5.10.1 About the Examples in This Chapter

The InvertedIndex example provides the basis for all examples in this chapter. They use the same data set and run the same MapReduce application. The modifications to the InvertedIndex example simply highlight the steps you must perform in running your own applications with Perfect Balance.

If you want to run the examples in this chapter, or use them as the basis for running your own jobs, then make the following changes:

  • If you are modifying the examples to run your own application, then add your application JAR files to HADOOP_CLASSPATH and -libjars.

  • Ensure that the value of mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.inputdir identifies the location of your data.

    The invindx/input directory contains the sample data for the InvertedIndex example. To use this data, you must first set it up. See "Extracting the Example Data Set."

  • Replace jdoe with your Hadoop user name.

  • Review the configuration setting and the shell script to ensure that they are appropriate for the job.

  • You can run the browser from your laptop or connect to Oracle Big Data Appliance using a client that supports graphical interfaces, such as VNC.