Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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Oracle Trace Messages

EPC-00000 to EPC-00400: Server Messages

The following errors are Oracle Trace error messages on the server side including the CLI, services, formatter, and reporter.

EPC-00002: Bad facility ID passed.

Cause: An invalid product ID was passed.

Action: Supply a valid product ID between 1 and 999999.

EPC-00003: Bad facility version passed.

Cause: An invalid product version number was passed.

Action: Supply a product version number not greater than 11.

EPC-00004: Bad facility registration ID.

Cause: An invalid product registration ID was passed.

Action: Supply a product registration ID not greater than 256.

EPC-00006: Collection(s) has been disabled.

Cause: The collection has been stopped or an event is not being collected.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00007: Facility version required.

Cause: A product version number was not specified.

Action: Specify a product version number.

EPC-00008: epc_init called twice for this facility.

Cause: The epc_init routine has already been called for the product.

Action: Check code path to verify epc_init is being called only once and in the correct location.

EPC-00009: No data capture file exists.

Cause: There is no data file for the collection.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00011: Oracle TRACE software not installed.

Cause: The Oracle Trace software is not installed.

Action: Install the Oracle Trace software.

EPC-00015: Not enough heap space.

Cause: Oracle Trace has run out of memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00016: Bad minimum event.

Cause: The event number is less than the minimum event specified in the FDF.

Action: Specify a valid minimum event number.

EPC-00017: Bad maximum event.

Cause: The event number is greater than the maximum event specified in the FDF.

Action: Specify a valid maximum event number.

EPC-00019: Could not attach to shared mem.

Cause: Oracle Trace could not attach to shared memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00020: Could not get access to mem.

Cause: This error indicates that Oracle Trace is unable to extend the size of one of its memory mapped administrative .dat files, when the file has become full. This is only a Windows NT issue. On other platforms, the files are extended as needed with no user action needed.

Action: The user must wait for currently running Oracle Trace collections to be completed to free up space on the *.dat files. If no Oracle Trace collections are running, the user may run the otrccref image to create new,empty dat files,and if desired, may specify optional larger file sizes when otrccref is run.

EPC-00023: Facility not collecting.

Cause: A collection is active, but the product is not part of it.

Action: Verify the correct product version was specified for the collection.

EPC-00024: Could not detach the sharedmem.

Cause: Oracle Trace cannot detach from the shared memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00030: Collection not found.

Cause: A cancellation was attempted for a collection that is not found.

Action: Supply the name of a collection that exists.

EPC-00034: Error while creating mutex.

Cause: An error was encountered while creating mutex.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00035: Illegal record length.

Cause: An illegal record length was encountered on the epc_event call.

Action: Refer to the Oracle Trace User's Guide for information on valid record lengths in the epc_event call.

EPC-00036: Bad event passed.

Cause: An invalid event number was passed.

Action: Supply a valid event number.

EPC-00037: No event specified.

Cause: A 0 was specified for the event.

Action: Supply a valid event number.

EPC-00038: No handle specified.

Cause: A 0 was specified for the handle on the start_event or end_event call.

Action: Supply a handle address on the call.

EPC-00039: Event specified not collecting.

Cause: The product is collecting, but the event is not.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00040: Error writing to DCF.

Cause: The data cannot be written to the data collection file.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space and that file protections are correct.

EPC-00043: Error obtaining mutex lock.

Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to obtain a mutex lock.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00044: Error unlocking mutex.

Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to unlock mutex.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00046: General Error Message.

Cause: An error has occurred for which the cause is unknown.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00047: Bad thread.

Cause: An invalid thread value was passed.

Action: Refer to the Oracle Trace User's Guide for information on valid thread values.

EPC-00048: No thread.

Cause: There was no thread passed and one was expected.

Action: Pass a thread.

EPC-00049: thread_id not current thread.

Cause: Context to the current thread has not been set.

Action: Set context to the current thread.

EPC-00050: Bad event record arg passed.

Cause: An invalid event record argument was passed.

Action: Check the code and correct the argument value.

EPC-00051: Regid does not exist.

Cause: An epc_remove_reg_id call was made for a regid that does not exist.

Action: Supply a valid regid.

EPC-00053: Regid already exists.

Cause: The regid specified in the epc_add_reg_id call already exists.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00054: Facility limit exceeded.

Cause: The limit of 5 active facilities collecting at a time was exceeded.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00055: Error opening dcf.

