Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Expert User's Guide
Release 1.5.0







A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


access methods
in application tuning, 1-4, 4-9
lack of support for rules-based optimizer, 4-9
support for rules-based optimizer, 4-9
an object, 6-2, 6-9
advantages of Oracle Expert, 12-1
advantages of using Oracle Expert, 1-1
canceling, 7-5
errors during, 7-5
excluding objects from, 7-3, 7-4
Analysis report, 2-7
contents of, 10-2
generating, 10-2
Analysis Report dialog box, 10-2
Analyze page. See tuning session window.
ANALYZE statement
during Schema class collection, 5-20
analyzing data, 2-3, 7-1
Appending to Existing option
workload data, A-9
excluding from an analysis, 7-4
in workload hierarchy, A-5
invalid, 5-34
reason for being invalid, 5-34
used in workload, 6-14
application tuning, 1-4
access methods, 1-4, 4-9
description, 4-8
SQL reuse, 1-4, 4-8
of a database object, 6-9
of an instance object, 6-10
Autotune, 13-1
implementing recommendations, 13-3
starting, 13-2
stopping, 13-2
viewing recommendations, 13-2


base index. See index.
business unit
in workload hierarchy, A-5
used in workload, 6-14


a collection, 5-33
an analysis, 7-5
collecting estimated values, 5-20
collecting exact values, 5-20
collecting for columns, 5-19
collecting for tables, 5-19
collecting using Oracle Expert, 5-15
collecting using SQL ANALYZE, 5-15
cardinality data
in schema tuning, 5-19
cardinality values
importance of, 6-11
children of an object, 6-5, 6-7
viewing, 6-9
class. See collection class.
as schema object, 6-12
reason for being invalid, 5-34
Collect Options property sheet
Database page, 5-7
displaying, 5-3
Environment page, 5-25
Instance page, 5-10
Schema page, 5-16
Workload page, 5-27
Collect page. See tuning session window.
collecting data, 5-1
classes of data, 2-3
incomplete data, 5-33
invalid data, 5-34
unusable data, 5-33
canceling, 5-33
errors during, 5-33
restrictions during, 5-33
collection class
collecting data efficiently, 5-6
Database class, 5-6
description, 5-1
determining whether to collect, 5-4
Environment class, 5-21
Instance class, 5-10
reducing collection time, 5-6
Schema class, 5-15
size of, 5-2
source of, 5-2
summary table, 5-2
volatility of, 5-2
Workload class, 5-27
obtaining cardinality values, 5-19
comprehensive tuning, 4-6
description, 1-5
configuring a new database
initial configuration, 12-2
reconfiguration, 12-3
Connect Repository dialog box, 3-1
to an Oracle Trace database, 5-30
to the repository, 3-1
control parameters, 2-6
description, 4-10
for tuning session, 7-2
providing accurate data, 11-2
selecting values, 4-10, 7-2
Control Parameters page. See New Tuning Session dialog box.
copying an object, 6-8
CPU data
used in Environment class, 5-24
creating a tuning session, 4-1


analyzing, 2-3, 7-1
collecting, 2-3, 5-1
collecting Database class, 5-6
collecting Environment class, 5-21
collecting incomplete, 5-33
collecting Instance class, 5-10
collecting invalid, 5-34
collecting Schema class, 5-15
collecting unusable, 5-33
collecting Workload class, 5-27
editing, 2-3, 6-1
excluding from an analysis, 7-3, 7-4
providing complete and accurate, 11-2
viewing, 2-3, 6-1
data collection. See collecting data.
data dictionary
using in schema tuning, 5-20
identifying, 3-4
privileges Oracle Expert requires to access, 4-4
steps in initial configuration, 12-2
when to configure a new, 12-2
workload, A-1
Database class, 5-6
automatic data collection, 5-9
collecting, 5-6
Database Users category, 5-7
deleting previously collected data for, 5-9
frequency of collection, 5-9
keeping previously collected data for, 5-9
Name/Version category, 5-6
Public Synonyms category, 5-7
recommendations from, 5-7
Tablespaces category, 5-7
when to collect, 5-9
database design
providing information for, 12-3
database object
attribute, 6-9
database user, 6-12
editing, 6-9
instance object, 6-10
public synonym, 6-12
rule, 6-9
schema object, 6-11
tablespace, 6-12
viewing, 6-9
Database page. See Collect Options property sheet.
database performance
examples of poor, A-2
database tuning, 1-2
initial configuration, 12-1
issues, 1-2
of application, 1-4
of instance parameters, 1-3
of structure, 1-4
resolving issues, 1-3
tasks, 1-2
database tuning. See also performance tuning.
database user
as database object, 6-12
Database Users category
of Database class, 5-7
default rules
description, 6-8
an object, 6-7, 6-9
disable tuning rule, 6-10
dynamic performance table, 5-10
using in Database class collection, 5-7


