5.4.2 Running Job Analyzer as a Standalone Utility

As a standalone utility, Job Analyzer provides a quick way to analyze the reduce load of a previously run job.

To run Job Analyzer as a standalone utility:

  1. Log in to the server where you will run Job Analyzer.

  2. Locate the output logs from the job to analyze:

    Set oracle.hadoop.balancer.application_id to the job ID of the job you want to analyze.

    You can obtain the job ID from the YARN Resource Manager web interface. Click the application ID of a job, and then click Tracking URL. The job ID typically begins with "job_".

    Alternately, if you already ran Perfect Balance or Job Analyzer on this job, you can read the job ID from the application_id file generated by Perfect Balance in its report directory (outdir/_balancer by default).

  3. Run the Job Analyzer utility as described in "Job Analyzer Utility Syntax."

  4. View the Job Analyzer report in a browser.