Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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SQL Engine and Line Mode Messages

MGR-00100 to MGR-00199: Line Mode Parsing Messages

MGR-00100: Invalid SPOOL file name.

Cause: When using the SPOOL command, you entered an invalid file specification or the name of a file that already exists.

Action: Specify a valid name for a file that does not currently exist.

MGR-00101: Extraneous text at end of command.

Cause: There were unrecognized commands or other text on the command line.

Action: Check the command syntax and/or issue the command without the extraneous text.

MGR-00102: Missing LOG keyword.

Cause: The LOG keyword was missing from the ARCHIVE LOG command.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, and then issue the command again.

MGR-00103: Illegal ARCHIVE LOG option.

Cause: An option specified was not LIST, STOP, START, NEXT, ALL, a number, or a filename in the ARCHIVE LOG command.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, and then issue the command again.

MGR-00104: Illegal RECOVER option.

Cause: You specified an invalid option. Valid options for the RECOVER command are DATABASE, MANUAL, UNTIL, TABLESPACE, or DATAFILE.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, then issue the command again.

MGR-00105: Invalid INSTANCE name.

Cause: An invalid Net8 service name was specified for the instance name.

Action: Refer to your Oracle platform-specific documentation for a complete description of specifying Net8 service names.

MGR-00106: Invalid ECHO switch.

Cause: An invalid option for the SET ECHO command was specified.

Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET ECHO command.

MGR-00107: Invalid TERMOUT switch.

Cause: An invalid option for the SET TERMOUT command was specified.

Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TERMOUT command.

MGR-00108: Invalid TIMING switch.

Cause: An invalid option for the SET TIMING command was specified.

Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET TIMING command.

MGR-00109: Invalid CYCLE value.

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the SET CYCLE command.

Action: Specify a SET CYCLE value between 5 seconds and 99:99 (min:sec) inclusive.

MGR-00110: Illegal SET option.

Cause: An invalid option for the SET command was specified.

Action: Correct the syntax of the SET command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00111: Illegal SHOW option.

Cause: An invalid option for the SHOW command was specified.

Action: Correct the syntax of the SHOW command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00113: Invalid PFILE name.

Cause: The specified PFILE name is not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal PFILE name.

MGR-00114: Invalid database name.

Cause: The specified database name is not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal database name.

MGR-00115: Unexpected end of command.

Cause: An option was specified without any arguments.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command and enter the command again with the appropriate arguments for options that require values.

MGR-00116: Illegal SHUTDOWN option.

Cause: An option other than NORMAL, IMMEDIATE, or ABORT was specified for the SHUTDOWN command.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, and then issue the command again.

MGR-00117: Invalid tablespace name.

Cause: The specified tablespace name was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal tablespace name.

MGR-00118: Invalid process identifier or statistics class.

Cause: Something other than a number for a process identifier, or an invalid class was specified after the MONITOR STATISTICS command.

Action: Specify only numbers as process identifiers, or specify a valid class for the MONITOR STATISTICS command.

MGR-00119: Illegal STARTUP option.

Cause: An option other than DBA, PFILE, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED, MOUNT, OPEN, RECOVER, or NOMOUNT was specified for the STARTUP command.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, and then issue the command again.

MGR-00120: Invalid STOPONERROR switch.

Cause: An invalid option was specified for the SET STOPONERROR command.

Action: Use either ON or OFF as an option for the SET STOPONERROR command.

MGR-00121: Illegal MONITOR option.

Cause: An illegal option was specified for the MONITOR command.

Action: Correct the syntax of the MONITOR command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00122: Invalid SET numeric parameter.

Cause: A character or an invalid value was specified when a number was expected as a value for a SET command option.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, using an appropriate number for the option, and then issue the command again.

MGR-00123: Invalid tablespace name list.

Cause: An invalid string was specified as one of the values in the list of tablespaces in the ARCHIVE LOG command. For example, an empty string is an invalid string.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, using valid tablespace names for all names in the list, and then enter the command again.

MGR-00124: Invalid ARCHIVE destination.

Cause: The specified ARCHIVE destination was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal ARCHIVE destination. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00125: Integer value overflow.

Cause: A numeric value that was too large was specified.

Action: Use a smaller number.

MGR-00126: Invalid VERIFY switch.

Cause: The VERIFY switch was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal VERIFY switch.

MGR-00127: Invalid combination of STARTUP options.

Cause: The specified options of the STARTUP command cannot be used simultaneously.

Action: Correct the syntax of the STARTUP command and issue the command again. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for options that can be used with STARTUP.

MGR-00128: Invalid DEBUG switch.

Cause: The DEBUG switch was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal DEBUG switch. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00129: Value out of range (1 - num).

Cause: The specified value was out of range. The error message includes the valid range.

Action: Use a number within the range specified by the error message.

MGR-00131: Invalid ARCHIVE TO device.

Cause: The specified ARCHIVE TO device was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal ARCHIVE TO device. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00132: Null hostname/password specified.

Cause: The "hostname/password" was not specified.

Action: Specify the correct "hostname/password."

MGR-00133: Invalid datafile list.

Cause: An invalid string was entered as one of the values in the list of datafiles in the ARCHIVE LOG command. For example, an empty string is an invalid string.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, using valid datafile names for all names in the list, and then enter the command again.

MGR-00134: Invalid AUTORECOVERY switch.

Cause: An invalid option was specified for the SET AUTORECOVERY command.

Action: Use either ON or OFF as options for the SET AUTORECOVERY command.

MGR-00136: Bad variable specification.

Cause: A variable was incorrectly specified using the VARIABLE command.

Action: Correct the syntax of the command, and then issue the command again.

MGR-00137: Syntax error in PL/SQL Block.

Cause: The PL/SQL block contains a syntax error.

Action: Correct the syntax error.

MGR-00139: Invalid ALTER DATABASE option.

Cause: The specified ALTER DATABASE option was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal option. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00140: Invalid COMPATIBILITY switch.

Cause: The specified COMPATIBILITY switch was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal COMPATIBILITY switch. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00141: Invalid RETRIES value.

Cause: The specified RETRIES value was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal RETRIES value. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00142: Cannot recognize object type, owner, or name.

Cause: The specified object type, owner, or name was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal object type, owner, or name.

MGR-00143: Variable "name" has not been defined.

Cause: The specified variable was not recognized.

Action: Specify an existing variable. You can use the PRINT command to display currently defined variables.

MGR-00144: Invalid object type for DESCRIBE.

Cause: The specified object type was not TABLE, VIEW, or PROCEDURE.

Action: Check that the object is a table, view, or procedure. If so, check that you specified the correct name and try again. If not, you cannot DESCRIBE the object.

MGR-00145: Invalid object name for DESCRIBE.

Cause: The specified table, view, stored procedure, or function was not recognized.

Action: Check your spelling and be sure to specify an existing table, view, stored procedure, or function.

MGR-00146: Invalid HISTORY value.

Cause: The specified HISTORY value was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal HISTORY value. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00147: Invalid LINES value.

Cause: The specified LINES value was not recognized.

Action: Specify a legal LINES value. See the Oracle Server Manager User's Guide for the correct syntax.

MGR-00148: Invalid APPINFO switch.

Cause: An invalid option for the SET APPINFO command was specified.

Action: Use either ON, OFF or user text as an option for the SET APPINFO command.

MGR-00300 to MGR-00399: Line Mode Execution Messages

MGR-00300: Internal error code, argument: [num].

Cause: You have encountered an internal error.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-00301: Cannot SET INSTANCE while connected to a database.

