G.1 Changes in Oracle Big Data Appliance Release 4.11

Oracle Big Data Appliance is primarily a maintenance release that includes the following software version updates:

Updated Software

  • Cloudera Enterprise 5.13.1

  • Oracle NoSQL Database Enterprise Edition 4.5.12

  • ODI Agent

  • Oracle Linux 6 and UEK updates. UEK4 updated to UEK4QU5


Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.11 supports Oracle Linux 6 only, for both installations and upgrades. Oracle Linux 5 is not supported in this release and will not be supported in future releases.

Other Software

Revision levels for software other than the Cloudera and Oracle packages listed above remain the same as in Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.10:

  • Oracle Big Data Connectors 4.10

    In previous releases, Oracle Big Data Connectors and Oracle Big Data Appliance have been at the same release level. Note that in Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.11, Oracle Big Data Connectors has not been upgraded and remains at Release 4.10.

  • Big Data SQL 3.2

  • Oracle Big Data Spatial & Graph 2.4

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.7.19

  • Perfect Balance 2.10.0

  • Java JDK 8u141

  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop (ORAAH) 2.7.0 

  • Oracle's R Distribution (ORD) 3.2.0

  • Oracle NoSQL Community Edition 4.4.6

Change Notices

  • Perfect Balance deprecated

    The Perfect Balance feature is deprecated in this release of Oracle Big Data Appliance and may be de-supported in a future release.

  • Patch 27077322 is NOT required for Big Data SQL 3.2

    The previous Oracle Big Data Appliance release (4.10) requires Patch 27077322 in order to install Oracle Big Data SQL 3.2. This patch is not needed for the installation of Oracle Big Data SQL 3.2 on Oracle Big Data Appliance 4.11