
The Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide provides information about setting up Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning and using it to install and provision a new Oracle Fusion Applications environment. It includes specific instructions for installing prerequisite components; installing, configuring, and deploying applications product offerings; and deinstalling an environment.

If Oracle VM environments are used, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Installing and Managing in an Oracle VM Environment Installation Guide guide. This guide describes how to install, configure, and manage instances of Oracle VM environments created from the Oracle VM templates for Oracle Fusion Applications. This document is applicable for the environments created from the official releases of Oracle VM templates for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 12 (11.12.x.0.0) and higher. The content is not applicable for any Oracle VM environments that are created using other methods.

In this user guide, the nomenclature “11.12.x.0.0”, where “x” is a number, is used to indicate the release and patch releases for which the guide is applicable. When using this document, be sure to replace “x” with the number of the release that is being used.


This document is intended for users who are provisioning an Oracle Fusion Applications environment and installing product offerings for the first time and who are comfortable with system administration tasks such as installing Oracle Identity Management, setting up and configuring Oracle Database 12c (, and applying patches on the computer where the product offerings are installed. Users installing on a UNIX system need root access to run some of the scripts.

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