G.2 Changes in Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4 (4.8)

Release 4.8 includes following feature changes and software updates.

Software Updates

  • CDH (Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop) 5.10.1

  • CM (Cloudera Manager) 5.10.1

  • Oracle Big Data Connectors 4.8

  • Big Data SQL 3.1 (earlier releases are not supported on Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.8)

  • Oracle Big Data Spatial & Graph 2.2.0

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.7.17

  • Perfect Balance 2.10.0

  • Java JDK 8u121

  • Oracle Linux 6.8 UEK 4 (Oracle Linux Unbreakable Kernel, Release 4)

    Mammoth v4.8.0 for Oracle Linux 5 is available (only for upgrades of clusters based on Oracle Linux 5).

  • Oracle Data Integrator Agent (for Oracle Big Data Connectors)

  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop (ORAAH) 2.7.0 

  • Oracle's R Distribution (ORD) 3.2.0

  • Oracle NoSQL Community Edition or Oracle NoSQL Database Enterprise Edition 4.3.10. Both optional.

    Note that support is no longer available for Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition.

  • Kudu 1.2

  • Kafka 2.1

  • Spark 2.0

  • Cloudera Key Trustee Server 5.10.1

The Cloudera parcels for Spark, Kudu, Kafka, and Key Trustee Server are included for your convenience, but are not deployed or configured by default.

See the Cloudera Documentation for information about CDH and Cloudera Manager 5.10.1

Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4.8 includes Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 as a Mammoth installation option. You do not need to download this package from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

New Features

In addition to software upgrades and extra Cloudera parcels, Oracle Big Data Appliance provides these new features.

  • Automated LAG Setup

    The Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Utility provides an option to assign groups of connectors to LAGs (Link Aggregation Groups) for cluster client network connections. LAGs can provide faster uplink times and reduce the points of potential failure in the network. See Configuring for LACP/LAG Connections in this guide for details.

  • MIT Kerberos Security Option for Oracle NoSQL Enterprise installations

    You can select MIT Kerberos security for an Oracle NoSQL cluster via the Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Utility.

  • Oracle Big Data SQL can Connect to the Exadata Database Machine Over Ethernet

    Ethernet is now supported for Oracle Big Data SQL networking between Oracle Exadata Database Machine and Oracle Big Data Appliance. This enables you to use Oracle Big Data SQL with these two Engineered Systems in environments where InfiniBand is not feasible, such as when the two systems are geographically distant from each other.

    The Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Utility now provides an option to choose between Ethernet and InfiniBand for Oracle Big Data SQL when you are setting up the configuration for a cluster.

    Ethernet connections for Oracle Big Data SQL are not supported for networking between Oracle Big Data Appliance and Oracle SPARC SuperCluster.

  • Oracle Big Data SQL Networking is Switchable Between Ethernet and InfiniBand

    If needed, you can switch between InfiniBand and Ethernet after the Mammoth installation and after the Oracle Big Data SQL installation has been completed. See Choosing Between Ethernet and InfiniBand Connections For Oracle Big Data SQL in this guide for details.

Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 can be Enabled/Disabled Using bdacli

In Release 4.8, the Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility provides an option to install Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1. If you choose this option, then the Hadoop side of Oracle Big Data SQL is enabled automatically.

If you do not choose to enable Oracle Big Data SQL in the Mammoth installation, you can enable it later using the bdacli command line interface:

# bdacli enable big_data_sql

You can also use bdacli to disable the Hadoop side Oracle Big Data SQL:

# bdacli disable big_data_sql


For Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4.8, the instructions in the Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 Installation Guide for downloading, installing, and uninstalling the software on the Hadoop cluster do not apply.
  • You do not need to download Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. The software is already included in the Mammoth bundle.

  • Do not install Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 on Release 4.8 using ./setup-bds install bds-config.json.

    Mammoth performs this part of the installation for you. Likewise, do not use ./setup-bds uninstall bds-config.json to uninstall the software from the Hadoop cluster. To disable Oracle Big Data SQL after the Mammoth installation (or to enable it if you did not opt include it in the Mammoth installation), use the bdacli commands as described above.

Except for the install and uninstall commands, the instructions on using setup-bds in the Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 Installation Guide apply to Oracle Big Data Appliance and should be used as documented. This is also true for the database side of Oracle Big Data SQL. Create the database installation bundle and install it on the nodes of the Oracle Database system as described in the guide.

In Release 4.8, Node Migration Requires Extra Step for Oracle Big Data SQL Support

  • If Oracle Big Data SQL is enabled, then you must disable it on the entire cluster prior to running bdacli admin_cluster migrate <node>. Re-enable it after the migration. Use the bdacli enable and disable commands.

    1. Disable Oracle Big Data SQL across the cluster: bdacli disable big_data_sql

    2. Perform the migration.

    3. Re-enable Oracle Big Data SQL: bdacli enable big_data_sql

TLS 1.0 (TLSv1) Disabled for Cloudera Configuration Manager and Hue – May Affect Client Access

In order to improve security, Oracle Big Data Appliance has disabled TLS 1.0 for Cloudera Manager and Hue and also in the system-wide Java configuration. This can affect older browsers or operating systems.

It is recommended that you reconfigure or upgrade clients using TLS 1.0 to use newer encryption, but if necessary you can re-enable TLS 1.0 for Cloudera Manager and Hue.

For details, log on to My Oracle Support and search for BDA 4.8 Disables TLSv1 by Default For Cloudera Manager/Hue/And in System-Wide Java Configurations (Doc ID 2250841.1).

Oracle Big Data Discovery Installation on Big Data Appliance 4.8 not Supported at This Time

A compatible build of Oracle Big Data Discovery is under development. This document will be updated when a compatible build is available.

Deprecated or Discontinued Features

  • The Perfect Balance automatic invocation feature is not supported in this release. If you having been using automatic invocation, please switch to the Perfect Balance API.

  • There is no longer an option to purchase support for Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition.

Other Notices

  • Mammoth, the Oracle Big Data Appliance installation package, now consists of four ZIP files, all of which must be downloaded and extracted before running the BDAMammoth-4.8.0.run file

  • Mammoth cluster upgrades to v4.8.0 are only supported directly from Mammoth v4.4.0 or later. For upgrades from earlier Mammoth versions, it will be necessary to first upgrade to Mammoth v4.4.0.

  • Configuring the network on new racks with an installed BDA Base Image lower than BDA v4.5.0 requires special configuration steps. Log on to My Oracle Support and search for this document :

    Network Configuration Instructions for Shipped BDA racks with a BDA Base Image Less Than V4.5.0 (Doc ID 2135358.1).

  • Oracle strongly recommends that customers using Oracle Big Data Appliance Clusters with Microsoft Active Directory configure their clusters to use cross-realm trust to Microsoft Active Directory and not use Direct-Active-Directory configuration for the Hadoop cluster.

  • Before upgrading an Oracle Linux 5 cluster that has had HTTPS enabled for Cloudera Manager, it is necessary to follow these steps :
    1. Confirm that HTTPS is enabled for Cloudera Manager .

    2. Back up GridDefParams.pm:
      # cp /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/GridDefParams.pm /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/GridDefParams.pm.orig
    3. Update lines 141 and 142 of /opt/oracle/BDAMammoth/bdaconfig/GridDefParams.pm to these settings:

      our $CM_ADMIN_PROTO = "https";                                                                       
      our $CM_ADMIN_PORT = "7183";