Edit pull-down menu, 6-1
Add option, 6-2
Default_Rules option, 6-8
Delete option, 6-7
Export option, 6-8
Modify option, 6-3
Validate option, 6-7
editing data, 2-3, 6-1
Edit pull-down menu, 6-1
View/Edit page, 6-9
enable tuning rule, 6-10
Environment class, 5-21
collection time not updated, 7-1
CPU data, 5-24
entering data manually, 5-23
frequency of collection, 5-26
importing data from .XDL file, 5-25
memory data, 5-24
operating system data, 5-24
recommendations for, 5-21
when to collect, 5-26
Environment page. See Collect Options property sheet.
possible cause of "table not found" error, 4-4
Estimated/Limit text box
collecting estimated statistics data, 5-20
excluding objects from an analysis, 7-3
Expert Definition Language. See XDL file.
Expert Scan option
collecting cardinality data using, 5-19


focused tuning
application tuning, 1-4, 4-8
access methods, 4-9
SQL tuning, 4-8
description, 1-5
instance tuning, 1-3, 4-7
I/O parameter, 4-7
OS specific parameter, 4-8
parallel query parameter, 4-8
SGA parameter, 4-7
sort parameter, 4-8
structure tuning, 1-4, 4-10
placement, 4-10
sizing, 4-10
frequency, 6-13
frequency value
collecting using Oracle Trace, A-7
collecting using SQL cache, A-7
Full Scan option
collecting exact statistics data, 5-20


generating reports
Analysis report, 10-2
Recommendation Summary report, 10-2
Session Data report, 10-1


historical data
importance of, 5-14, 6-10


I/O parameter
in instance tuning, 1-3, 4-7
Implement page. See tuning session window.
implementation files
description, 9-1
how to use, 9-2
implementation scripts, 2-4, 2-7
location, 9-1
tuning output, 2-7
implementation scripts, 2-4, 2-7
implementing recommendations, 2-4, 9-1
used in workload
description, 6-13
importance value
in workload class, 5-27
in workload data, A-7
possible values for, A-7
specifying for workload elements, A-7
incomplete data
collecting, 5-33
attributes, 6-12
in access method tuning, 4-9
reason for being invalid, 5-34
tuning in access method tuning, 4-9
Index summary style rule, 7-2
initial configuration, 12-2
of a database, 12-1
providing information for, 12-3
recommendations, 12-4
using for tuning recommendations, 9-2
Instance class, 5-10
canceling multiple instance statistics samples, 5-13
collecting, 5-14
collecting multiple instance statistics samples, 5-13
importing from .XDL file, 5-13
instance parameters category, 5-10
Instance Statistics category, 5-10
parameters tuned, 5-15
tuning multiple instances, 5-12
when to collect, 5-14
instance object, 6-10
attribute, 6-10
rule, 6-10
statistics attribute, 6-10
Instance Parameters category of Instance class, 5-10
instance recommendations
implementing, 9-2
instance rules, 6-10
instance statistics
canceling collection of multiple samples, 5-13
collecting multiple samples, 5-13
how instance is performing, 5-12
maintaining history of, 5-12
sample, 5-12
Instance Statistics category
of Instance class, 5-10
instance tuning, 1-3
description, 1-3, 4-7
I/O parameter, 1-3, 4-7
OS specific parameter, 4-8
parallel query parameter, 1-4, 4-8
parallel server parameter, 4-8
recommendations, 5-14
SGA parameter, 1-3, 4-7
sort parameter, 1-4, 4-8
of a rule, 6-5
removing, 6-7
invalid data
application, 5-34
purging invalid requests from, 6-7
cluster, 5-34
collecting, 5-34
deleting, 6-7
discovered during a collection, 5-34
discovered during an analysis, 7-5
excluding from an analysis, 5-34
index, 5-34
request, 5-34
schema, 5-34, 7-5
symbol used to mark, 5-34
table, 5-34
invalid requests
deleting as part of validation, 6-7
removing during workload collection, 5-30, 5-31, 5-32
saving during workload collection, 5-30, 5-31, 5-32


logical device data
deleting previously collected, 5-26
keeping previously collected, 5-26
logical device object, 6-13


matching. See SQL statement matching.
memory data
used in Environment class, 5-24
Edit pull-down, 6-1
Work in Progress dialog box, 1-5
steps in Oracle Expert, 2-1
modifying object rules, 6-3


