Creating SDS Schema Post Installation

Provision new SDS PLV types in ODI using the script provided in this topic. The script exists in the oracle home and can be used immediately.

This script creates the WLS datasource for the SDS type and provisions the SDS Data server in ODI.

You need to create the SDS DB schema through the RCU before running this script as the script requires some schema details as input parameter.

Run the RCU and when prompted on screen, select one or more SDS types for which you want to configure. No other component type should be selected apart from the SDS types in the Cloud Replicator node.


Script location is <ORACLE_HOME>/dwtools/scripts/


--DOMAIN_HOME_PATH - BI Domain Home path. eg; /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain
--BI_CLUSTER_NAME - BI Cluster name. Please use the value as is without quotes - "bi_cluster"
--SDS_PROVISION_TYPE - The SDS PLV code. Please see the table below to use the PLV code to provision a specific SDS type. eg; TALEO_14_B
--SDS_JDBC_URL - SDS PLV JDBC url string format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_host>:<port>/<ServiceName> eg;
--SDS_DB_SCHEMA - SDS PLV db schema user name eg; FA_SDS_TALEO_14B
--ODI_JDBC_URL - ODI REPO JDBC url string format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<db_host>:<port>/<ServiceName> eg;
--ODI_DB_SCHEMA - ODI REPO schema user name. eg; FA_BIA_ODIREPO, 
--ODI_USER_NAME - ODI user name. eg; Administrator1, 
--ODI_HOME_PATH - ODI home path. eg; /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/odi3898

SDS PLV Code to use in the command

  • EBS_11_5_10

  • EBS_12_1_1

  • EBS_12_1_2

  • EBS_12_1_3

  • EBS_12_0

  • EBS_12_2

  • ELQ_10

  • FUSION_9_0

  • FUSION_10_0

  • FUSION_11_0

  • JDE_9_0

  • JDE_9_1

  • PSFT_9_0_CS

  • PSFT_9_0_EP

  • PSFT_9_0_HR

  • PSFT_9_1_CS

  • PSFT_9_1_EP

  • PSFT_9_1_HR

  • PSFT_9_2_CS

  • PSFT_9_2_EP

  • PSFT_9_2_HR

  • RNCX_12_14_8

  • SEBL_8_1_1

  • SEBL_8_2_2

  • TALEO_13_B

  • TALEO_13_C

  • TALEO_14_A

  • TALEO_14_B

  • TALEO_15_A

Below example shows the SDS provisioning of Taleo 14 B. See the input param --SDS_PROVISION_TYPE TALEO_14_B

Run the following command:

Eg Usage Command:  <ORACLE_HOME>/oracle_common/common/bin/   /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/Oracle_BI1/dwtools/scripts/ --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain --BI_CLUSTER_NAME bi_cluster --SDS_PROVISION_TYPE TALEO_14_B --SDS_JDBC_URL --SDS_DB_SCHEMA FA_SDS_TALEO_14B --ODI_JDBC_URL --ODI_DB_SCHEMA FA_BIA_ODIREPO --ODI_USER_NAME Administrator1 --ODI_HOME_PATH /scratch/aime1/work/mw1234/odi3898