Cause: Oracle Trace encountered an error while attempting to open the data collection file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00056: Error opening cdf filename.

Cause: Oracle Trace encountered an error while attempting to open the specified collection definition file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00057: Bad cf item number.

Cause: An invalid cross-product item number was specified.

Action: Supply a cross-product number from 1 through 14.

EPC-00058: epc_init call required.

Cause: An epc_init call was expected, but not found.

Action: Check the code to verify a call to epc_init is made in the correct place.

EPC-00062: Collection already active.

Cause: The specified collection is already active.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00063: Error reading fdf file.

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to read the FDF file specified on the epc_collect call.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00064: Error creating dcf.

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the data collection file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00065: Error creating cdf filename.

Cause: An error was encountered while creating the specified collection definition file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00066: Error writing cdf filename.

Cause: An error was encountered while writing to the specified collection definition file.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space and that file protections are correct. Otherwise, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00067: Error opening fdf.

Cause: An error was encountered while opening the product definition file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00068: Seek error in cdf.

Cause: A seek error was encountered in the collection definition file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00069: get os name machine name err.

Cause: The operating system could not be identified.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00070: get host name err.

Cause: The host name could not be identified.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00071: max_event must be > 0.

Cause: An invalid maximum event was specified on the epc_init call.

Action: Supply a maximum event greater than 0.

EPC-00072: returned_eflags required.

Cause: The returned eventflags parameter was expected but not found on the epc_init call.

Action: Supply the required information on the epc_init call.

EPC-00073: Bad offset value.

Cause: An invalid offset value was supplied on the epc_init call.

Action: Supply a valid offset value.

EPC-00074: shmem ID or filename req.

Cause: A shared memory ID or filename was expected but not found on the epc_init call.

Action: Supply the required information on the epc_init call.

EPC-00075: Filename required.

Cause: A filename was expected but not found.

Action: Supply a filename.

EPC-00076: predefined_eventflags required.

Cause: The predefined_eventflags parameter was expected but not found on the epc_init call.

Action: Supply the required information on the epc_init call.

EPC-00077: Bad option value.

Cause: An invalid option was specified on the epc_init call.

Action: Supply a valid option on the epc_init call.

EPC-00078: Not yet implemented.

Cause: This feature is not yet implemented.

Action: Do not use this feature. No action required.

EPC-00079: File append failed.

Cause: Disk space exceeded while creating the collection definition file.

Action: Increase disk space.

EPC-00080: File append seek failed.

Cause: Disk space exceeded while creating the collection definition file.

Action: Increase disk space.

EPC-00081: Append write failed.

Cause: Disk space exceeded while creating the collection definition file.

Action: Increase disk space.

EPC-00082: Append write failed.

Cause: Disk space exceeded while creating the collection definition file.

Action: Increase disk space.

EPC-00083: Error creating fdf.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00084: Memory mapping failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00085: Memory unmapping failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00086: Memory map req before unmap.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00087: Beginning CLI job...

Cause: This condition is used to signal the beginning of a CLI job. It is not an error.

Action: None.

EPC-00088: Call to lsf package failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00089: event_id exceeds max_event specified on epc_init.

Cause: The event_id is greater than the maximum specified on epc_init.

Action: Supply a valid event_id.

EPC-00090: Error writing version record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00093: Internal error: invalid argument.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00094: System timestamp call failed.

Cause: Oracle Trace could not get the system timestamp.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00095: Error adding new Reg ID record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00096: Error closing Reg ID file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00097: Error creating new Reg ID file.

Cause: User may not have write access to the directory where Oracle Trace .dat files are to be located, for example, $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin.

Action: Provide access to the directory or contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00098: Error deleting Reg ID.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00099: Error deleting Reg ID details.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support

EPC-00100: Error finding free slot for new Reg ID detail record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00101: Error finding primary Reg ID record for specified process.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00102: Error fetching Reg ID data for specified process.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00103: Invalid Reg ID context.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00104: Invalid/inconsistent Reg ID data.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00105: Invalid Reg ID string, eg too long.

Cause: The registration ID string supplied is invalid (probably too long)

Action: Supply a valid registration ID string.

EPC-00106: Error finding next Reg ID record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00107: Error finding next Reg ID detail record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00108: Error opening Reg ID file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00109: Error reading a Reg ID record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00110: Error reading Reg ID file header.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00111: Reg ID environment variable error, eg not defined.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00112: Error setting file extend_count.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00113: Error during add of new COL record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00114: Error during close of COL file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00115: Bad/missing COL file env variable.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00116: Collection already exists in file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00117: Error creating COL file.