Cause: You used SET INSTANCE while you were connected to a database.

Action: If you want to change the current instance, disconnect from the database before using SET INSTANCE.

MGR-00302: Not connected to a database.

Cause: You must be connected to the database for the requested operation.

Action: Connect to the database using a valid username and password before retrying the operation.

MGR-00303: Cannot initialize the terminal.

Cause: The .CRT file is invalid or could not be found. The Server Manager requires the .CRT file in order to display monitors.

Action: Make sure the Server Manager can access the desired .CRT file.

MGR-00304: Input file I/O error [num]; input aborted.

Cause: A command file used as input to Server Manager is corrupted or invalid.

Action: Check the file before trying the operation again.

MGR-00305: Command size exceeds internal buffer size (num).

Cause: The SQL statement size exceeds Server Manager's buffer size.

Action: Shorten the SQL statement by removing extra blanks, or by converting intermediate statements to views.

MGR-00306: Monitor cycle interval time out of range (5 -num).

Cause: You entered an invalid number for the cycle interval.

Action: Enter a value between 5 seconds and 99:99 (min:sec) inclusive.

MGR-00307: Cannot open spool file "name."

Cause: Server Manager tried to open a spool file after you entered SPOOL <filename>, but could not open the file. Possible causes are a lack of disk space or inadequate privileges to create a file.

Action: Determine why Server Manager could not create a new file and try the operation again.

MGR-00308: No spool file opened.

Cause: You entered SPOOL OFF, but you were not spooling at the time, so there was no file to close.

Action: If you wish to capture session output, first use the SPOOL command to open a file, and then enter your commands before closing the file with SPOOL OFF.

MGR-00309: Cannot close spool file "name."

Cause: SPOOL OFF could not close the currently opened spool file.

Action: Check for operating system circumstances that are preventing the file from being closed.

MGR-00310: Cannot open parameter file "name."

Cause: Server Manager cannot locate or open the file specified by the PFILE option, either because the file does not exist, or because Server Manager has insufficient privileges to open the file.

Action: Make sure the file exists in a location expected by Server Manager and that the file can be opened.

MGR-00311: Data exceeds internal buffer size.

Cause: A SQL query returned results exceeding the size of Server Manager's internal buffer.

Action: Use the SET command to increase MAXDATA or decrease ARRAYSIZE.

MGR-00312: Invalid pid range num num.

Cause: You entered an invalid range. Ranges must be specified using the lower number first. Note: If a valid range includes any currently active process identification numbers, the range will be accepted.

Action: Enter a valid range.

MGR-00313: No active processes to monitor.

Cause: You specified process identification numbers that do not correspond to any currently active processes.

Action: Enter the process identification numbers that you know to be currently active.

MGR-00314: Unable to attach to default host.

Cause: The default host has not been set up correctly.

Action: Use the SET INSTANCE command with a valid host specification to set up a default host.

MGR-00315: Cannot open command file "name."

Cause: Server Manager cannot locate the specified command file.

Action: Verify the file name and Server Manager's access to it before retrying.

MGR-00316: Cannot start up while connected to a database.

Cause: You attempted to start up an instance while you were connected to a database.

Action: If you want to start up an instance, you must DISCONNECT from the database you are currently connected to.

MGR-00317: Cannot shutdown while connected to a database.

Cause: You attempted to shutdown an instance while you were connected to a database.

Action: If you want to shutdown an instance, you must DISCONNECT from the database you are currently connected to.

MGR-00318: Server Manager command line error [num].

Cause: You made a syntax or typing error while entering a Server Manager command.

Action: Correct the syntax and try again.

MGR-00319: Cannot open init file [name].

Cause: Server Manager cannot open the file specified by the ORA_SVRMGRINIT variable, either because the file does not exist or because Server Manager has insufficient privileges to open the file.

Action: Make sure the file exists in a location expected by Server Manager and can be opened.

MGR-00320: Terminal type too long.

Cause: You specified a terminal name that is too long, exceeding 64 characters. The name may or may not be valid.

Action: Verify the name of the desired terminal and try again.

MGR-00321: Instance name too long.

Cause: You specified an instance name that may or may not be valid, but is too long (exceeding 127 characters).

Action: Verify the name of the desired instance and try again.

MGR-00322: Total size of command line parameters exceeds buffer size.

Cause: You entered too many command line arguments and the size of the Server Manager buffer was exceeded.

Action: Reduce the number of command line arguments.

MGR-00323: Invalid date specification; use DD-MON-YY:HH:MM:SS.

Cause: You entered an improper date specification in the RECOVER DATABASE command.

Action: Use a valid date specification. For example: 24-DEC-1988:12:33:26.

MGR-00324: Maximum number of tablespaces (num) exceeded; last num ignored.

Cause: You specified too many tablespace names in the RECOVER TABLESPACE command. You may only specify up to 16 tablespace names.

Action: Reduce the number of tablespaces. If you want to recover more than 16 tablespaces, use the RECOVER command multiple times.

MGR-00325: Read error on parameter file "filename."

Cause: The file you specified using the PFILE option of the STARTUP command is too large (exceeding 8K), the file contains a line that is too long, or another file system error occurred.

Action: Reduce the size of the parameter file before specifying it again, or shorten extremely long lines in the file.

MGR-00326: Currently no statistics belong to the specified class.

Cause: At this time no statistics exist in the class you specified.

Action: None.

MGR-00327: Command not available in this mode.

Cause: You have specified a command that is not available in this mode.

Action: Do not specify the command in the current mode.

MGR-00328: Insufficient privileges for this display.

Cause: You do not have sufficient privileges to view the monitor you requested.

Action: Contact your database administrator to obtain the required privileges.

MGR-00329: Insufficient privileges for SHOW SGA.

Cause: You attempted to use SHOW SGA without sufficient privileges.

Action: Contact your database administrator to obtain the required privileges.

MGR-00330: Logsource name too long.

Cause: You specified a logsource name that may or may not be valid, but is too long (exceeding 127 characters).

Action: Verify the logsource name and try again.

MGR-00331: Cannot allocate enough memory for SQL buffer.

Cause: There is not enough memory for the current SQL buffer.

Action: Use the SET command to reduce the value of MAXDATA.

MGR-00333: Database file(s) added since monitor invocation.

Cause: Since executing the MONITOR FILEIO command, a database file has been added, invalidating the contents of the monitor.

Action: Execute the MONITOR FILEIO command again.

MGR-00334: Database file(s) dropped since monitor invocation.

Cause: Since executing the MONITOR FILEIO command, a database file has been dropped, invalidating the contents of the monitor.

Action: Execute the MONITOR FILEIO command again.

MGR-00336: Insufficient privileges for SHOW PARAMETERS.

Cause: You attempted to use SHOW PARAMETERS without sufficient privileges.

Action: Contact your database administrator to obtain the required privileges.

MGR-00337: Missing instance name.

Cause: Instance name or service name not specified in the CONNECT statement.

Action: Use CONNECT username/password@instance.

MGR-00340: Display size exceeded; extra lines truncated.

Cause: The monitor display retrieved too many lines.

Action: Increase the granularity of your selection.

MGR-00341: The bind variable name is undefined.

Cause: The SQL statement refers to an undefined bind variable.

Action: Use the VARIABLE command to define the bind variable and execute the query again.

MGR-00342: Unable to complete internal login.

Cause: An attempt was made to complete an internal connection to a database. This connection attempt has failed as a result of the indicated database error.

Action: Correct the database error and try again.

MGR-00343: No such parameter.

Cause: SHOW PARAMETER was given a parameter name that does not exist.

