Codice campione della classe di accesso customizzata

Questo codice campione illustra l'implementazione della classe predefinita com.hyperion.css.sso.agent.X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl. In genere, è necessario customizzare il metodo parseCertificate(String sCertificate) di questa implementazione per ottenere il nome utente da un attributo certificato diverso da DN:

package com.hyperion.css.sso.agent;

import com.hyperion.css.CSSSecurityAgentIF;
import com.hyperion.css.common.configuration.*;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

 * X509CertificateAuthImpl implements the CSSSecurityAgentIF interface It accepts
 * the X509 certificate of the authenticated user from the Web Server via a
 * header, parses the certificate, extracts the DN of the User and
 * authenticates the user.
public class X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl implements CSSSecurityAgentIF
    static final String IDENTITY_ATTR = "CN";
    String g_userDN = null;
    String g_userName = null;
    String hostAdrress= null;
     * Returns the User name (login name) of the authenticated user, 
     * for example demouser. See CSS API documentation for more information
    public String getUserName(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
            throws Exception
        hostAdrress = req.getServerName();
        String certStr = getCertificate(req);
        String sCert = prepareCertificate(certStr);

        /* Authenticate with a CN */

        /* Authenticate if the Login Attribute is a DN */
        if (g_userName == null)
            throw new Exception("User name not found");
        return g_userName;

     * Passing null since this is a trusted Security agent authentication
     * See Security API documentation for more information on CSSSecurityAgentIF
    public String getPassword(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
            throws Exception
        return null;

     * Get the Certificate sent by the Web Server in the HYPLOGIN header. 
     * If you pass a different header nane from the Web server, change the 
     * name in the method.
    private String getCertificate(HttpServletRequest request)
        String cStr = (String)request
        return cStr;

     * The certificate sent by the Web server is a String.
     * Put a "\n" in place of whitespace so that the X509Certificate
     * java API can parse the certificate.
    private String prepareCertificate(String gString)
        String str1 = null;
        String str2 = null;

        str1 = gString.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "");
        str2 = str1.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "");
        String certStrWithNL = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
                + str2.replace(" ", "\n") + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
        return certStrWithNL;

     * Parse the certificate
     * 1. Create X509Certificate using the certificateFactory 
     * 2. Get the Principal object from the certificate 
     * 3. Set the g_userDN to a certificate attribute value (DN in this sample)
     * 4. Parse the attribute (DN in this sample) to get a unique username
    private void parseCertificate(String sCertificate) throws Exception
        X509Certificate cert = null;
        String userID = null;
            X509Certificate clientCert = (X509Certificate)CertificateFactory
                                         new ByteArrayInputStream(sCertificate
            if (clientCert != null)
                Principal princDN = clientCert.getSubjectDN();
                String dnStr = princDN.getName();
                g_userDN = dnStr;
                int idx = dnStr.indexOf(",");
                userID = dnStr.substring(3, idx);
                g_userName = userID;
        catch (CertificateException ce)
              throw ce;            
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
            throw uee;
    } //end of getUserNameFromCert
}// end of class