G.4 Changes in Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4 (4.7)

Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.7 is focused on defect fixes and software stack version updates, including major updates to the UEK kernel, MySQL, and Cloudera (Cloudera Manager and CDH). There are no other customer-visible changes in this release.

Software Updates

  • CDH (Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop) 5.9

  • CM (Cloudera Manager) 5.9

  • Oracle Big Data Connectors 4.7

  • Big Data SQL 3.0.1 or 3.1 (both optional)

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.6.32

  • Perfect Balance 2.9

  • Java JDK 8u111

  • Oracle Linux 6.8 UEK 4 (Oracle Linux Unbreakable Kernel, Release 4)

  • Oracle Data Integrator Agent (for Oracle Big Data Connectors)

  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop (ORAAH) 2.7.0 

  • Oracle's R Distribution (ORD) 3.2.0

  • Oracle Big Data Discovery 1.3.2 or 1.4 ( or greater). This is optional.

  • Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition or Enterprise Edition 4.2.9 (optional)

See the Cloudera Documentation for information about CDH and Cloudera Manager 5.9

Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4.7 includes Oracle Big Data SQL 3.0.1 as a Mammoth installation option. You do not need to download this package from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud. Oracle Big Data SQL 3.1 is also compatible with Release 4.7 and is available for download from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.