Name/Version category
of Database class, 5-6
naming of workload elements, A-6
New Tuning Session dialog box
Control Parameters page, 4-10
Scope page, 4-6


adding, 6-2
children of, 6-5, 6-7
deleting, 6-7
excluding from an analysis, 7-3
exporting, 6-8
invalid, 5-34
validating, 6-7
object rules
modifying, 6-3
an existing tuning session, 4-10
operating system data
used in Environment class, 5-24
access method rules addressing, 4-9
lack of rules addressing, 4-9
option, A-9
Oracle Expert
assigning names to workload elements, A-6
Oracle Server
impact of installing new version of, 5-15
Oracle Trace
collecting frequency value, A-7
using to collect workload data, 5-30, A-3
using to format raw data, A-4
Oracle Trace database
collecting workload data from, 5-30
connecting to, 5-30
importing data from, A-4
ORANT, 1-7
OS specific parameter
in instance tuning, 4-8
output. See tuning output.
Overwrite Existing option, 5-9, 5-21, 5-26, 5-32
deleting previously collected workload data, A-8


parallel query option
impact of enabling, 5-9, 5-14
parallel query parameter
in instance tuning, 1-4, 4-8
parallel server option
impact of enabling, 5-9, 5-14
parallel server parameter
in instance tuning, 4-8
parameter file, 2-4
tuning output, 2-7
for instances imported from .XDL files, 5-13
examples of poor, A-2
performance tuning
comprehensive tuning, 1-5
focused tuning, 1-5
application tuning, 1-4
instance tuning, 1-3
structure tuning, 1-4
initial configuration, 1-5
types of, 1-3
performance tuning. See also database tuning.
Personnel session, 1-7
in structure tuning, 1-4, 4-10
required to access a database, 4-4
public synonym
as database object, 6-12
Public Synonyms category of Database class, 5-7


Recommendation Summary report, 2-7
contents of, 10-3
generating, 10-2
Recommendation Summary Report dialog box, 10-3
declining, 8-1
displaying index analysis, 7-2
effect of tuning categories on, 4-5
for initial configuration, 12-4
implementing, 2-4, 9-1
in Analysis report, 10-2
obtaining less conservative, 5-14
reviewing, 2-4, 8-1
generating, 10-1
reports. See also Session Data report, Analysis report.
repository, 3-4
connecting to, 3-1
in workload hierarchy, A-5
invalid, 5-34
used in workload, 6-14
Review Recommendations page. See tuning session window.
reviewing recommendations, 2-4, 8-1
Index summary style, 7-2
Tunable, 7-3
rules, 2-6
advanced, 6-6
general principles of instance, 6-10
instantiating, 6-5
affect, 6-5
of a database object, 6-9
of an instance object, 6-10
online description, 6-6
taking advantage of, 11-3
rules page, 6-5