Cause: User may not have write access to the directory where Oracle Trace .dat files are to be located, for example, $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin.

Action: Provide access to the directory or contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00118: Error deleting COL record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00119: Error finding specified COL record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00120: Invalid/undefined COL context.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00121: Invalid/undefined collection name.

Cause: For Oracle Trace operations such as "start collection", a user-supplied collection name is required, but may not have been provided.

Action: Make sure a collection name has been supplied. If so, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00122: Error getting next COL record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00123: Error during open of COL file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00124: Error reading COL record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00125: Error reading COL file header.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00126: Error setting COL file extend_count.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00127: Facility eventflag update error.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00128: Process eventflag update error.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00129: Error adding PRO record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00130: Error closing PRO file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00131: Error creating PRO file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00132: Error in delete/free of PRO rec.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00133: Completed CLI job.

Cause: This condition is used to signal the completion of a CLI job. It is not an error.

Action: None.

EPC-00134: Error adding PRO_REGID to PRO_FAC.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00135: Error deleting PRO_REGID.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00136: get registrar PID from PRO failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00137: Invalid/undefined PRO file context.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00138: fetch of next PRO record failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00139: Error during open of PRO file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00140: Read of PRO file record failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00141: Error during read (map) of PRO hdr.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00142: Set of PRO file extend_count failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00143: Update of PRO record failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00147: Job ID not specified.

Cause: User-provided job ID for CLI start and stop collection functions was not supplied; else internal Oracle Trace error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00148: Collection status is: Active.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00149: Collection status is: Undefined.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00150: Collection status is: Active.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error, which should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00151: Deleted collection cdf and dat files.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00152: Error opening input parameter file.

Cause: May be due to parameter file required by Oracle Trace CLI not having been provided by the user; else it is an Oracle Trace internal error.

Action: If missing parameter file can be provided, then do so; else contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00153: Invalid or ambiguous CLI command specified.

Cause: Oracle Trace CLI was provided with incorrect or incomplete command verb, or no command at all.

Action: Provide complete CLI command verb, for example "start" to start collection.

EPC-00154: Invalid/missing restriction.

Cause: The CLI found input restriction record with either missing or otherwise invalid value.

Action: If restriction input is to be used with CLI, make sure it is complete.

EPC-00155: Maximum number of restrictions exceeded.

Cause: More than maximum number of restriction records was provided as input by CLI user (maximum is currently 5).

Action: Reduce input restrictions provided as CLI parameters.

EPC-00156: Oracle home parameter not supplied.

Cause: The ORACLE_HOME environment variable has not been defined and is required by the Oracle Trace CLI.

Action: Define ORACLE_HOME and rerun CLI function.

EPC-00157: Collection started.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00158: Collection completed.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00159: Username/password (or service name) not supplied.

Cause: For Oracle database access, for example, to format Oracle Trace data, the user must supply a valid database account username, password, and database service name to form a complete Oracle database connect string.

Action: Supply the missing connect string component.

EPC-00160: Error activating collection.

Cause: Oracle Trace could not activate the collection.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00161: Error modifying cdf file.

Cause: An error occurred while activating the collection.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the CDF and FDF.

EPC-00162: Error with fdf file in activate collection.

Cause: An error occurred while activating the collection.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the CDF and FDF.

EPC-00163: Error translating ORACLE_HOME.

Cause: An error occurred while translating the environment logical ORACLE_HOME.

Action: Check your ORACLE_HOME definition or see your DBA.

EPC-00164: Error in product admin directory name translation.

Cause: An error occurred while translating the environment logical ORACLE_HOME.

Action: Check your ORACLE_HOME definition or see your DBA.

EPC-00165: Error in product directory name translation.

Cause: An error occurred while translating the environment logical ORACLE_HOME.

Action: Check your ORACLE_HOME definition or see your DBA.

EPC-00166: Error canceling collection.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00167: Collection file reached limit.

Cause: The maximum filesize specified when the collection was started has been exceeded.

Action: No action required. For future collections, increase the maximum filesize.

EPC-00168: Error getting filepath off ORACLE_HOME.

Cause: An error occurred while translating the environment logical ORACLE_HOME.