Action: Use a different argument with SHOW PARAMETER.

MGR-00344: No items for the requested operation currently exist.

Cause: A mandatory scrolling list in a dialog box contained 0 elements.

Action: None.

MGR-00345: No user sessions exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for kill user session operation contain no elements.

Action: None.

MGR-00346: No unresolved in-doubt transactions exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for recover in-doubt transactions operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00347: No offline tablespaces exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for set tablespace offline operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00348: No online tablespaces exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for set tablespace online operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00349: No available rollback segments exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for drop rollback segment operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00350: No offline rollback segments exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for set rollback segment online operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00351: No online rollback segments exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for set rollback segment offline operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00352: No online tablespaces exist for backup exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for begin online tablespace backup operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00353: No online tablespaces being backed up exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for end online tablespace backup operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00354: No offline tablespaces exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for recover tablespace operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00355: No offline datafiles exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for recover datafiles operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00356: No users exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for alter user or drop user operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00357: No roles exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for alter role or drop role operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00358: No users or roles exist.

Cause: The scrolling list for grant to or revoke from operation contained no elements.

Action: None

MGR-00359: Monitor already active.

Cause: The monitor is already active.

Action: Cycle through the windows until the monitor becomes visible.

MGR-00360: Object to be described does not exist.

Cause: The object in a DESCRIBE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/PACKAGE statement does not exist.

Action: Check that the object name and owner are correct and that the object exists.

MGR-00361: No privilege to describe this object.

Cause: You do not have sufficient privileges to describe the object.

Action: The object owner must grant privileges on the object.

MGR-00362: Text too long for DESCRIBE.

Cause: The object's text is too long for the DESCRIBE command.

Action: The object cannot be used with the DESCRIBE command.

MGR-00363: Logic error in DESCRIBE.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-00364: Out of space for identifier in DESCRIBE.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-00365: DESCRIBE PACKAGE BODY is not supported.

Cause: Only a package's specification can be described. The keyword BODY cannot be used with DESCRIBE PACKAGE.

Action: Remove the BODY keyword.

MGR-00370: Mandatory field/list needs to be filled in.

Cause: You tried to execute the dialog box before specifying all required values.

Action: Specify all required values and try again.

MGR-00376: Mandatory field has to be filled in before navigation is possible.

Cause: You tried to move to another control before filling in a mandatory field.

Action: Fill in the current field.

MGR-00377: Mandatory list item has to be selected before navigation is possible.

Cause: You tried to move to another control before selecting a mandatory list item.

Action: Select an item from the scrolling list.

MGR-01500 to MGR-01599: Internal Messages

MGR-01500: Requested function is currently unimplemented.

Cause: You have attempted to use a feature that has not been implemented.

Action: If this is a documented Server Manager feature, call World Wide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-01501: Server Manager has run out of memory.

Cause: Server Manager was unable to obtain the memory it required.

Action: Close some windows or exit and restart Server Manager.

MGR-01503: An invalid argument was sent to a function.

Cause: An internal Sever Manager function was called incorrectly.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-01505: User requested cancel.

Cause: You cancelled out of the middle of a process.

Action: None.

MGR-01506: Unknown error.

Cause: Unknown.

Action: Call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-01507: Unable to open file "filename."

Cause: Server Manager was unable to open an existing file or create a new one.

Action: Check that the file exists and that Server Manager can locate the file. Or make sure there is enough free disk space and you have sufficient privileges to create a file.

MGR-01508: Unable to close the current file.

Cause: Server Manager was unable to close a file.

Action: Check for operating system circumstances that are preventing the file from being closed.

MGR-01509: Unexpected EOF encountered.

Cause: Server Manager encountered an unexpected End-Of-File marker.

Action: Examine the script(s) to determine the problem.

MGR-01523: Invalid monitor name: name.

Cause: The entered monitor name is not a valid monitor type.

Action: Enter a different monitor name.

MGR-02090 to MGR-03155: Internal SQL Engine Messages

Messages in this range indicate that you have encountered an internal error. For these messages, contact Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02001: Unable to destroy a timer.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02002: Unable to create a timer.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02003: Unable to load a window from a resource file.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02004: Unable to find a needed resource: masplash.tif

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02010: Unable to find a window's content view.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02011: A control is missing from a resource.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02012: An error occurred while activating a window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02013: An error occurred while deactivating a window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02015: An error occurred while processing an accessory button event.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02016: An error occurred while loading a window from the resource file.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02017: Unable to get subview.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02018: An error occurred while resizing the session window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02019: An error occurred while accessing help.

Cause: An error occurred in Oracle Help.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-02020: An error occurred while trying to quit.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02021: An error occurred while trying to display the about box.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02022: Unable to initialize preferences.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02023: Unable to bring up a menu.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02024: Unable to complete an asynchronous database call.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02030: Tried to access connection list with invalid index.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02031: Error selecting connection list item.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02032: The connection list has become corrupted.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02033: Error searching for connection list virtual connection.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02034: Error searching for connection list physical connection.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02035: Error searching for connection list window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02036: Error searching for connection in connection list.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02040: Unable to create TK2 context.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02041: Unable to initialize TK2 application context.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02042: Unable to open resource file: %sm.res.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02043: Unable to create a resource node.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02044: Unable to start TK2 Resource Manager.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02045: Unable to start TK2 Resource Manager UI layer.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02046: Unable to get a resource.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02047: Unable to load window system resources.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02048: Unable to destroy a resource.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02049: Unable to start TK2 Window System.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02050: Unable to register Resource Manager class handlers.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02051: An error occurred while initializing Multimedia.

Cause: The multimedia resource file (mmmwm.res) may be missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02052: An error occurred while initializing the multi-column widget.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02053: An error occurred while initializing the icon button.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02054: Some unspecified error occurred while initializing TK2 or DRUID.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02055: An error occurred while initializing the separator widget.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02056: Unable to load the splash screen from the resource file.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02057: Unable to find a necessary resource file.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02058: Unable to find the resource file: \"%s\"; check $APIPATH

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02059: Unable to open .msb file for product %s, facility %s

Cause: The message file for the specified product and facility cannot be found.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02061: Unable to register a context with the Context Manager.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02062: Unable to initialize the Dialog Manager.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02063: Unable to initialize the Dialog Dispatcher.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02064: Unable to initialize DRUID.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02065: Unable to initialize the DRUID Resource Manager.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02066: An error occurred while initializing the folder tabs.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02067: Unable to find the default drawing surface.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02068: Unable to initialize Oracle*Image.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02070: A menu item has an invalid ID.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02071: That menu item is unimplemented.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02072: Unable to get the value of a field.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02073: An error occurred while connecting to a database.

Cause: An error occurred while connecting to a database.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-02074: An error occurred while displaying the Connect dialog box.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02075: An error occurred while creating a new SQL Worksheet window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Try closing one or more SQL Worksheet windows. If problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02076: An error occurred while disconnecting from a database.

Cause: An error occurred while disconnecting from a database.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-02079: An error occurred while closing a window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02081: An error occurred while creating a new monitor window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Try closing one or more monitor windows. If problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02082: An error occurred while cloning a connection.