sample tuning session, 1-7
Save Invalid Requests option
using during workload collection, 5-30, 5-31, 5-32
Scan Columns option
collecting column cardinality, 5-19
deleting previous collected data for, 5-21
keeping previous collected data for, 5-21
reason for being invalid, 5-34, 7-5
Schema category
of Schema class, 5-15
Schema class, 5-15
collecting data from .SQL file, 5-20
collecting data from .XDL file, 5-20
collecting from an instance, 5-19
data tuned, 5-15
frequency of collection, 5-20
recommendations for, 5-16
Schema category, 5-15
specifying schemas to collect, 5-19
specifying tables to collect, 5-19
Statistics category, 5-15
when to collect data for, 5-20
schema object, 6-11
cluster, 6-12
if missing, 6-11
synonym, 6-12
table, 6-11
used in tuning process, 6-11
validating, 6-7
view, 6-12
Schema page. See Collect Options property sheet.
Scope page. See New Tuning Session dialog box.
scope. See tuning scope.
selecting control parameter values, 4-10
impact of installing new version of, 5-15
Session Data report, 2-7
contents of, 10-1
generating, 10-1
Session Data Report dialog box, 10-1
session. See tuning session.
setting the scope of a tuning session, 4-5
SGA parameter in instance tuning, 1-3, 4-7
sizing in structure tuning, 1-4, 4-10
sort parameter in instance tuning, 1-4, 4-8
SQL ANALYZE statistics
collecting during schema collection, 5-15
SQL cache
collecting frequency value, A-7
collecting workload data from, 5-31
SQL Cache option
using during workload collection, 5-31
SQL statement matching, 4-8
SQL statements
collecting data about, A-3
used in workload, A-1
SQL tuning
in application tuning, 1-4, 4-8
SQL statement matching, 4-8
starting Oracle Expert, 3-1
statistics attribute
of an instance object, 6-10
Statistics category
collecting using Oracle Expert, 5-15
collecting using SQL ANALYZE, 5-15
of Schema class, 5-15
a collection, 5-33
an analysis, 7-5
structure tuning, 1-4
description, 1-4, 4-10
placement, 1-4, 4-10
sizing, 1-4, 4-10
as schema object, 6-12
system data
deleting previously collected, 5-26
keeping previously collected, 5-26
System Global Area. See SGA
system object, 6-13


as schema object, 6-11
deleting previously collected data for, 5-21
keeping previously collected data for, 5-21
obtaining cardinality values, 5-19
reason for being invalid, 5-34
used in application tuning, 6-11
as database object, 6-12
Tablespaces category of Database class, 5-7
a collection, 5-33
an analysis, 7-5
in workload hierarchy, A-5
used in workload, 6-14
Tunable rule
defined, 7-3
excluding data from, 7-4
excluding objects from, 7-4
goals for, A-2
iterative, 11-2
tuning category
associated tuning type for, 4-5
used to specify tuning scope, 4-5
tuning input, 2-4, 2-5
control parameters, 2-6
database class, 2-6
environment class, 2-6
instance class, 2-6
rules, 2-6
schema class, 2-6
workload class, 2-6
tuning output, 2-4, 2-7
implementation files, 2-7
parameter file, 2-7
report, 2-7
tuning report
Analysis report, 2-7
Recommendation Summary, 2-7
Session Data report, 2-7
tuning rules
default rules applying to, 6-8
tuning scope
changing, 4-11
on analysis page, 7-1
refining, 11-1
setting, 4-5
tuning session
collecting data, 5-1
creating, 4-1
creating, using Tuning Session wizard, 4-1
deleting, 4-11
modifying, 4-11
opening an existing, 4-10
representative workload in, A-2
resuming, 4-10
setting the scope, 2-2, 4-5
tuning session window
Analyze page, 7-1
Collect page, 5-1
Implement page, 9-1
Review Recommendations page, 8-1
View/Edit page, 6-1
Tuning Session wizard, 4-1
tuning type
associated tuning categories for, 4-5


unusable data
collecting, 5-33
for instances imported from .XDL files, 5-13
impact of adding new, 5-9, 5-15


V$ tables. See dynamic performance table.
schema object, 6-7
workload object, 6-7
as schema object, 6-12
View/Edit page
using with Edit pull-down menu, 6-9
View/Edit page. See also tuning session window.
viewing data, 2-3, 6-1
viewing data. See also editing data.


Work in Progress dialog box, 1-5
application, 6-13, 6-14
business unit, 6-14
database, A-1
description, 5-27, 6-13
importance, 6-13
managing, A-1
naming of elements in a, A-6
overwriting existing applications, 5-32
representative, A-2
request, 6-14
transaction, 6-14
workload analysis
in access method tuning, 4-9
Workload class, 5-27
exporting, 5-31
frequency of collection, 5-32
importance values, 5-27
naming of elements in, A-6
options, 5-32
recommendations for, 5-27
ways to collect data, 5-32
workload data
appending to, A-9
collecting, A-3
naming of elements, A-6
overwriting, A-8
providing, A-4
replacing, A-8
used in application tuning, A-1
used in structure tuning, A-1
using Oracle Trace to collect, 5-30
workload hierarchy
categories, A-5
workload object
validating, 6-7
Workload page. See Collect Options property sheet.


XDL file
importing database class from, 5-9
importing Environment class from, 5-25
importing Instance class from, 5-13
adding password data for instance, 5-13
adding username data for instance, 5-13
importing Schema class from, 5-20
importing workload class from, 5-31

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