Action: Check your ORACLE_HOME definition or see your DBA.

EPC-00169: Error deleting cdf file.

Cause: Signaled by Oracle Trace CLI if an error occurred while attempting to delete a collection's .cdf file, most likely caused by file not existing (that is, already deleted), or file protection.

Action: Verify that the file exists; fix protection if necessary.

EPC-00170: Error deleting collection dat file.

Cause: Signaled by Oracle Trace CLI if an error occurred while attempting to delete a collection's .dat file, most likely caused by file not existing (that is, already deleted), or file protection.

Action: Verify that the file exists; fix protection if necessary.

EPC-00171: Tcl scan error.

Cause: Oracle Trace CLI error occurred scanning an input parameter; this is an internal error that should not be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00175: Trace CLI image not found or not executable.

Cause: The Oracle Trace CLI image otrccol does not exist in ORACLE_HOME/bin, or access to it is denied.

Action: If the image exists, set protection to allow execution; if it doesn't, check with person responsible for Oracle installations on that system, or call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00176: Format completed.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00177: Format started.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00178: Tcl job name not specified.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal message that should not be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00179: Collection stopped by user action or max filesize (or error).

Cause: Returned by Oracle Trace CLI, this message indicates that either the user has explicitly stopped a collection, or the collection has been terminated due to a full disk or some other error condition.

Action: If the user did not stop the collection, check disk use; then contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00180: Delete of formatted data started.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00181: Delete of formatted data completed.

Cause: This is a success message.

Action: None required.

EPC-00182: An OCI database access error occurred.

Cause: Error occurred during Oracle Trace CLI database access.

Action: See EPC_ERROR.LOG file for details, and proceed from there.

EPC-00220: Could not find item.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00224: Error writing to report file.

Cause: Oracle Trace could not write data to the Report file.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space and that file protections are correct.

EPC-00225: time() error.

Cause: The Oracle Trace reporter could not get the time from the system.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00226: localtime() error.

Cause: The Oracle Trace reporter could not get the local time from the system.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00227: Seek error trying to find first fac_regid.

Cause: The Oracle Trace reporter encountered a seek error while looking for the first product registration ID.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00228: Could not find matching facility.

Cause: The Oracle Trace reporter could not find the specified product.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00229: eveite record found before eve record.

Cause: The Oracle Trace reporter found an item record before an event record.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00230: Event record not found.

Cause: The Oracle Trace reporter could not find the event record.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00233: Error allocating %s in %s.

Cause: A memory allocation error has occurred.

Action: Check the use of memory in your application. If there is no problem there, Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00234: Could not calloc Memory.

Cause: A memory allocation error has occurred.

Action: Check the use of memory in your application. If there is no problem there, Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00235: filename.dat File Not Found.

Cause: The data file could not be found, probably because it was deleted and no longer exists.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00236: filename.cdf File Not Found.

Cause: The collection definition file could not be found, probably because it was deleted and no longer exists.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00237: Unknown record in cdf file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00238: Error reading .cdf file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00240: Invalid justification in insert field.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00241: Consistency error in insert field.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF and .DAT files.

EPC-00242: Can't open file filename.

Cause: The file specified cannot be opened.

Action: Check that the file protections are correct.

EPC-00243: Can't create file filename.

Cause: The file specified cannot be created.

Action: Check that the file protections are correct.

EPC-00245: Map error in filename.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00246: Error updating eventflags.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00247: Error reading .fdf file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00248: Unknown record in cdf file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the .CDF file.

EPC-00251: Append seek operation failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00252: Append read failed.

Cause: Oracle Trace encountered an error reading a file during an FDF append operation.

Action: Check that the protections are correct for the FDF specified when the collection was activated.

EPC-00253: Append write failed.

Cause: Oracle Trace encountered an error writing to a file during an FDF append operation.

Action: Check that the protections are correct for the FDF specified when the collection was activated. If that is not the problem; check that there is sufficient disk space.

EPC-00257: Read error.

Cause: Oracle Trace has encountered an error while trying to read a file.

Action: If the file protections are correct and the problem still occurs, then this is a Trace internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00258: Write error in filename.

Cause: Oracle Trace has encountered an error while trying to read a file.

Action: If the file protections are correct and the problem still occurs, then this is a Trace internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00259: Seek Error in filename.

Cause: Oracle Trace has encountered an error while trying to read a file.

Action: If the file protections are correct and the problem still occurs, then this is a Trace internal error. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00260: Error extending file.

Cause: Oracle Trace could not extend the file.

Action: Check that there is sufficient disk space and that file protections are set correctly.

EPC-00261: Map read error in filename.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00262: Map write error in filename.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00263: Map lock error.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00264: Bad file pointer.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00266: Error unlocking mutex in collection name.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00267: Flush error number:number, occurred in collection name.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00268: Error acquiring lock.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00269: Error testing lock.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00270: Error unmapping file in name.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00271: Error updating filename file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00281: Logic error in filename.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00282: Error accessing COL file in name.

Cause: This error could indicate a potential protection problem on the collect.dat file. If the protections are correct, then this is an Oracle Trace internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00283: Error starting collection name.

Cause: This error could indicate a protection problem on the CDF or FDF files.

Action: There should be other error messages displayed along with this message. Take the actions indicated for those messages.

EPC-00284: Error in FDF file.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Submit a bug report along with the FDF file.

EPC-00285: Error in FDF file, it's empty.

Cause: This error could be due to the FDF file having been edited or corrupted in some way.

Action: Get another copy of the FDF from another node.

EPC-00286: Error appending fdf,cdf file for collection name.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the FDF and CDF files available for review.

EPC-00287: Unexpected record found in fdf processing.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the FDF file available for review.

EPC-00290: gethostname call failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00291: Unable to find free space for process record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00296: uname system call failed.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00297: Error writing to data file filename.

Cause: The data file has protection problems or is full.

Action: Correct any protection problems if necessary. Otherwise, this is an Oracle Trace internal error and you should contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00298: Error locking mutex in name.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00299: Offset number does not match an active collection.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00300: Collection name does not match an active collection.

Cause: The collection cannot be stopped because it does not exist.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00301: Collection name found but not active.

Cause: The collection has already been stopped.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00305: Error finding free collection entry.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00306: No data to report from file filename.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace Reporter error that indicates there could be protection problems on the .DAT file or that there were no processes running from which to collect data.

Action: Check the protections on the .DAT file. Otherwise, no action required.

EPC-00307: Error during Oracle Commit.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00308: Error executing Oracle Statement.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00309: Error parsing filename.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the .CDF and .DAT files available for review.

EPC-00310: Error opening message file.

Cause: This error could indicate a protection problem on the message file.

Action: Check that the message file protections are correct. Otherwise, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00311: Error creating EPC_PRO process file.

Cause: This is an installation error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00313: Error creating EPC_COL collection file.

Cause: This is an installation error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00314: Error reading dcf body.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the CDF and .DAT files available for review.

EPC-00315: Error creating start handle record.

Cause: This error indicates a problem with Reporter memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the .CDF and .DAT files available for review.

EPC-00316: Error finding process record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the CDF and .DAT files available for review.

EPC-00318: Error creating data file filename.

Cause: This error could indicate a disk space problem.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space. Otherwise, Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00319: Missing required start collection user information.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00322: Error creating process report file.

Cause: This indicates that the Process report could not be created. It could be due to a disk space or protection problem.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space and that protections are set correctly. Otherwise, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00323: Process record not found to match facility registration record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, and have the CDF and .DAT files available for review.

EPC-00330: Invalid search directory arguments.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00331: Error opening Facility Definition Directory file.

Cause: This error could be due to protection problems on the otrace/admin/fdfdir.dat filespec.

Action: If the protections are correct and the problem still exists, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00332: Error allocating memory for facility info record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00334: Error allocating memory for list of facility info pointers.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00335: Error allocating memory for fdf record.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00337: Usage: command [-w[wid] -l[len] -P -p[pid] -h] input_file [output_dir]

Cause: The Oracle Trace Report command was incorrectly used.

Action: Resubmit the command using the correct parameters in the correct order.

EPC-00338: Error deleting unused process record: offset number.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00339: Error deleting unused collection: offset number.

Cause: This is an Oracle Trace internal error. It should never be returned.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPC-00342: Id for collection id not found in database (re-run with -f).

Cause: The Oracle Formatter could not find the specified collection ID in the data file.

Action: Rerun the Reporter and specify the -f parameter to format the entire data file.

EPC-00344: No new data to format. Exiting.

Cause: An attempt was made to format a data file that contains no new data.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00349: Error starting Oracle database collection. See EPC_ERROR.LOG on server system.

Cause: There are several causes for this error.

