6.1 Working with Notes

Import, create, and run notes in the Notebook section of the Oracle Big Data Manager console.

The Notebook Home page lists your existing notes, along with controls for importing and creating new notes. When you open a note, it’s displayed in its own Note page as a collection of paragraphs that contain snippets of code for accessing services, running jobs, and displaying results. You can define and run the code quickly and iteratively, which provides flexibility for analyzing and visualizing your data.

Commands for performing actions on the entire note are on the toolbar at the top of each Note page.

Commands for performing actions on individual paragraphs are on the toolbar on the right side of each paragraph on the Note page. Paragraphs contains a code section, where you enter your source code, and an output section, which displays the output from executing that code.

6.1.1 Using the Commands on the Note Toolbar

Use the toolbar at the top of the Note page to perform actions on the entire note.

Item Action
Run all paragraphs Run all paragraphs Executes all the paragraphs in the note sequentially, in the order they’re displayed.
Show/hide the codeShow/hide the code Shows or hides the code sections of all paragraphs in the note.
Show/hide the output Show/hide the output Shows or hides the output sections of all paragraphs in the note.
Clear output Clear output Clears the output sections of all paragraphs in the note.
Clone noteClone note Makes a copy of the note.
Export this note Export this note Exports the code and output sections of all the paragraphs in the note to a JSON file in your web browser’s default download directory. If the output sections are very long, consider clearing the output before exporting the note, to save space.
Version controlVersion control Commits the content of the note to the current repository. When you click this button, you’re prompted for a commit message. The message you enter here is displayed in the Head list, described below.
Head (revision) drop-down list

Displays a list of previously committed revisions of the note, if any. By default, the head revision is selected. If you want to view a previous revision, select it from the list.

Click Set revisionSet revision to set the head to the current revision.

Move note to trashMove note to trash Deletes the note.
Run schedulerRun scheduler Schedule the execution of all paragraphs in the note with a cron scheduler. When you select this option, a pop-up window displays the following options::
  • Preset —A list of preset intervals. If one of the presets is adequate for your needs, click the link for the interval. It’s added as an expression to the cron expression field. Options are None 1m, 5m, 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 1d. Select None to remove any expressions that were added.

  • Cron expression—Enter a custom cron expression, if you need something other than the above presets.

  • Cron executing user— Enter the name of the user for running the cron job, if other than root.

  • Auto-restart interpreter on cron execution —Terminates the interpreter after the cron job completes running. The interpreter restarts automatically the next time a paragraph is run.

6.1.2 Using the Commands on the Paragraph Toolbar

Use the toolbar on the right side of a paragraph panel to perform actions on that paragraph only.

Item Action
Status Shows the status of the paragraph. It can be one of the following:






Run this paragaph (Shift+Enter)Run this paragraph

Executes the code in the code section of the paragraph.

Show/hide editor (Control+Option+E) Show/hide editor

Shows or hides the code section of the paragraph.

Show/hide output (Control+Option+O) Show/hide output

Shows or hides the output section of the paragraph.

Menu Gear Opens a menu with the following options that apply to the current paragraph:
  • nnnnnnnnn-nnnnnn_nnnnnnnnnn—The paragraph ID. Click the ID to copy it to the clipboard.

  • Width—Select a number from the drop-down list to set a width for the paragraph on a grid of 12 units. This allows you to organize the paragraphs in the grid.

  • Move down—Move the paragraph one level down.

  • Insert new—Insert a new paragraph below the current one.

  • Clone paragraph—Create and show a copy of the current paragraph.

  • Show/Hide title—Show or hide the title of the paragraph. You can edit the title when it’s shown.

  • Show/Hide line numbers—Show or hide line numbers in the code section of the paragraph.

  • Disable run—Disable the Run button for this paragraph.

  • Link this paragraph—Export the paragraph as an iframe and open the iframe in a new window.

  • Clear output—Clear the output section for this paragraph.

  • Remove—Delete the paragraph.