Action: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Try closing one or more Admin Worksheets or try closing one or more SQL Worksheets or close all monitor windows. If problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02083: Unable to load the Connect dialog box.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02084: There is no active window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02085: There is no focused view.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02086: The type of the focused view is unknown.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02090: A window does not have a window context.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02091: An error occurred while trying to clone a connection.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02100: Unable to unregister a window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02101: A window has not been registered.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02110: Server Manager is running on an unrecognized platform.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02130: There is a problem with the Session window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02131: There is a problem with one of the navigation buttons.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02132: An error occurred while processing folder tab \"%s\"

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02133: An error occurred while resizing the navigation view.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02134: Tab \"%s\" failed; catsvrmg.sql not run or not a DBA.

Cause: Either Server Manager was not installed fully, or you do not have access to this information.

Action: Run the catsvrmg.sql script as SYS, if necessary. Then connect as a user with the DBA role as a default role.

MGR-02135: Tab \"%s\" failed; maybe insufficient privileges.

Cause: Either Server Manager was not installed fully, or you do not have access to this information.

Action: Run the catsvrmg.sql script as SYS, if necessary. Then connect as a user with the DBA role as a default role.

MGR-02136: Tab \"%s\" failed, maybe utlxplan.sql not run

Cause: The table sys.plan_table does not exist.

Action: Run the script utlxplan.sql as SYS.

MGR-02137: Tab \"%s\" failed, maybe catrepad.sql not run or not a DBA

Cause: Either Server Manager was not installed fully, or you do not have access to this information.

Action: Run the catrepad.sql script as SYS, if necessary. Then connect as a user with the DBA role as a default role.

MGR-02140: An error occurred while resizing a pane

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02150: An unrecognized database version was encountered.

Cause: Your version of Server Manager is out of date.

Action: Obtain an updated copy of Server Manager.

MGR-02151: A specification for action %s could not be found.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02152: An unrecognized data source was encountered.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02153: A DRUID template error occurred.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02154: An invalid set number was encountered.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02155: A request was made to free an unused set.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02156: Server Manager could not perform action %s

Cause: Either Server Manager was not installed fully, or you do not have access to this information.

Action: Run the catsvrmg.sql script as SYS, if necessary. Then connect as a user with the DBA role as a default role.

MGR-02157: Action %s failed; maybe catsvrmg.sql not run or not a DBA.

Cause: Either Server Manager was not installed fully, or you do not have access to this information.

Action: Run the catsvrmg.sql script as SYS, if necessary. Then connect as a user with the DBA role as a default role.

MGR-02158: Action %s failed; maybe insufficient privileges.

Cause: Either Server Manager was not installed fully, or you do not have access to this information.

Action: Run the catsvrmg.sql script as SYS, if necessary. Then connect as a user with the DBA role as a default role.

MGR-02160: An unrecognized menu item was encountered.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02161: A problem with the Session window precluded a menu command.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02162: The Menu Bureaucrat couldn't get the selected row.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02163: An error occurred while executing a menu action.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02164: The Menu Bureaucrat couldn't free its row.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02165: An error occurred while expanding the DRUID menu table.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02170: An unrecognized pane view type was encountered.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02180: An error occurred while selecting a row.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02181: An error occurred while setting the sort column.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02182: An error occurred while executing the default action.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02190: An error occurred while resizing the banner view.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-02191: An error occurred while drawing the banner view.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03001: Unable to unregister the %s's window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03002: Unable to show the %s

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03003: Unable to hide the %s

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03004: Unable to create the multi-column widget view class for a monitor.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03005: The %s could not be activated.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03006: The %s could not enable its child views.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03007: The %s could not disable its child views.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03008: The %s could not be resized.

Cause: The monitor was not able to be resized.

Action: Examine subsequent messages. A Toolkit error should follow this message.

MGR-03009: The %s could not sort on the selected column.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03010: The %s cannot set its Cycle radio button.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03011: The %s cannot set its Sample on Demand radio button.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03012: The %s cannot reset a button.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03013: The %s cannot complete the filter operation.

Cause: Text in the Filter field is invalid.

Action: Enter valid text in the Filter field.

MGR-03014: Error attempting to free memory for a monitor window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03016: A %s is closing because its SQL command failed.

Cause: Connection to the database has been lost during the execution of a SQL command.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03017: A %s is closing because its Interval pop-up menu failed.

Cause: An error was generated when the Interval pop-up menu was used.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-03018: A %s is in an unknown state and could not be removed.

Cause: The monitor failed to shut down properly.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03019: The %s was not found.

Cause: A monitor resource is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03020: The following title was too long: \"%s\"

Cause: You attempted to create a monitor with a connection name longer than 80 characters.

Action: Shorten your Net8 service names.

MGR-03021: A %s is closing because of an error finishing a SQL command.

Cause: The monitor lost connection with the database while a SQL command was running.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03022: Select a monitor from the scrolling list and click OK.

Cause: A resource file is missing or corrupted.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03023: Monitor selection failed.

Cause: An error occurred during the selection of a monitor.

Action: Examine subsequent messages. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03024: Interval must be at least 5 seconds.

Cause: User entered an interval less than 5 seconds.

Action: Enter a valid interval of 5 seconds or more.

MGR-03025: Numeric filter fields must contain numeric values.

Cause: User entered a non-numeric value for a numeric filter field..

Action: Enter a valid number in the filter field and click filter again..

MGR-03050: A %s is closing because of an error in parse/bind/define.

Cause: An error was encountered when attempting to parse, bind or define a SQL statement for the monitor.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03051: An error occurred while executing a monitor query.

Cause: An error occurred when the monitor was interacting with the SQL engine.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03052: The query for the %s failed to execute.

Cause: An error occurred when the monitor was interacting with the SQL engine.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03053: An error occurred after completing a monitor query.

Cause: The state of the monitor connection has changed as a result of actions taken outside of the monitor subsystem.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03054: One or more monitors are closing due to a connection problem.

Cause: The state of the monitor connection has changed as a result of actions taken outside of the monitor subsystem.

Action: Verify that the database is still running and that the network is functioning properly. Attempt to reconnect. A more specific error message will follow, probably indicating that the connection state has changed.

MGR-03100: An error occurred while returning an item from the monitor list.

Cause: An error occurred while the monitor was manipulating data for display purposes.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03101: An incorrect monitor type was encountered.

Cause: A monitor type was internally specified for which a data manipulation action is invalid.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03150: Monitor encountered an \"unknown\" Oracle number error.

Cause: A number which should be in an internal Oracle format did not have a format which could be recognized as an Oracle number.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03151: Monitor encountered an \"integer too big\" Oracle number error.

Cause: A number had an integer portion which was out of the valid range.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03152: Monitor encountered an \"invalid integer descriptor\" Oracle number error.

Cause: A number which should be in an internal Oracle format did not have a format which could be recognized as an Oracle number.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03155: Monitor attempted to divide by zero.

Cause: A monitor failed because it attempted to divide by zero when it was manipulating data.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR 03500 to MGR-03536: Server Manager SQL Engine Messages

MGR-03500: Encountered an unterminated quote.

Cause: The last command contained an opening quote without a matching closing quote.

Action: Correct the quotes and issue the command again.

MGR-03501: Unable to process the current number of nested scripts.

Cause: You have attempted to run a script that in turn tries to run too many nested levels of scripts.

Action: Restructure your scripts so the nesting depth decreases.

MGR-03502: The @@ operator is only allowed within SQL scripts.

Cause: You attempted to use the @@ operator from the interactive mode.

Action: The @@ operator is only allowed from within a script. In the interactive mode, use the @ operator to run a SQL script.

MGR-03503: Could not resolve the symbols in "filename."

Cause: The filename you provided for the parameter file contained undefined symbols.

Action: Check the text of the parameter filename you provided.

MGR-03504: CYCLE is no longer a valid global property.

