Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Trace Developer's Guide
Release 1.5.0







A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


Administrative mode, 5-1
analyzing the collected data, 3-8
application programming interface (API), A-2
adding Oracle Trace API calls, 3-3
ApplReg event, B-13
architecture of Oracle Trace, 2-1, A-3
ATM sample application, E-1
running, E-2


binary files
formatting, 3-7


calling Oracle Trace routines, 7-3
.cdf file, 2-3
limiting size of, 3-7
naming, 3-6
See command-line interface
analyzing the data, 3-8
definition of, 2-3
deleting files from, 2-9
deleting formatted data from, 2-9, 6-6
flushing from record cache, 7-40
format status of, 6-3
formatting files from, 2-6, 2-8
limiting size of, 3-7
managing, 3-6, 7-19
preparing for, 3-4, 7-45
starting, 2-5, 2-7, 3-6, 7-19
stopping, 2-5, 2-8, 3-6, 7-12
collection definition file
See .cdf file
collection ID, 3-8
command-line interface, 2-7
using to format data, 6-5
compiling instrumented applications, 3-7
connection events
Connection event, B-11
reporting, 6-12
control information
tables for, D-2
cross-product items
assigning value to, 4-4, 7-15
correlating events with, 4-4
list of, 4-3
passing to remote processes, 4-4, 7-42


.dat files, 2-3
formatting, 3-7
list of, A-1
naming, 3-6
data collection file
See .dat files
data structures, 7-3
database activity
estimating, 6-16
datatypes, 7-3
supported by Oracle Trace, D-1
deleting .cdf files, 2-9
deleting formatted data, 2-9, 6-6
designing the data model, 3-1, 3-2
Disconnect event, B-11
duration events, 2-2
adding to .fdf file, 5-6
naming, 3-8
recording, 3-5, 7-31, 7-56
removing end event items, 5-7
removing start event items, 5-7


editing event sets, 5-10
editing events, 5-8
editing product definitions, 5-10
elapsed function
defining, 6-10
epc_add_reg_id routine, 7-9
epc_cancel routine, 3-6, 7-12
epc_cf_value routine, 7-15
epc_check_ef routine, 7-17
epc_collect routine, 3-6, 7-19
epc_collection table, D-3
epc_context routine, 4-7, 7-25
epc_delete_context routine, 7-27
epc_drop_fac routine, 7-29
epc_end_event routine, 3-5, 7-31
epc_event routine, 3-5, 7-36
epc_event table, D-4
epc_event_item table, D-5
epc_facility table, D-3
epc_facility_registration table, D-5
epc_flush routine, 7-40
epc_get_cf_items routine, 7-42
epc_init routine, 2-4, 3-4, 7-45
epc_item table, D-4
epc_process table, D-3
epc_remove_reg_id routine, 7-51
epc_set_cf_items routine, 7-54
epc_start_event routine, 3-5, 7-56
ErrorStack event, B-12
estimating database activity, 6-16
event sets, 4-5
adding to product definition, 5-8
creating, 5-8
definition of, 2-3
editing for product definition, 5-10
removing from .fdf file, 5-10
Event Statistics Block, B-11
event tables, D-6
adding duration events, 5-6
adding point events, 5-7
ApplReg, B-13
Connection, B-11
correlating, 4-4
definition of, 2-2
Disconnect, B-11
editing, 5-8
ErrorStack, B-12
Execute, B-16
Fetch, B-16
in ATM sample application, E-2
in SQL*Net 2.3, C-1
LogicalTX, B-17
Migration, B-12
Parse, B-15
PhysicalTX, B-18
recording, 3-4
removing from a class, 5-9
removing from .fdf file, 5-8
RowSource, B-13
SQLSegment, B-14
types of, 2-2
Wait, B-15
Execute event, B-16


.fdf file
adding duration events, 5-6
adding event sets, 5-8
adding items, 5-3
adding point events, 5-7
creating, 2-2, 5-2
describing contents of, 3-3
editing, 5-10
editing event sets, 5-10
editing events, 5-8
editing items, 5-5
flushing collection buffers, 3-6
frequency reports, 6-12
removing event sets, 5-10
removing events, 5-8
removing items, 5-5
server event set values, 2-7
Fetch event, B-16
flushing record cache, 7-40
format database, D-1
formatting .cdf files, 2-8
formatting data, 6-3
using command-line interface, 6-5
using Oracle Trace Manager, 6-4


