5.7 About Perfect Balance Reports

Perfect Balance generates these reports when it runs a job:

  • Job Analyzer report: Contains various indicators about the distribution of the load in a job. The report is saved in HTML for you, and XML for Perfect Balance to use. The report is always named jobanalyzer-report.html and -.xml. See "Reading the Job Analyzer Report."

  • Partition report: Identifies the keys that are assigned to the various reducers. This report is saved in JSON for Perfect Balance to use; it does not contain information of use to you. The report is named ${job_output_dir}/_balancer/orabalancer_report.json. It is only generated for balanced jobs.

  • Reduce key metric reports: Perfect Balance generates a report for each file partition, when the appropriate configuration properties are set. The reports are saved in XML for Perfect Balance to use; they do not contain information of use to you. They are named ${job_output_dir}/_balancer/ReduceKeyMetricList-attempt_jobid_taskid_task_attemptid.xml. They are generated only when the counting reducer is used (that is, when Balancer.configureCountingReducer is invoked before job submission.

    See "Collecting Additional Metrics."

The reports are stored by default in the job output directory (${mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir} in YARN. Following is the structure of that directory:
