Issues When Starting Excel in Automation Mode

In some cases, third-party software that automates Excel processes, such as exporting to Excel, may cause issues with Excel and a conflict with Oracle Smart View for Office.


To disable Smart View when Excel is started in automation mode, you may enable "DisableInAutomation" by adding a key and key value to the Windows Registry. To do this, create the Options key and DisableInAutomation key value as follows:

  • Key Name:

  • Key Value:


    When set to 00000001, Smart View is disabled when Excel is started in automation mode. Smart View starts correctly when Excel is started manually, outside of an automated process.

    When set to 0 or not created at all, then Smart View is enabled and starts when Excel is started in automation mode, which may cause issues. Smart View starts correctly when Excel is started manually, outside of an automated process.

Creating the Registry Key and Key Value

To create and update the registry key, Options:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regeditin the Open box, and then click OK.

  2. Locate and then select the following registry subkey:

  3. From the Edit menu, select New, and then select Key.

  4. Type Options, and then press Enter.

  5. From the Edit menu, select New, and then select DWORD Value.

  6. Type DisableInAutomation, and then press Enter.

  7. In the Details pane, right-click DisableInAutomation, and then click Modify.

  8. In the Value data box, type 00000001, and then click OK.

    The value, 00000001, enables the DisableInAutomation key.


    If a zero value is entered, then this option is disabled.

  9. Exit Registry Editor.

  10. Restart Excel.