
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W  X  Y  Z  


  • Apache Sentry 1
  • application adapters 1
  • applications
    • data pull 1 , 2
    • data push 1
  • authentication 1
  • authorization 1
  • autoAnalyze configuration property 1
  • autoBalance configuration property 1
  • Automated Service Manager 1


  • bdadiag utility 1
  • Berkeley DB 1
  • best practices 1
  • big data description 1
  • business intelligence 1 , 2 , 3
  • byteWeight configuration property 1


  • CDH
    • about 1
    • diagnostics 1
    • file system 1
    • remote client access 1
    • security 1
    • version 1
  • chopped keys 1
  • chunking files 1
  • client access
    • HDFS cluster 1
    • HDFS secured cluster 1
    • Hive 1
  • client configuration 1
  • Cloudera Manager
    • about 1
    • accessing administrative tools 1
    • connecting to 1
    • effect of hardware failure on 1
    • software dependencies 1
    • starting 1
    • UI overview 1
    • version 1
  • Cloudera’s Distribution including Apache Hadoop 1
  • clusters, definition 1
  • confidence configuration property 1
  • Counting Reducer 1


  • DataNode 1
  • data replication 1
  • data skew 1
  • diagnostics, collecting 1
  • disks 1
  • dnsmasq service 1
  • duplicating data 1


  • emcli utility 1
  • enableSorting configuration property 1
  • encryption 1 , 2
  • engineered systems 1
  • Exadata Database Machine 1
  • Exadata InfiniBand connections 1
  • Exalytics In-Memory Machine 1
  • external tables 1


  • failover
    • JobTracker 1
    • NameNode 1
  • feedbackDir configuration property 1
  • files, recovering HDFS 1
  • first NameNode 1
  • Flume 1
  • 1


  • groups 1 , 2


  • HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable 1
  • Hadoop Distributed File System 1
  • hadoop group 1
  • Hadoop version 1
  • HBase 1
  • HDFS
    • about 1 , 2
  • HDFS Transparent Encryption 1
  • help from Oracle Support 1
  • Hive 1
    • about 1
    • client access 1
    • node location 1
    • software dependencies 1
    • tables 1
    • user identity 1
  • hive group 1
  • HiveQL 1
  • HotSpot 1
  • HTTPS/Network Encryption 1
  • Hue 1
    • users 1


  • Impala 1
  • InfiniBand connections to Exadata 1
  • InfiniBand network configuration 1
  • inputFormat.mapred.* configuration properties 1
  • installing CDH client 1


  • Java HotSpot Virtual Machine 1
  • Job Analyzer 1 , 2
  • jobconfPath property 1
  • job duration 1
  • jobHistoryPath configuration property 1
  • JobTracker
    • failover 1
    • security 1
  • JobTracker node 1


  • Kerberos authentication 1
  • Kerberos commands 1
  • Kerberos user setup 1
  • key chopping 1
  • keyLoad.minChopBytes configuration property 1
  • keys, assigning to reducers 1
  • key-value database 1
  • keyWeight configuration property 1
  • knowledge modules 1


  • linearKeyLoad.* configuration properties 1
  • Linux
    • disk location 1
    • installation 1
  • load 1
  • Load Balancer 1
  • loading data 1 , 2
  • login privileges 1


  • map.tasks property 1
  • mapper workload 1
  • configuration property 1
  • mapred configuration properties 1
  • MapReduce 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
  • mapreduce configuration properties 1
  • max.split.size configuration property 1
  • maxLoadFactor configuration property 1
  • maxSamplesPct configuration property 1
  • minChopBytes configuration property 1
  • minSplits configuration property 1
  • multirack clusters
    • service locations 1
  • MySQL Database
    • about 1
    • port number 1
    • user identity 1
    • version 1


  • NameNode 1
    • first 1
  • NameNode failover 1
  • NoSQL databases 1
  • numThreads configuration property 1


  • OASM, port number 1
  • ODI 1
  • oinstall group 1
  • Oozie 1
    • software dependencies 1
  • operating system users 1
  • oracle.hadoop.balancer.* configuration properties 1
  • oracle.hadoop.balancer.Balancer.configureCountingReducer property 1
  • oracle.hadoop.balancer.Balancer class 1
  • oracle.hadoop.balancer.KeyLoadLinear class 1
  • Oracle Automated Service Manager 1
  • Oracle Big Data SQL
    • general description 1
  • Oracle Database Instant Client 1
  • Oracle Data Integrator 1
    • about 1 , 2
    • node location 1
    • software dependencies 1
  • Oracle Data Integrator agent 1
  • Oracle Exadata Database Machine 1 , 2
  • Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine 1
  • Oracle Linux
    • about 1
    • relationship to HDFS 1
    • version 1
  • Oracle Loader for Hadoop 1 , 2
  • Oracle NoSQL Database
    • about 1 , 2
    • port numbers 1
    • version 1
  • Oracle R Advanced Analytics for Hadoop 1 , 2
  • Oracle R Enterprise 1
  • Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS 1
  • Oracle Support, creating a service request 1
  • oracle user 1
  • Oracle XQuery for Hadoop 1 , 2
  • out of heap space errors 1


  • partitioning 1 , 2
  • Perfect Balance
    • application requirements 1
    • basic steps 1
    • description 1
  • planning applications 1
  • port map 1
  • port numbers 1
  • pulling data into Exadata 1 , 2
  • puppet
    • port numbers 1
    • security 1
  • puppet master
    • node location 1
  • pushing data into Exadata 1


  • range partitioning 1
  • R Connector 1
  • R distribution 1
  • recovering HDFS files 1
  • reducer load 1
  • remote client access 1 , 2
  • replicating data 1
  • report.overwrite configuration property 1
  • reportPath configuration property 1
  • resource management 1 , 2
  • R language support 1
  • rowWeight configuration property 1
  • rpc.statd service 1


  • SDP, enabling on Exadata 1
  • SDP listener configuration 1
  • SDP over InfiniBand 1
  • Search 1
  • security 1
  • Sentry 1
  • service requests, creating for CDH 1
  • services
    • node locations 1 , 2
  • service tags 1
  • skew 1
  • Sockets Direct Protocol 1
  • software components 1
  • software framework 1
  • software services
    • node locations 1 , 2
    • port numbers 1
  • Spark 1
  • Sqoop 1
  • ssh service 1


  • tables 1 , 2 , 3
  • tmpDir configuration property 1
  • tools.* configuration properties 1
  • trash facility 1
  • trash facility, disabling 1
  • trash interval 1
  • troubleshooting CDH 1


  • uploading diagnostics 1
  • useClusterStats configuration property 1
  • useMapreduceApi configuration property 1
  • user accounts 1
  • user groups 1
  • users
    • Cloudera Manager 1
    • operating system 1


  • writeKeyBytes configuration property 1


  • xinetd service 1
  • XQuery connector 1


  • YARN support 1


  • zones 1