Cause: You attempted to set the CYCLE property.

Action: Set the interval in the monitor(s) you are running.

MGR-03505: ARRAYSIZE is no longer a valid global property.

Cause: You attempted to set the ARRAYSIZE property.

Action: None. Server Manager will fetch as many rows as possible, given the current size of the MAXDATA buffer.

MGR-03506: Expected a number (num-999999), not "string."

Cause: You attempted to set a property (NUMWIDTH, CHARWIDTH, and so on) to a non-numeric value or a number outside the legal range.

Action: Use a value within the specified range.

MGR-03509: Corrupted internal Oracle number representation.

Cause: You attempted to use a bind variable that appears to have been corrupted.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03510: Corrupted bind variable type [type].

Cause: You attempted to use a bind variable that appears to have been corrupted.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03511: The HOST command is not supported in graphical mode.

Cause: You tried to use the HOST command from within a SQL Worksheet.

Action: Scripts that make use of the HOST command must be run from Server Manager line mode.

MGR-03512: Spool file "name" is already open.

Cause: You attempted to open a second spool file.

Action: Use SPOOL OFF to close the existing spool file.

MGR-03514: Unable to start the database.

Cause: You may be using an incorrect init.ora file (which may not have the correct syntax) or an invalid configuration. Incorrect values may have been set for one or more parameters in the stored configuration.

Action: You should use a correct init.ora file or use a stored configuration which you have been able to use successfully for startup or you can fix the problems in the current init.ora file. If you are using a stored configuration, you can export it into a file and then fix the problem in the init.ora file.

MGR-03515: Invalid SERVEROUTPUT switch.

Cause: You attempted to set SERVEROUTPUT to something other than ON or OFF.

Action: Use ON or OFF as arguments with SET SERVEROUTPUT.

MGR-03523: No parameter for SHOW ERRORS and no object has been compiled.

Cause: You issued a SHOW ERRORS command, but have yet to compile a PL/SQL object.

Action: You can find error information for a specific object by selecting from the ALL_ERRORS view where NAME = object.

MGR-03524: Unable to shutdown the database.

Cause: You attempted to shut down the database without sufficient privileges.

Action: Enable the privileges required for shutdown.

MGR-03525: Expected SYSDBA or SYSOPER, not "string."

Cause: You attempted to use the CONNECT AS syntax and specified something other than SYSDBA or SYSOPER.

Action: Correct the syntax and issue the command again. If the problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-03534: Invalid AUTOPRINT switch.

Cause: You attempted to set AUTOPRINT to something other than ON or OFF

Action: Use ON or OFF as arguments with SET AUTOPRINT.

MGR-03536: Variable type REFCURSOR not available.

Cause: You tried to declare a REFCURSOR variable against a version of Server Manager which does not support this variable type.

Action: The version of Server Manager you are running against does not support the REFCURSOR feature. It was most likely compiled against a pre-7.2 database.

MGR-03537: An error occurred during APPINFO registration.

Cause: The package SYS.DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO cannot be accessed.

Action: Check if SYS.DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO exists. Make sure the user has the required privileges to run the package. Ensure that the database is OPEN.

MGR-03538: Expected a number (1-999999), not "string."

Cause: You attempted to set FETCHROWS to a non-numeric value or a number outside of the legal range.

Action: Use a value from 1 to 999,999.

MGR-04000 to MGR-04008: SQL Worksheet Messages

Messages in this range indicate that a SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly. Other messages will follow the SQL Worksheet command messages. Examine the subsequent messages to determine the proper action.

MGR-04000: The Worksheet option did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04001: The Execute command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04002: The Command History command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04003: The Run Script command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04004: The Spool command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04005: The Stop Spooling command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04006: The Clear Lines Off Top command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04007: The Write Log command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04008: The Write Selection command did not complete.

Cause: A SQL Worksheet command failed to execute properly.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04009 to MGR-04099: Worksheet Messages

MGR-04009: The resize attempt resulted in an error.

Cause: An error occurred when you attempted to resize a SQL Worksheet window.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04010: The buttons could not be moved as specified.

Cause: An error occurred when you attempted to use a SQL Worksheet's split bar.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04011: The selection could not be retrieved.

Cause: An error occurred when you attempted to select text in a SQL Worksheet's History text field.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04014: The request to move to a different statement could not be completed.

Cause: An error occurred when you attempted to use the Up and Down buttons in a SQL Worksheet's Command History dialog box.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04015: A SQL Worksheet could not be created.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04016: The Close command did not complete for the Worksheet.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04017: The attempted font change did not succeed.

Cause: The action is not available to you.

Action: Do not change the font.

MGR-04018: The attempt to get the previous or next command did not succeed.

Cause: You chose either Previous Command or Next Command from the Worksheet menu, and the command did not complete successfully.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04021: The Worksheet's command history information is corrupted.

Cause: The Server Manager shows the command history as having more commands than are actually present. The command history is corrupted.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-04022: The Write Selection menu item was chosen without a text selection.

Cause: You chose the Write Selection from the Worksheet menu without having any text selected in the input or output panes of a SQL Worksheet.

Action: Select text and choose the Write Selection again.

MGR-04024: Unable to open specified file: "name."

Cause: A specified file could not be opened.

Action: The file is either invalid or in an unexpected format. Verify the filename and replace the file with a usable file, if necessary.

MGR-04025: The Get File option of the Recover dialog box failed.

Cause: You specified a filename which was invalid.

Action: Specify a valid filename.

MGR-04026: The recovery attempt failed.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to apply one or more log files from the SQL Worksheet's Recovery dialog box.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-04027: The database is not available.

Cause: The Oracle database is not accessible from your system.

Action: Verify that the database is available, and that you have the ability to connect to the database from the current location.

MGR-04501 to MGR-04550: Line Mode Messages

MGR-04501: Monitors are not available from the line mode Server Manager.

Cause: You attempted to invoke the MONITOR command from Server Manager line mode. The MONITOR command is no longer available in the Oracle Enterprise Manager version of line mode Server Manager.

Action: Start Oracle Performance Manager to graphically display database performance statistics.

MGR-04544: Invalid parameter format.

Cause: You gave an invalid command line argument.

Action: Start Server Manager line mode with the correct arguments. These should be of the format command="command". Note that the command should be in quotes.

MGR-04545: Too many parameters.

Cause: You gave too many parameters on the command line, or your command line parameters may have been parsed separately.

Action: Pass in only the supported number of arguments. Make sure they are of the format command="command". Note that the command should be in quotes.

MGR-04546: Invalid connect string.

Cause: Your connect string contained invalid information.

Action: Check the syntax of your connect string. It should be
"[username] [/password] [@instance path]".

MGR-04547: Duplicate password.

Cause: Your connect string contained either a null password or multiple password strings.

Action: Make sure your connect string only gives a single password. It should be of the form "/password".

MGR-04548: Null username/password not valid with connection name.

Cause: A connect string with a null username/password and a non-null connection name is invalid.

Action: You must explicitly specify a null username/password using the "/" designator when giving a connection name in the user string. For example: "/@t:lorax:E".

MGR-04549: Null or invalid connection name.

Cause: Your connect string contained either a null or invalid host string.

Action: Check the syntax of your connect string.

MGR-4550: Please use the command 'change_passwd' to change your password

Cause: Your password has expired or will expire.

Action: Use the "change_passwd" command to change your password.

MGR-05500 to MGR-05509: User Program Interface Messages

MGR-05500: Out of unique ids for asynchronous connections.

Cause: You have too many outstanding asynchronous connections.

