Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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21520-21559: KOD/KOFD/KOUD (data) Messages

ORA-21520: driver does not exist

Cause: An attempted was made to connect to a persistent store driver that is not linked in.

Action: Check the server name supplied in origrgc(). Check if the driver corresponding to this server name has been linked in and entered in the server table.

ORA-21521: exceeded maximum number of connection

Cause: An attempted was made to exceed the maximum number of connections allowed (255) per OMS instance.

Action: Close some of the existing connections using origurg() before requesting more connections.

ORA-21522: invalid connection number

Cause: There is no connection entry corresponding to this connection number.

Action: Check the connection number and ensure that the connection exists.

ORA-21523: functionality not supported by the server (object mode only)

Cause: An attempt was made to use a functionality that the server does not support.

Action: Upgrade the server.

ORA-21524: object type mismatch

Cause: The type of the object is different from what was specified.

Action: Check the type of the object and correct it.

ORA-21525: attribute number or (collection element at index) num violated its constraints

Cause: Attribute value or collection element value violated its constraint.

Action: Change the value of the attribute or collection element such that it meets its constraints. The constraints are specified as part of the attribute or collection element's schema information.

ORA-21526: initialization failed

Cause: The initialization sequence failed. This can happen, for example, if an environment variable such as NLS_DATE_FORMAT is set to an invalid value.

Action: Check that all NLS environment variables are well-formed.

ORA-21560: argument name should not be null

Cause: The argument is expecting a non-NULL, valid value but the argument value passed in is NULL, invalid, or out of range. Examples include when the LOB/FILE positional or size argument has a value outside the range 1 through (4GB - 1), or when an invalid open mode is used to open a file, etc.

Action: Check your program and correct the caller of the routine to not pass a NULL, invalid, or out-of-range argument value.



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