Action: Refer to EPC_ERROR.LOG for the specific error number.

EPC-00350: Aborting format of collection_id id. Delete from database and reformat.

Cause: There are several causes for this message. It could be just an informational message and not an error message if the user canceled the Format operation.

Action: Re-execute the Format command and specify the -f parameter to reformat data that had already been formatted before the abort took place.

EPC-00351: Format stopped by user.

Cause: The Oracle Trace Format operation was stopped.

Action: No action required.

EPC-00352: File exists, select a new name.

Cause: The filename specified already exists.

Action: Supply a new filename.

EPCW-00000 to EPCW-00999: User Interface Messages

The following critical error messages are generated by the Oracle Trace Manager.

EPCW-00001: Database error.

Cause: A problem was encountered while accessing the database.

Action: Depends on additional information supplied in the error message itself.

EPCW-00002: Error starting new collection.

Cause: A problem was encountered while trying to submit a job to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00003: Error creating collection input file.

Cause: A problem was encountered while creating/writing to the collection's input file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00004: Error opening collection script file.

Cause: A problem was encountered while trying to find the Oracle Trace job tcl file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00005: Error Accessing Oracle Enterprise Manager Discovery Cache.

Cause: A problem was encountered while accessing the Oracle Enterprise Manager discovery cache.

Action: Verify that Oracle Enterprise Manager is running and that the version is compatible with the version of Oracle Trace.

EPCW-00006: Error registering Oracle Trace for status change notifications.

Cause: A problem was encountered while trying to register the Oracle Trace active object.

Action: Verify that the Oracle Trace registry entries are correct.

EPCW-00007: Warning - The Destination Database is Unknown to Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Cause: The database specified by the user was not found in the Oracle Enterprise Manager discovery cache.

Action: None. This is a warning.

EPCW-00008: You must supply a database.

Cause: Database name required by user, but was not supplied.

Action: Enter a database name.

EPCW-00009: You must supply a username.

Cause: Username required by user, but was not supplied.

Action: Enter a username.

EPCW-00010: You must supply a password.

Cause: Password required by user, but was not supplied.

Action: Enter a password.

EPCW-00011: Error Initializing Oracle Trace - Oracle Enterprise Manager is not running.

Cause: Oracle Enterprise Manager must be running.

Action: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager and restart Oracle Trace.

EPCW-00012: Error Connecting to Oracle Trace Repository.

Cause: Error connecting to the Oracle Trace repository.

Action: Determine whether or not the problem is specific to Oracle Trace. If it is, attempt to connect to a newly created repository. If there is still a problem with the new repository, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00013: Error Performing Oracle Enterprise Manager Discovery.

Cause: A problem was encountered during Oracle Enterprise Manager discovery.

Action: Verify that Oracle Enterprise Manager discovery is still functioning properly. If it is, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00014: Error Communicating with Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

Cause: A problem was encountered while communicating with Oracle Enterprise Manager via OLE. Possibly, the wrong console of Oracle Enterprise Manager console is loaded.

Action: Check that the versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Trace match. If they do, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00015: OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.

Cause: Bad versions of OLE DLL's.

Action: Reinstall product.

EPCW-00016: Error Communicating with Oracle Enterprise Manager Discovery Cache.

Cause: A problem was encountered during Oracle Trace discovery.

Action: Oracle Enterprise Manager/Oracle Trace versions are incompatible.

EPCW-00017: Close the Progress Window and Discard Status Messages?

Cause: Prompt to stop Oracle Trace discovery.

Action: None.

EPCW-00018: Failed To Start Collection %s.

Cause: Start collection failed.

Action: Retry starting the collection.

EPCW-00019: Failed To Stop Collection %s.

Cause: A problem was encountered while stopping a collection.

Action: Retry stopping the collection.

EPCW-00020: Error Displaying Navigator Data.

Cause: A problem was encountered while displaying information in the Navigator.

Action: Refresh the screen or restart the Oracle Trace Manager.

EPCW-00021: Oracle Enterprise Manager is not running - Only Product File Editing will be enabled

Cause: Oracle Enterprise Manager is not running but user specified administration mode on the command line.

Action: None. Only Product create/edit will be enabled for the user.

EPCW-00022: Unable to load the Oracle Trace Resource DLL.

Cause: Oracle Trace was unable to find the language specific resource DLL.

Action: Assuming a correct installation, this is an internal problem. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00023: Error Displaying Navigator Data.

