
Data provider types: Oracle Essbase, Oracle Hyperion Planning, Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management, Oracle Hyperion Enterprise®


HypIsCellWritable() checks to see whether a cell is writable.


HypIsCellWritable (vtSheetName, vtCellRange)

ByVal vtSheetName As Variant

ByVal vtCellRange As Variant


vtSheetName: Input parameter; the name of worksheet on which to run the function. If vtSheetName is Null or Empty, the active worksheet is used.

vtCellRange: Output parameter; the range of the cell (one cell only) whose writability is to be checked

Return Value

Returns VARIANT_TRUE if the cell is writable; otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE.


Public Declare Function HypIsCellWritable Lib "HsAddin" (ByVal vtSheetName As Variant, ByVal vtCellRange As Variant) As Boolean

Sub Example_HypIsCellWritable()

                        Dim oRet As Boolean
                        Dim oSheetName As String
                        Dim oSheetDisp As Worksheet
                        oSheetName = "Sheet1"
                        Set oSheetDisp = Worksheets(oSheetName$)
                        oRet = HypIsCellWritable (Empty, oSheetDisp.Range("G2"))

End Sub