A.3 Changes in Oracle Big Data Connectors Release 4 (4.6)

The following are changes in Oracle Big Data Connectors User's Guide for Oracle Big Data Connectors Release 4 (4.6).

The following table lists the software versions installed with Oracle Big Data Connectors 4.6:

Connector Version

Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS


Oracle Loader for Hadoop


Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders


Oracle XQuery for Hadoop


Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop


Oracle Data Integrator

New and Enhanced Features

  • Oracle Datasource for Apache Hadoop (formerly Oracle Table Access for Apache Hadoop)

    Oracle Datasource for Apache Hadoop (OD4H) is now part of the Oracle Big Data Connectors suite and is licensed for use at no additional cost.

    OD4H turns Oracle Database tables into Hadoop data sources (i.e., external tables), enabling direct, and consistent HiveQL/SparkSQL queries, as well as direct Hadoop API access.

    OD4H optimizes queries execution plans using predicate and projection pushdown as well as partition pruning. Oracle Database table access is performed in parallel using smart and secure connections (Kerberos, SSL,  Oracle Wallet), regulated by both Hadoop (i.e., maximum concurrent tasks) and Oracle DBAs (i.e. , max pool size).

  • Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders 1.1

    Oracle Shell for Hadoop Loaders (OHSH) was introduced recently in Oracle Big Data Data Connectors 4.5. OHSH is an intuitive command line tool for data migration. You can set up resources to connect to Hive, HDFS or Oracle Database and access each of these data sources through OHSH’s uniform interface. Copy to Hadoop users can download OHSH from OTN .

    Changes in this release:

    • Interactive command history is now persistent across OHSH sessions.

    • Support for spooling of OHSH output to a text file. By default the spool file is ohshspool.txt in the directory where OHSH is invoked. Spooling can be turned on, off, or directed to a user-specified file as follows:

      ohsh> spool on
      ohsh> spool off
      ohsh> set spool <filename>
    • New Hive CLI. Beeline is now the CLI for Hive resources. The syntax to create a Hive resource is now as follows.

      ohsh> create hive resource <resource_id> connectionurl=<DQString>

      In this case, if the user has specified the HIVE0_URL variable in bin/ohsh, the command creates a hive0 resource.