Cause: Oracle Enterprise Manager discovery error.

Action: This is an internal problem. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00024: You must specify at least one Event Set.

Cause: At least one event set must be specified in the Collection wizard.

Action: Specify at least one event set in the Collection wizard.

EPCW-00025: A Duration Must Be Specified

Cause: A duration must be specified in the Collection wizard.

Action: Specify a duration in the Collection wizard.

EPCW-00026: No Oracle Trace Nodes Have Been Discovered. Would You Like to Perform Oracle Trace Discovery?

Cause: If no nodes have been discovered, prompt user to perform discovery at product startup.

Action: Perform discovery to avoid getting this message again.

EPCW-00027: Oracle Trace Is Already Running.

Cause: Only one instance of Oracle Trace can run on a client.

Action: Do not attempt to run more than one instance of Oracle Trace on the client.

EPCW-00028: Failed To Format Collection %s.

Cause: Either a collection job failed during auto-format or a stand-alone format job failed.

Action: Retry the format. If it still fails, contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00029: Close the Progress Window and Discard Status Messages?

Cause: User is attempting to terminate the deletion of collection files.

Action: Press appropriate button.

EPCW-00030: Close the Progress Window and Discard Status Messages?

Cause: User is attempting to terminate the deletion of a collection's formatted data.

Action: Press appropriate button.

EPCW-00031: Error trying to get Oracle Enterprise Manager version.

Cause: A problem was encountered retrieving the current version from Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Action: This is an internal problem. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00032: Error trying to read Oracle Trace version from repository.

Cause: A problem was encountered attempting to read the current version from Oracle Trace Manager.

Action: This is an internal problem. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00033: Oracle Trace is not compatible with Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Cause: The database versions of Oracle Trace and Oracle Enterprise Manager are incompatible.

Action: Upgrade the Oracle Trace repository.

EPCW-00034: This version of Oracle Trace is not compatible with your Oracle Trace repository.

Cause: The Oracle Trace version is out of sync with the repository.

Action: This is an internal problem. Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00035: Error inserting data into repository.

Cause: The Oracle Trace Manager was unable to insert data into the Oracle Trace repository.

Action: Save the text from the error message box and contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00036: Error updating data in repository.

Cause: The Oracle Trace Manager was unable to update data into the Oracle Trace repository.

Action: Save the text from the error message box and contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00037: Error deleting data from repository.

Cause: The Oracle Trace Manager was unable to delete data from the Oracle Trace repository.

Action: Save the text from the error message box and contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00038: Error selecting data from repository.

Cause: The Oracle Trace Manager was unable to select data from the Oracle Trace repository.

Action: Save the text from the error message box and contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00039: Collection Name Cannot Exceed 16 Characters.

Cause: A collection name cannot exceed 16 characters.

Action: Modify the collection name so that it is not greater than 16 characters.

EPCW-00040: The Collection Name Must Be Unique

Cause: A collection name must be unique.

Action: Modify the collection name so that it is unique.

EPCW-00041: Output Filename Cannot Exceed 8 Characters.

Cause: A collection output filename must not exceed 8 characters.

Action: Modify the collection output filename so it is not greater than 8 characters.

EPCW-00042: Output Filename Invalid Or Missing

Cause: A collection output filename must be specified.

Action: Modify the collection output filename.

EPCW-00043: Close the Progress Window and Discard Status Messages?

Cause: User is attempting to terminate the deletion of a collection.

Action: Terminate the action or continue.

EPCW-00044: Output Filename Invalid Or Missing

Cause: A valid collection name is required.

Action: Enter a valid collection name to continue.

EPCW-00045: The description cannot exceed 2000 characters.

Cause: The user entered over 2000 characters into the description field.

Action: Truncate the description text.

EPCW-00046: Delete Collection Completed With Errors. Remove %s From Oracle Trace Repository Anyway?

Cause: One of the jobs submitted during the deletion of the collection failed.

Action: User can indicate that collection object should be deleted from repository.

EPCW-00047: Error during repository validation.

Cause: Either the repository needs to be updated or the repository scripts are corrupt.

Action: Either update the repository or contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support if the scripts are corrupt.

EPCW-00048: Error attempting to get scheduling information; reverting to previous schedule.

Cause: There may be an internal problem with the schedule control.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-00049: Error in name; name must not contain special symbols.

Cause: A non-alphanumeric character was used in the name.

Action: Use only alphanumeric characters in the name.

