBC URL for the transactional database connection.

The format for the URL is the following:


Database Username

The database user name for the transactional database.

Database Password

The password for the transactional database.


Use this button to test the connection to the transactional database.

Select the Technology: File System tab to set the file system connection details for the model selected in the Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information window.

In this tab there are columns that are not displayed, which have defaulted values. You do not need to change these values.

Element Description

Oracle Data Integrator Data Server Name

A short meaningful name that identifies the data server.

Host Name

The name of the host machine where the file system resides.

Path To File

The directory path of the ETL files that were installed by the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer.

The default location is <Oracle Home for BI>/biapps/etl.

For example, /Oracle_BI1/biapps/etl/data_files/src_files/FUSION_1_0.

Array Fetch Size

The number of rows requested by ODI on each communication with the data server.*

Batch Update Size

The number of rows in a single INSERT command.**

JDBC Driver

The name of the JDBC driver for the transactional database connection.

It is recommended that you leave the default value.

Note that the JDBC driver and JDBC URL are required to create the data server and physical schema in ODI for the transactional database.***


The JDBC URL for the transactional database connection.

The format for the URL is the following:



*This column might be hidden. To view this column, click View, Columns, Show All.


**This column might be hidden. To view this column, click View, Columns, Show All.


***This column might be hidden. To view this column, click View, Columns, Show All.


****This column might be hidden. To view this column, click View, Columns, Show All.