Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Monitoring User's Guide
Release 1.5.0







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1 Performance Monitoring Applications

Performance Monitoring Overview
Oracle Performance Manager
Oracle Advanced Events
Oracle Lock Manager
Oracle TopSessions
Oracle Tablespace Manager
Starting Performance Monitoring Applications
Starting from the Console
Starting in Standalone Mode
A Typical Performance Monitoring Scenario

Part I Using Oracle Performance Manager

2 Oracle Performance Manager Overview

Starting Oracle Performance Manager
Oracle Performance Manager Main Window
Title Bar
Status Bar
Menu Bar
File Menu
Display Menu
Charts Menu
Record Menu
Help Menu
Using the Right Mouse Button
Chart Types

3 Using Predefined Charts

Default Features of Predefined Charts
Overview of Predefined Charts
Buffer Cache Hit %
Buffer Gets Rate
Data Dict Cache Hit %
File I/O Rate
File I/O Rate Details
Free List Hit %
Library Cache Details
Library Cache Hit %
Memory Allocated
Memory Sort Hit %
Network Bytes Rate
Network I/O Rate
No. of Users Active
No. of Users Logged On
No. of Users Running
No. of Users Waiting
No. of Users Waiting For Locks
Parse Ratio
Read Consistency Hit %
Redo Allocation Hit %
Redo Statistics Rate
Rollback Nowait Hit %
Shared Server
Sort Rows Rate
SQL Area
System I/O Rate
System Stats
Table Access
Table Scan Rows Rate
Tablespace Free Space
Throughput Rate

4 Customizing Display Elements of Charts

Customizing the Chart Display
Displayed 3DChart
Scaling of a Displayed Chart
Customizing the Chart Legend
Chart Legend Menu
Chart Legend Properties Other than Location

5 Defining or Modifying Charts

Defining a New Chart
SQL Statement Page
Display Options Page
Example of Defining a New Chart
Modifying the Basic Definition of a User-defined SQL Chart
Modifying the Basic Definition of a Predefined Chart

6 Displaying Charts in Chart Windows

Chart Window Components
Window Menu
Refresh Menu
Defining a New Chart Window
Modifying an Existing Chart Window

7 Working with Oracle Performance Manager Data

Saving and Reusing Chart and Chart Window Definitions
How Chart and Chart Window Definitions are Saved
Sharing Chart and Chart Window Definitions
Working with Historical Data
Formatting with the Standalone Executable
Deleting an Historical Data Collection

Part II Additional Performance Monitoring Applications

8 Using Oracle Lock Manager

Before You Start Oracle Lock Manager
Starting Oracle Lock Manager
Oracle Lock Manager Main Window
Title Bar
Status Bar
Menu Bar
File Menu
View Menu
Locks Menu
Help Menu
Main Display
Identifying Waiting Sessions

9 Using Oracle TopSessions

Before You Start Oracle TopSessions
Starting Oracle TopSessions
Oracle TopSessions Main Window
Title Bar
Status Bar
Oracle TopSessions Menu Bar
File Menu
View Menu
Sessions Menu
Help Menu
Obtaining an Overview of Session Activity
Using the Right Mouse Button on the Main Display
Sorting the Order of Entries in the Main Display
Viewing Details About a Given Session
Session Details Pages
Session Details General Page
Session Details Statistics Page
Session Details Cursors Page
Displaying an Explain Plan for a User Session
Session Details Locks Page
Session Details Display Refresh Time
Viewing Session Details for Multiple Sessions
Customizing the Session Information You Display
Options Sort Page
Options Refresh Page
Options Count Page
Exiting Oracle TopSessions

10 Using Oracle Tablespace Manager

Starting Oracle Tablespace Manager
Oracle Tablespace Manager Main Window
Title Bar
Status Bar
Main Display
Menu Bar
Obtaining an Overview of Tablespace Storage
Obtaining an Overview of Datafiles in a Tablespace
Monitoring Extents and Segments of a Tablespace
Segments and Extents Information Property Sheet
Reorganizing Objects in a Tablespace
Defining Jobname and Type of Organization
Selecting Objects to Reorganize
Selected Objects with Properties Page
Defining Tablespace Reorganization Options
Defining Scheduling Options
Viewing the Tablespace Reorganization Summary Page
Deallocating Unused Space
Default Options
Selecting Objects to Deallocate Space
Selected Objects with Properties
Setting Job and Schedule Options
Viewing the Tablespace Deallocation Wizard Summary Page
Analyzing a Tablespace
Defining Default Options
Selecting Objects to Analyze
Selected Objects with Properties
Defining Scheduling Options
Viewing the Tablespace Analyzer Summary Page
Joining Adjacent Free Extents in the Database

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