EPCW-00050: Error while attempting to set the node %s and all its children to inactive.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to set a node and all its children (i.e. installations and products on that node) to inactive during discovery. Most likely, a database error occurred during the database update.

Action: More information may be available from the message box about a possible database error. Either use this information to determine a course of action or contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

EPCW-01000 to EPCW-01999: User Interface Messages

The following less critical error messages are generated by the Oracle Trace Manager.

EPCW-01000: The selected item '%s' has already been added.

Cause: An attempt was made to add an item to an event which already contains that item.

Action: Do not try to add the item to the event.

EPCW-01001: Event number is not unique.

Cause: The user attempted to add or modify an event such that its event number is not unique within the product.

Action: Choose a different event number.

EPCW-01002: Item number is not unique.

Cause: The user attempted to add or modify an item such that its item number is not unique within the product.

Action: Choose a different number.

EPCW-01003: Error creating product definition file.

Cause: An error occurred while writing an .fdf file during Product Create or Edit.

Action: Check that the pathname is correct.

EPCW-01004: To completely remove this event set from the product, delete file '%s'.

Cause: The user has removed an event set and is being warned that the corresponding .fdf file will not be automatically deleted.

Action: Remove the .fdf file manually.

EPCW-01005: Error reading product definition file '%s'.

Cause: An error occurred while reading an .fdf file during Product Create or Edit.

Action: The .fdf file may be corrupt; try reading another .fdf file.

EPCW-01006: Product '%s' in file '%s' does not match product '%s' in file '%s'.

Cause: Multiple .fdf files were read, but described event sets for products.

Action: Ensure that the .fdf files read in at one time during Product Edit are all for the same product.

EPCW-01007: Item number '%i' has different definitions in different files %s.

Cause: The item definitions from two different .fdf files for the same product differ. They should be identical if all .fdf files for the product are in sync.

Action: Read in the .fdf files individually to identify the differences for the erroneous item. Correct the file containing the erroneous item before attempting to read in all product files at once.

EPCW-01008: Event number '%i' has different definitions in different files %s.

Cause: The event definitions from two different .fdf files for the same product differ. They should be identical if all .fdf files for the product are in sync.

Action: Read in the .fdf files individually to identify the differences for the erroneous event. Correct the file containing the erroneous event before attempting to read in all product files at once.

EPCW-01009: Please fill in the '%s' field; it is required.

Cause: The user attempted to exit a dialog box without supplying all needed information.

Action: Fill in the specified field before attempting to exit the dialog box.

EPCW-01010: Item number is not valid.

Cause: The specified item number falls into a range that is not allowed for user-defined items.

Action: Choose a different item number.

EPCW-01011: Item name is not unique.

Cause: The user tried to add an item with a non-unique item name; item name must be unique within a product.

Action: Use a different item name.

EPCW-01012: Event name is not unique.

Cause: The user tried to add an event with a non-unique event name; event name must be unique within a product.

Action: Use a different event name.

EPCW-01013: Event Set name is not unique.

Cause: The user tried to add an event set with a non-unique name; event set name must be unique within a product.

Action: Use a different event set name.

EPCW-01014: Event contains no items.

Cause: The user tried to create or edit an event such that it contains no items. An event must contain at least one item.

Action: Add an item to the event.

EPCW-01015: Event set contains no events.

Cause: The user tried to create or edit an event set such that it contains no events. An event set must contain at least one event.

Action: Add an event to the event set.

EPCW-01017: Event set file '%s' already exists for event set '%s'. %s.

Cause: The event set file already exists. Oracle Trace does not allow the overwriting of event set files.

Action: Save the event set to a new file by modifying the Event Set File Path or delete the existing event set file.

EPCW-01018: Cannot connect to service. Please verify that the username and password are correct.

Cause: Failed to connect to a server with the given username and password.

Action: Verify that the username and password are correct for the server, and try again.

EPCW-01019 Error reading product definition file(s) for product '%s'. The required ALL Event Set was not found.

Cause: An error occurred while reading an .fdf file during Product Create or Edit.

Action: Verify that one of the files being edited contains the ALL Class.

EPCW-01020 Product '%s' in file '%s' contains an event that is not present in the ALL Event set in file '%s'.

Cause: Multiple .fdf files were read, and a file references an event that is missing from the ALL class.

Action: Verify that the .fdf file containing the ALL class matches the .fdf file being read.


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