A.2 Changes in Oracle Big Data Connectors Release 4 (4.7)

The following are changes in Oracle Big Data Connectors User's Guide for Oracle Big Data Connectors Release 4 (4.7).

The following table lists the software versions installed with Oracle Big Data Connectors 4.7:

Connector Version

Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS


Oracle Loader for Hadoop


Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders


Oracle XQuery for Hadoop


Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop


Oracle Data Integrator

Changes in Oracle SQL Connectors for HDFS

  • The property oracle.hadoop.exttab.dataCompressionCodec is now deprecated.

    OSCH now processes datasets containing both compressed and uncompressed files. OSCH automatically discovers the compression codec of the dataset at runtime.

  • -createTable for delimited text source now supports the NULLIF clause.

    You can use the configuration property nullIfSpecifier to set NULLIF at -createTable time. For example:




    Note that the column-level nullIfSpecifier overrides the external table level nullIfSpecifier.

New and Enhanced Features

  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop (ORAAH) 2.7

    ORAAH 2.7 provides the following new features:

    • New ORAAH Spark-based LM algorithm with summary statistics.

    • Enhanced ORAAH Spark-based GLM full formula support and summary functions for the Spark-based GLM.

    • Enhanced ORAAH Spark-based Deep Neural Networks now supporting full formula parsing, and Modeling plus Scoring in Spark, with computations up to 30% faster.

    • New Oracle R API for the Spark MLlib Gaussian Mixture Models clustering algorithm.

    • General improvements to HIVE integration, especially for BDA secure clusters with enabled SSL connection and Kerberos authentication.

    • Automated Hive JDBC driver lookup for known installations, such RPM or parcel installations.

  • Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders (OHSH) 1.2

    New features and changes in Release 1.2 include:

    • On-disk logging of load operations in the $HOME/.ohsh shadow directory.

    • The ability to minimize output when doing load commands. (See the help command for set outputlevel.)

    • Loading Hive tables from Oracle tables not living in the oracle user's schema.

    • Wallet and TNS usage by OHSH relies on the setting of environmental variables WALLET_LOCATION and TNS_ADMIN. The set tnsadmin and set walletlocation commands are no longer supported.

    In addition, you no longer set HIVE0_URL to the fully-qualified URL of remote HiveServer2 in order to create a %hive0 resource. In OHSH 1.2, set the environmental variable HS2_HOST_PORT in bin/ohsh, which is the <hostname>:<port> pair of HiveServer2.