Viewing or Changing Supporting Detail

Data source types: Oracle Hyperion Planning

If you are unfamiliar with Planning, see the Oracle Hyperion Planning User's Guide, available in the Oracle Help Center. To open this library, from the Smart View ribbon, select the arrow next to Help, and then Documentation.

Cells that contain supporting detail can be indicated on the grid by a cell style specified in the Options dialog box.

To view or change calculations or supporting data:

  1. Open a form, and select the cells for which to view or add detail.

    You can select one cell or a range of contiguous cells in a row or column. The section cannot include a combination of rows and columns. Select cells that are in the local currency so that you can write to them.

  2. From the Planning or Planning Ad Hoc ribbon, select Supporting Detail.
  3. View or change the line items or calculations that aggregate the data in the selected cells.