Specify Installation Location for configApps

Use this information when indicating the installation locations when running the configApps.bat or configApps.sh file.

Field Description

Middleware Home

The path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware Home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.

The value in this field is read-only.

Oracle Home

The Oracle home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE, and Oracle BI Applications files are installed.

The value in this field is read-only.

WebLogic Server Home

The directory name for the WebLogic Server. The installer automatically creates this directory inside the Oracle Middleware home. The default name for this directory is "wlserver_" followed by the version number. For example, wlserver_10.3.

The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you specified in the Middleware Home field.

Domain Home

The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle Business Intelligence system. The value in this field is read-only.

Instance Home

The path to the Oracle Instance directory.

The installer installs component configuration files and runtime processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components write to this directory only. The directory that you identify for the Oracle Instance can be located anywhere on your system, and does not need to be inside the Oracle Middleware home.

The value in this field is read-only.

Instance Name

The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By default, the location is based on the value in the Instance Home field. This directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

The value in this field is read-only.


If you are installing on a Microsoft Windows operating system, ensure that the directory paths are valid and do not contain double backslashes (\\).