Action: Close some less important windows or restart Server Manager.

MGR-05501: User string overflow.

Cause: You have tried to connect using a username that is greater than 30 characters in length.

Action: Specify a shorter username.

MGR-05502: Password string overflow.

Cause: You have tried to connect using a password that is greater than 30 characters in length.

Action: Specify a shorter password.

MGR-05503: Host string overflow.

Cause: You have tried to connect using a hostname that is greater than 80 characters in length.

Action: Use a shorter service name.

MGR-05504: Cannot connect to an Oracle version_num instance.

Cause: You have attempted to connect to an old version of Oracle.

Action: Server Manager can only run against Version 7.0 or later. You can upgrade the instance, or use the SQL*DBA included with your release of the Oracle database.

MGR-05505: Cannot perform a CONNECT usr/pswd AS name to an ORACLE 7.0 instance.

Cause: You tried to connect to a version 7.0 database AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER.

Action: In Version 7.0 you must CONNECT INTERNAL [/password].

MGR-05506: Unable to release an allocated connection.

Cause: You attempted to close a window which could not be closed.

Action: Call Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-05507: The list of connections has been corrupted.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error in Server Manager.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06500 to MGR-06528: Oracle Toolkit II Internal Error Messages

Messages in this range indicate that you have encountered an internal error. For these messages, contact Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06500: There was an error in Oracle Toolkit II

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06501: An undefined Oracle Toolkit II failure occurred

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06502: An unexpected Oracle Toolkit II error occurred

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06503: Oracle Toolkit II cannot create with an attribute which is not C

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06504: Oracle Toolkit II cannot set with an attribute which is not S

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06505: Oracle Toolkit II cannot get with an attribute which is not G

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06506: Oracle Toolkit II cannot set/get an unknown attribute

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06507: Oracle Toolkit II cannot set conflicting attributes

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06508: Oracle Toolkit II cannot set attributes out of range

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06509: Call to Oracle Toolkit II out of context

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06510: Oracle Toolkit II view class cannot be a scrollee

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06511: Call to Oracle Toolkit II caused illegal recursion

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06512: Oracle Toolkit II has run out of memory

Cause: There is not enough memory.

Action: Free up or add memory.

MGR-06513: Oracle Toolkit II's client has run out of memory

Cause: There is not enough memory.

Action: Free up or add memory.

MGR-06514: Attempt to use an unsupported Oracle Toolkit II function

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06515: Oracle Toolkit II cannot set attributes out of context

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06516: Illegal operation on Oracle Toolkit II root window

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06517: Parameter to Oracle Toolkit II function is out of range

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06518: Oracle Toolkit II's connection to the window system was refused

Cause: The windowing system (usually X Windows) denied permission to connect.

Action: On X Windows, set the DISPLAY to a server which will allow connections.

MGR-06519: Oracle Toolkit II's connection to the window system has been broken

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06520: Oracle Toolkit II reports that the window system has failed

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06521: The Oracle Toolkit II clipboard is in a bad format

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06522: The Oracle Toolkit II clipboard is in an unregistered format

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06523: An Oracle Toolkit II operation timed out

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06524: An Oracle Toolkit II icon could not be found

Cause: An external icon file was not in the expected place.

Action: Check your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem persists, call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06525: An Oracle Toolkit II menu item could not be the top item

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06526: The Oracle Toolkit II selection is in a bad format

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06527: Oracle Toolkit II view class does not support scrolling this way

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06528: Oracle Toolkit II cannot remove a readshare color from a palette

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06600 to MGR-06621: Oracle Help Internal Error Messages

Messages in this range indicate that you have encountered an internal error. For these messages, contact Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06601: Oracle Help encountered an unknown Toolkit error

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06602: The Oracle Help book is in a format not recognized by object store.

Cause: The Oracle Help book has not been installed properly or is corrupted.

Action: Reinstall the help book(s) or the entire product.

MGR-06603: Oracle Help has run out of memory.

Cause: There is not enough memory.

Action: Free up or add memory.

MGR-06604: Oracle Help has encountered an unknown Resource Manager error

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06605: Oracle Help has encountered an invalid attribute value

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06606: Oracle Help could not find a help target

Cause: The program tried to access an Oracle Help target not contained in the help book(s).

Action: Reinstall the help book(s) or the entire product. If this does not solve the problem, contact Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06607: Oracle Help could not find the specified word

Cause: The find operation could not locate the specified word.

Action: The word does not exist in the Help document. Try another word.

MGR-06608: Oracle Help could not link to external document

Cause: External document is either damaged, non-existent, or is not an Oracle Book document.

Action: Replace the document or link to a valid document.

MGR-06609: The Oracle Help session is null

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06610: The document is not an Oracle Help document

Cause: The Oracle Help book has not been installed properly or has become corrupted.

Action: Reinstall the help book(s) or the entire product.

MGR-06611: The document is newer than Oracle Help

Cause: The Oracle Help book has not been installed properly or has become corrupted.

Action: Reinstall the help book(s) or the entire product. If this does not solve the problem, contact Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06612: Cannot set the specified Oracle Help attribute

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06613: Cannot get the specified Oracle Help attribute

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06614: Oracle Help encountered an invalid link

Cause: The program tried to follow an Oracle Help link not contained in the help book(s).

Action: Reinstall the help book(s) or the entire product. If this does not solve the problem, contact Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06615: The Oracle Help logical attributes are missing or bad

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06616: The Oracle Help NLS language string is missing or bad

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06617: No search string was specified to Oracle Help

Cause: A help request was invalid.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06618: The string begins with a percent sign

Cause: An entered string begins with a percent sign.

Action: Remove the percent sign from the beginning of the string.

MGR-06619: Oracle Image returned an internal error to Oracle Help

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06620: An error prevented Oracle Help from printing successfully

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-06621: Illegal Oracle Help search string

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Help.

Action: Call Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-07001: Unable to generate resource file name.

Cause: The binary resource file could not be opened. It may be in the wrong directory or missing.

Action: Refer to your Oracle platform-specific documentation to make sure Server Manager is installed correctly. Reinstall if necessary. If the problem is not resolved, contact Worldwide Customer Support, specifying the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-07368: The Username field must contain a valid Oracle username.

Cause: The text you entered in the Username field is not a valid Oracle username.

Action: Check that the username you entered conforms to the guidelines for Oracle usernames in Chapter 2 of the Oracle8 Server SQL Language Reference Manual.

MGR-07369: The Password field must contain a password string.

Cause: You have selected Password in the Create/Alter User property sheet, but did not specify a password.

Action: Select another password option or assign a password to the user.

MGR-07401: The Composite Limit field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Composite Limit field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Composite Limit field and that the number entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07402: The Private SGA field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Private SGA field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Private SGA field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07403: The Reads per Call field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Reads per Call field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Reads per Call field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07404: The Reads per Session field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Reads per Session field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Reads per Session field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07405: The Idle Time field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Idle Time field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Idle Time field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07406: The Connect Time field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Connect Time field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Connect Time field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07407: The CPU per Call field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the CPU per Call field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the CPU per Call field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07408: The CPU per Session field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the CPU per Session field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the CPU per Session field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07409: The Sessions per User field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The number entered in the Session per User field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the Sessions per User field and that the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-07410: The Profile Name field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: The value entered in the Profile Name field is not an Oracle identifier.

Action: Make sure the value entered conforms to the guidelines for Oracle identifiers in Chapter 2 of the Oracle8 Server SQL Language Reference Manual.

MGR-07537: The System Change Number field must contain a positive number.

Cause: The value you have entered in the field is not a valid System Change Number.

