Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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Instance Manager Messages

VAI-01000 to VAI-01399: Non-critical Error Messages

VAI-01000: Parameter file not found.

Cause: The specified parameter file could not be found.

Action: Provide a valid pathname for the parameter file.

VAI-01001: Database startup failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database startup failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-01002: Database shutdown failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database shutdown failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-01003: Database mount failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database mount failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-01004: Database open failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database open failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-01005: Database startup failed. Unknown exception.

Cause: The database startup failed because of an unknown exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-01006: The stored configuration chosen is invalid.

Cause: The database startup failed because an invalid configuration was chosen.

Action: Choose a valid configuration for startup.

VAI-01200: Failed to obtain initialization parameters from database. Unknown exception.

Cause: Initialization parameters could not be obtained from the database because of an unknown exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-01202: Failed to save parameters to file (filename). Check the filename to make sure it is valid.

Cause: Saving the parameter to a file was unsuccessful.

Action: Make sure you specified a valid filename.

VAI-01203: You are not allowed to edit this initialization parameter.

Cause: User is not allowed to edit this initialization parameter.

Action: This parameter cannot be edited.

VAI-01204: Failed to open Initialization parameter file (filename).

Cause: Failed to open the Initialization parameter file for reading parameters.

Action: Make sure that you have specified a valid filename.

VAI-01205: Failed to locate required configuration tables for a version_number database.

Cause: Failed to locate list or derived parameter entries in the repository for this version of the database.

Action: Make sure the repository creation table has been run correctly.

VAI-01208: The operation failed because you are not connected to the repository.

Cause: You are not connected to the repository.

Action: Make sure that you have a connection to the repository.

VAI-01400: Failed to obtain Stored Configurations. Unknown exception.

Cause: Failed to obtain Init Params because of an Unknown Exception.

Action: This error occurs rarely. If the error occurs, please shut down the application and restart. Reboot your system, if necessary.

VAI-02200: Failed to find IUnknown for server document.

Cause: Failed to get the IUnknown pointer for the server document. An OLE error occurred.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02201: CLSIDFromProgID failed.

Cause: The CLSIDFromProgID() call failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02202: Failed to register the job notification object in OLE's running object table.

Cause: The RegisterActiveObject(), or IRunningObjectTable::Register() call failed for the job-notif object

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02203: Failed to revoke the job notification object from OLE's running object table.

Cause: The RevokeActiveObject(), or IRunningObjectTable::Revoke() call failed for the job-notif object

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02204: Failed to get IUnknown of the active object.

Cause: The GetActiveObject() call failed. An OLE error occurred.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02205: Failed to get IDispatch of the service.

Cause: A QueryInterface() call to obtain an IDispatch* failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02206: Automation call returned error!\n\nCode: \t

Cause: To generate error msg for any ole-automation call failure append <error id>\n<error description> ("%0ld\n%s")

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02207: Failed to get preferred credentials.

Cause: Failed to obtain the preferred credentials (GetPreferredCredentials()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02208: Failed to get logon information.

Cause: Failed to obtain the logon information (GetRepLogonInfo()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02209: Failed to initialize a job object.

Cause: Failure in initializing a job object. (Initialize()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02210: Failed to create a temporary tcl-script file.

Cause: Failed to create a temporary file for the tcl-script.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02211: Failed to write to the tcl-script file.

Cause: Failed to write to the tcl-script file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02212: Failed to delete the temporary tcl-script file.

Cause: Failed to delete the temporary tcl-script file.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02213: Failed to submit script to the job.

Cause: Failed to set the script to the job object (SetScript()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02214: Failed to set a job-name to the job.

Cause: Failed to set a name to the job object (SetJobName()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02215: Failed to set destinations to the job.

Cause: Failed to set destinations to the job object (SetDestinations()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02216: Failed to schedule the job.

Cause: Failed to set schedule to the job object (SetSchedule()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02217: Failed to set credentials to the job.

Cause: Failed to set the credentials to the job object (SetCredentials())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02218: Failed to submit OLE automation server for receiving job notifications.

Cause: Failed to set a notification object to the job (SetNotificationObjectProgID())

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02219: Failed to commit the job.

Cause: Failed to commit the job object (Commit()).

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02220: Failed to extract job notification information.

Cause: Failed to extract notification information for a job (JobNotificationVriantToParameters())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02221: Failed to obtain pending job notifications.

Cause: Failed to flush the job notifications queue (FlushNotificationQueue())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02222: Parallel Server Startup Failed

Cause: The process of starting the parallel server failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02223: Parallel Server Shutdown Failed

Cause: The process of shuting down the parallel server failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02224: Startup parallel server operation failed.

Cause: Generic message to cover errors related to parallel server startup

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02225: Shutdown parallel server operation failed.

Cause: Generic message to cover errors related to parallel server shutdown

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02226: Error: Operation Failed

Cause: Generic error text (and dlg-caption) when operation type (start/shut) is not known

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02227: Failed to get preferred credentials

Cause: Failed to get the prefered credentials (GetPreferredCredentials())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02228: Failed to get node name for the service

Cause: Failed to get the node name for service (GetServiceNode ())

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02229: Error: Failed to find parallel server startup script \"%s\"

Cause: Failed to find the startup .tcl file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02230: Error: Failed to find parallel server shutdown script \"%s\"

Cause: Failed to find the shutdown .tcl file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02231: Failed to create a dispatch driver.

Cause: A CreateDispatch() ole call failed

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAI-02232: Cannot select any more instances.

Cause: Displayed when attempting to select one too many ops-instance in the startup/shutdown ops dlgs

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02233: Too many instances selected. Please drop some instances.

Cause: Displayed if too many ops instances selected in the startup/shutdown ops dlgs

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02234: Failed to extract information from object-list variant.

Cause: Failed to extract the information from the variant returned by discovery cache's GetObjectList()

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02235: Failed to get list of instances for the parallel server.

Cause: Failed to get the ops-instances from the discovery-cache for the parallel server

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02236: No parallel server instances have been selected.

Cause: Operation attempted requires at least one ops-instance to be selected, and currently none has been selected

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02237: Error: Failed to open file -

Cause: Failed to open the file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02238: Failed to write to file -

Cause: Failed to write to the file

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02239: Parallel Server Startup Failed

Cause: The parallel server startup operation failed (dlg caption)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02240: Parallel Server Shutdown Failed

Cause: The parallel server shutdown operation failed (dlg caption)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02241: The parallel server failed to startup.

Cause: The parallel server was successfully started (detailed msg)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02242: The parallel server failed to shut down.

Cause: The parallel server was successfully shut down (detailed msg)

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-02243: Failed to create an item moniker for the job notification object.

Cause: The CreateItemMoniker() call failed for the job notif object.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VAI-03000: A value for the Parameter File field must be specified.

Cause: You did not specify a filename for saving the Initialization Parameter file.

Action: Please specify a valid filename for the Parameter file.

VAI-03001: The filename you specified already exists. Do you want to overwrite this file?

Cause: You specified the name of an existing file.

Action: You must decide whether or not to overwrite the file.

VAI-03002: Unable to locate console. Please supply repository credentials.

Cause: Unable to locate the console in order to obtain repository details.

Action: You must supply the repository credentials.


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