See registration IDs, vendor ID, collection ID, process ID
images installed by Oracle Trace, A-2
defining, 3-8, 6-7
items, 4-1
of Oracle Server, B-1
of sample application, E-1
of SQL*Net 2.3, C-1
See application programming interface, command-line interface
items, 2-2, 3-2
adding to .fdf file, 5-3
cross-product, 4-2 to 4-4
definition of, 2-2
editing, 5-5
product-specific, 3-5
removing from
duration events, 5-7
event sets, 5-9
point events, 5-7
product definition files, 5-5
resource, 2-2, 4-1


logical transactions
frequency of, 6-12
LogicalTX event, B-17


managing collections, 3-6, 7-19
Migration event, B-12
MSB file, 5-5
multi-thread support, 4-6


naming conventions, 3-8
See SQL*Net


Oracle Server events, B-1
Oracle SQL*Net 2.3 events, C-1
Oracle Trace commands
otrccol dcf, 2-9
otrccol dfd, 2-9
otrccol format, 2-8
otrccol start, 2-7
otrccol stop, 2-8
otrcfmt, 6-5, 6-9
otrcrep, 6-1
Oracle Trace database
format of, D-1
Oracle Trace formatter tables, D-1
creating, 3-7
Oracle Trace Manager, 1-2, 5-2
Add Duration Event dialog box, 5-6
Add Item dialog box, 5-3
Create Product property page, 5-2, 5-3, 5-5
deleting formatted data with, 6-6
formatting data with, 6-4
Oracle Trace reporting utility, 6-1
See also reports
Oracle Trace routines, 7-1
calling, 7-3
data structures, 7-3
datatypes used, 7-3
See also entries under epc_
types of parameters, 7-6
otrccol commands, 2-7 to 2-9
otrcdtl.sql script, 6-11
otrcfmt command, 6-5, 6-9
otrcfunc.sql script, 6-10
otrcrep command, 6-1
otrcrpt1.sql script, 6-12
otrcrpt2.sql script, 6-12
otrcrpt3.sql script, 6-12
otrcrpt4.sql script, 6-13
otrcrpt5.sql script, 6-13
otrcrpt6.sql script, 6-14
otrcrpt7.sql script, 6-14
otrcrpt8.sql script, 6-16
otrcrpt9.sql script, 6-16
otrcrpta.sql script, 6-16
otrcsyn.sql script, 6-9


in Oracle Trace routines, 7-6
of Oracle Trace formatting utility, 6-5
of Oracle Trace reporting utility, 6-2
Parse event, B-15
.phd file, A-1
PhysicalTX event, B-18
point events, 2-2
adding to .fdf file, 5-7
naming, 3-8
recording, 3-5, 7-36
removing items from, 5-7
process ID, 3-8
product definition file
adding duration events, 5-6
adding items, 5-3
adding point events, 5-7
creating, 5-2
definition of, 2-2
See also .fdf file
product hierarchy definition file
See .phd file
product-specific items, 2-2


querying formatted data, 6-7


recording an event, 3-4
registration IDs, 4-5
assigning, 4-5
restricting data collection with, 2-8
event sets from .fdf file, 5-10
events from .fdf file, 5-8
items from duration events, 5-7
items from .fdf file, 5-5
items from point events, 5-7
defining elapsed function, 6-10
defining indexes, 6-7
defining synonyms, 6-9
format of Oracle Trace database, D-1
frequency, 6-12
generic templates, 6-11
occurrence, 6-12
optimizing performance of, 6-7
producing, 6-1
specialized, 6-13
statistical, 6-13
resource items, 2-2, 4-1
See Oracle Trace routines
RowSource event, B-13


sample application, E-1
sample script, 6-7
otrcdtl.sql, 6-11
otrcfunc.sql, 6-10
otrcrpt1.sql, 6-12
otrcrpt2.sql, 6-12
otrcrpt3.sql, 6-12
otrcrpt4.sql, 6-13
otrcrpt5.sql, 6-13
otrcrpt6.sql, 6-14
otrcrpt7.sql, 6-14
otrcrpt8.sql, 6-16
otrcrpt9.sql, 6-16
otrcrpta.sql, 6-16
otrcsyn.sql, 6-9
providing, 3-8
sample, 6-7
software developer's kit, 5-1
SQL library cache performance, 6-14
SQL scripts
See scripts
SQL statements
summary data table, 6-11
event names, 6-16
events, C-3
user events, 6-16
SQL*Plus commands
DEFINE, 6-11, 6-12
SQLSegment event, B-14
starting a collection, 2-5, 2-7
stopping a collection, 2-5, 2-8
defining, 6-9


Collection, D-3
Event, D-4
Event Item, D-5
Facility Registration, D-5
Item, D-4
naming, 3-8
Process, D-3
Product, D-3
timestamps, 3-8, 6-10


vendor ID, 3-3, 7-7
vobsh command, 6-4, D-1


Wait event, B-15
wait times, 6-13

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