Action: In general, you should allow Oracle to determine the System Change Number. Execute the transaction without specifying an System Change Number.

MGR-07539: The Group Number field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you have entered in the Group Number field is not a number.

Action: The group number must be a positive number, which is not the number of an existing group. When the dialog box appears, Server Manager initializes the Group Number field to be one greater than the greatest log file group number.

MGR-07540: The New File Size field must contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you have entered in this New File Size field is not a number.

Action: Type a valid positive number in the New File Size field.

MGR-07541: At least one file must be specified.

Cause: You have not specified the name of at least one file in the file specification dialog box.

Action: To select a file, use the New button to access the file specification dialog box.

MGR-07542: The Filename field must contain a valid filename.

Cause: The Filename field is empty or contains an invalid file.

Action: Enter a valid filename in the field.

MGR-07543: You must select a log file group in which to place the log file.

Cause: You have not selected the group into which this log file will be placed.

Action: Choose one of the provided groups.

MGR-07544: The To field must contain a valid filename.

Cause: The To field is empty or contains an invalid file.

Action: Enter a valid filename in the To field.

MGR-07547: The Name field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: The Name field is empty or contains a value that is not a valid Oracle identifier.

Action: Make sure the value you entered conforms to the guidelines for Oracle identifiers in Chapter 2 of the Oracle8 Server SQL Language Reference Manual.

MGR-07548: You must specify at least one datafile.

Cause: The list of datafiles does not contain any entries.

Action: Use the New button to access a dialog box to specify a datafile.

MGR-07549: The Initial Extent field must be empty or contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you entered in the field is not a positive number.

Action: Either type in a positive number or leave the field empty.

MGR-07550: The Next Extent field must be empty or contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you entered in the field is not a positive number.

Action: Either type in a positive number or leave the field empty.

MGR-07551: The Minimum Extents field must be empty or contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you entered in the field is not a positive number.

Action: Either type in a positive number or leave the field empty.

MGR-07552: The Maximum Extents field must be empty or contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you entered in the field is not a positive number.

Action: Either type in a positive number or leave the field empty.

MGR-07553: The Percentage Increase field must be empty or contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you entered in the field is not a positive number.

Action: Either type in a positive number or leave the field empty.

MGR-07555: Unable to find tablespace information for "tablespace"

Cause: The Server Manager could not find the default storage settings for the chosen tablespace.

Action: Refresh the Tablespaces object list and try changing the tablespace again. If the problem persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-07556: The Rollback Segment field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: The Rollback Segment field is empty or contains a value that is not a valid Oracle identifier.

Action: Make sure the value you entered conforms to the guidelines for Oracle identifiers in Chapter 2 of the Oracle8 Server SQL Language Reference Manual.

MGR-07557: The Optimal field must be empty or contain a valid number.

Cause: The value you entered in the field is not a positive number.

Action: Either enter a positive number or leave the field empty.

MGR-07566: Maximum Extents must be greater than or equal to Minimum Extents.

Cause: The Maximum Extents value is less than Minimum Extents value.

Action: Change one or both of the values so that the Maximum Extents is greater than or equal to the Minimum Extents.

MGR-08049: The Role Name field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: You have entered an invalid Oracle identifier in the Role Name field.

Action: Make sure the value entered conforms to the guidelines for Oracle usernames in Chapter 2 of the Oracle8 Server SQL Language Reference Manual.

MGR-08050: With Password selected, a password must be specified.

Cause: You selected Password in the Create/Alter Role property sheet, but did not specify a password.

Action: Select another password option or assign a password to the role.

MGR-08051: A user or role must be specified.

Cause: You have not specified a user or role in the Grant/Revoke Role dialog box.

Action: Select a user or role from the scrolling list.

MGR-08052: With the Role privilege type selected, a role must be chosen

Cause: You selected the Role privilege type, clicked OK in the Add Privilege to Role dialog box before you have selected a role from the Defined Roles scrolling list.

Action: Select a role from the Defined Roles scrolling list or click the Cancel button to exit the dialog box.

MGR-08053: With the System privilege type selected, a privilege must be chosen.

Cause: With the System Privileges privilege type selected, you clicked the OK button in the Add Privilege to Role dialog box before selecting a system privilege from the System Privileges scrolling list.

Action: Select a privilege from the System Privileges scrolling list or click the Cancel button to exit the dialog box.

MGR-08054: With the Object privilege type selected, an object must be specified.

Cause: With the Object privilege type selected, you clicked the OK button in the Add Privilege to Role dialog box before selecting entering an object in the Object Name field.

Action: Enter an object into the Object Name field or click the Cancel button to exit the dialog box.

MGR-08055: A schema must be chosen.

Cause: You clicked the OK button in the Find Schema Object dialog box without selecting a schema from the Schema scrolling list.

Action: Select a schema from the Schema scrolling list or click the Cancel button to exit the dialog box.

MGR-08056: An object must be chosen.

Cause: You clicked the OK button in the Find Schema Object dialog box without selecting an object from the Object scrolling list.

Action: Select an object from the Object scrolling list or click the Cancel button to exit the dialog box.

MGR-08504: The tablespace "tablespace" is not offline so this datafile cannot be renamed.

Cause: You tried to rename a datafile in an online tablespace.

Action: Take the corresponding tablespace offline and then rename the datafile.

MGR-08505: The tablespace "tablespace" is invalid so this datafile cannot be renamed.

Cause: You tried to rename a datafile in an invalid tablespace.

Action: Repair the tablespace to make it valid and then rename the datafile.

MGR-08507: The Quota Size field must contain a valid number.

Cause: You entered a negative number or a non-numeric character in the Quota Size field of the Add/Edit Quota dialog box.

Action: Enter a valid quota size in the Quota Size field of the Add/Edit Quota dialog box.

MGR-08510: A user must be specified.

Cause: You did not specify a user in the Users scrolling list of the Assign Profile dialog box.

Action: Specify a user in the Users scrolling list of the Assign Profile dialog box.

MGR-08515: This datafile has already been added to the database and cannot be removed.

Cause: You tried to remove from a tablespace a datafile which belongs to a tablespace.

Action: None. A previously added datafile cannot be removed.

MGR-08517: The Object Name field does not contain a valid schema object.

Cause: You entered a schema object that does not follow proper naming or quoting conventions.

Action: Enter a valid schema object name.

MGR-08524: A privilege or role must be specified.

Cause: You did not specify a Privilege or Role in the Remove Privilege from the User/Role dialog box.

Action: Select a privilege or role from the list before you click the Remove button.

MGR-09501: Help is not available for the active window.

Cause: The active window does not have a help target. The window is probably a system window rather than a Server Manager window.

Action: None. Refer to your documentation for help.

MGR-09502: Oracle Help returned an error.

Cause: Unknown

Action: A second message will include the Oracle Help error. Check the number up in the Oracle Help documentation.

MGR-09503: uiwsga() returned null for the active window.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-09504: uiwng() returned null for the window argument.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving Oracle Toolkit II.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-09505: Oracle Help initialization failed on startup.

Cause: Unknown

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-09506: Oracle Help was not able to respond to the user request.

Cause: Multiple causes. Additional error messages should clarify the situation.

Action: Examine subsequent messages.

MGR-09507: Oracle Help text (mahelp.obd) was not found.

Cause: The Oracle Help book, mahelp.obd, is not properly installed or slfindfile() cannot find it.

Action: Install Oracle Book again or verify the response of slfindfile() for your platform.

MGR-09508: The text for target "target" was not found.

Cause: The context string in the maht (help table) did not have a corresponding string in the mahelp.obd book.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error. The file mahelp.obd or the maht must be modified.

MGR-10000: There was an error in the National Language Support module.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving the international string support library.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-10500: There was an error in the Resource Manager.

Cause: You have encountered an internal error involving the Oracle Toolkit II Resource Manager.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11401: Input error, unable to read input line.

Cause: There was an error in reading from the input source. The input line may be too long.

Action: Break the input line into multiple lines of no more than 1024 bytes per line.

MGR-11402: Error while writing output to a file.

Cause: There was an error in writing to the output file. The output line may be too long.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11403: Error while writing output.

Cause: There was an error in writing to the output source (generally stdout). The output line may be too long.

Action: If the error occurred in Server Manager Line Mode, execute the query in the Server Manager Worksheet.

MGR-11404: Error formatting output.

Cause: An error occurred during the CORE sprintf routine.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11500: You must quiesce the object group before performing the operation.

Cause: You attempted to alter a master object group that has not been quiesced.

Action: First Suspend Master Activity on the object group, then try again.

MGR-11501: The current operation requires the snapshot object group to contain valid objects

Cause: You attempted to operate on a snapshot object group which has no snapshot repobjects (refresh object group).

Action: Create snapshot repobjects.

MGR-11502: The current operation is only valid for master definition sites.

Cause: You attempted to use an operation that is only valid for master definition sites.

Action: Perform operation on a master definition site.

MGR-11503: The Object Group field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: You did not specify an object group on which to operate for the command.

Action: Specify an object group in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11504: The Refresh Master field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: Each snapshot object group needs a remote refresh master which contains the object group with the same name.

Action: Specify a replication object group in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11505: The Remote Master field must contain a valid remote database.

Cause: The operation needs a list of one or more remote masters on which to operate.

Action: Using multi-select, specify a list of masters in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11506: The DDL Text field must contain a valid DDL statement.

Cause: The operation needs a DDL statement.

Action: Enter a DDL statement in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11507: You must select at least one snapshot to refresh.

Cause: You have attempted a consistent refresh without specifying which snapshots to refresh.

Action: Select one or more snapshots in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11508: The Refresh Method field must contain a valid refresh string.

Cause: You have attempted a consistent refresh with the option to specify the refresh method for each snapshot, but you have not specified the refresh methods.

Action: Enter the string of the refresh methods in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11509: You must select only one replicated object group for the current operation.

Cause: Multiple object groups were specified for an operation which accepts only one object group.

Action: Select only one object group in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11510: You must select at last one database link for the current operation.

Cause: The operation needs a list of one or more database links on which to operate.

Action: Using multi-select, specify a list of database links in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11511: The Surrogate Administrator field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: A surrogate administrator for a replication environment must be specified for the operation.

Action: Specify the surrogate administrator in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11512: The Database Link field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: You must specify a name for the link in order to create a database link.

Action: Specify the name of the remote database to which to form the link.

MGR-11513: The New Master Definition Site field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: You attempted to relocate the master definition site without specifying the new master definition site.

Action: Specify the name of the new master definition site in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11514: The New Snapshot Master field must contain a valid Oracle identifier.

Cause: You attempted to switch the snapshot master without specifying the new master.

Action: Specify the name of the new master in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11515: The current operation requires queued deferred transactions.

Cause: You attempted an operation, such as Execute, which requires deferred transactions to be queued for remote site(s).

Action: No action can be taken in this case.

MGR-11516: The current operation is valid only at a master site for the object group.

Cause: You attempted an operation which requires a master site.

Action: Try the operation at a master site for the object group again.

MGR-11517: The selected Destination Database has no transactions queued for remote execution.

Cause: You attempted an operation on a Destination Database which has no transactions queued for remote execution.

Action: Try this operation again when there are transactions queued for remote execution.

MGR-11518: There are no transactions queued for the selected remote database.

Cause: You attempted an operation which requires deferred transactions to be queued for a specified link.

Action: No action can be taken in this case.

MGR-11519: The Transaction Count field must contain a positive integer.

Cause: The number you entered in the indicated field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the field. Make sure the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-11520: The Execution Seconds field must contain a positive integer

Cause: The number entered in the indicated field is not valid.

Action: Make sure there are no extraneous alphabetic or punctuation characters in the field. Make sure the value entered is within the range of valid values.

MGR-11521: The selected deferred transaction has no associated calls.

Cause: A deferred transaction was queued for execution, but the transaction does not contain any operations (i.e. a null transaction).

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11522: A timestamp could not be generated.

Cause: The SQL-actions which generates a timestamp based on SYSDATE could not perform its function.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11523: The deferred call arguments could not be extracted.

Cause: An error occurred during the process to extract and store the arguments for a call in a deferred transaction.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11524: The selected deferred call has no associated arguments.

Cause: A call, which was queued as part of a deferred transaction, does not have any associated arguments.

Action: Contact Worldwide Customer Support with the circumstances and complete set of messages leading to the error.

MGR-11525: The local database is not a master site.

Cause: An operation, which was originated from a remote database or locally, assumes that the local database is a master site for replication.

Action: No action can be taken in this case.

MGR-11526: The Interval field must contain a valid time interval (e.x. SYSDATE+1).

Cause: The operation needs a interval value.

Action: Enter an interval based on SYSDATE in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11527: The Next Date field must contain a valid date string.

Cause: The operation needs a valid date value.

Action: Enter a valid date string, such as "29-MAY-95" or a function of SYSDATE in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11528: All objects in the chosen schema are already replicated.

Cause: All the objects in the chosen schema are replicated.

Action: Choose a different schema or add objects to this schema.

MGR-11529: At least one object must be selected.

Cause: At least one object must be selected from the multi-select list.

Action: Select at least one object in the Server Manager dialog box or click Cancel.

MGR-11530: You must select at least one Remote Master from the list.

Cause: The operation needs a list of one or more remote masters on which to operate.

Action: Using multi-select, specify a list of masters in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11531: Cannot generate replication support for a table without a PRIMARY KEY.

Cause: You attempted to generate replication support for a table with no PRIMARY KEY without specifying column(s) to act as the PRIMARY KEY.

Action: Choose one or more columns from the Column(s) for Primary Key multi-select list or deselect Generate Replication Support.

MGR-11532: You must select at least one Master Database from the list.

Cause: The operation needs a list of one or more remote masters on which to operate.

Action: Using multi-select, specify a list of masters in the Server Manager dialog.

MGR-11533: Cannot execute package SYS.DBMS_DEFER_PRINT.\nMaybe CATREPAD.SQL not run or no EXECUTE privilege

Cause: Server manager cant execute DBMS_DEFER_PRINT.

Action: Make sure CATREPAD.SQL has been run and the current user has execute privileges on DBMS_DEFER_PRINT.

MGR-11534: Cannot display call arguments for a remote procedure from a snapshot site.

Cause: Cannot get the call arguments for remote procedur.e

Action: No action is available from a snapshot site.

MGR-11535: The Object Name field requires a valid schema.

Cause: You did not specify a schema for the object you want to replicate.

Action: Specify a valid schema in the first Object Name field or click the Find Object Button.

MGR-11536: The Object Name field requires a valid object name.

Cause: You did not specify a name for the object you want to replicate.

Action: Specify a valid object name in the second Object Name field or click the Find Object Button.

MGR-11537: The specified object is already replicated.

Cause: You specified an object which is already replicated at this site. Objects can only be in one Replication Object Group.

Action: Specify a different object or click the Find Object Button.


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