Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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Backup and Recovery Manager Messages

VAR-03000 to VAR-03999: Tablespace Backup Error Messages

VAR-03000: No Tablespaces selected.

Cause: You did not select any tablespaces on page 2 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Select a tablespace on page 2 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-03001: "Tape Label" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:Write to Disk on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter a tape label in page 3 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter a tape label on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-03002: "Tape Device" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:Write to tape on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter a tape ID on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter a tape ID on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-03003: "Disk Directory" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method: Write to Disk on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter a directory on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter a disk directory on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-03004: "OS Command" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method: OSCommand on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter the command on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter the command on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-03005: "Backup Definition Name" must be supplied.

Cause: You did not enter a Tcl filename for the script on the last page of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter a Tcl filename for the script on the last page of the Backup wizard.

VAR-03006: Cannot open Backup Definition file.

Cause: Internal exception

Action: Cannot open file; perhaps the file is already open.

VAR-03007: Cannot write Backup Definition to disk.

Cause: Internal exception

Action: Cannot write to file; perhaps the file is read only.

VAR-03008: An offline backup of the SYSTEM Tablespace (when the database is up) is prohibited.

Cause: The SYSTEM tablespace has been included in the list of tablespaces to be backed up while the database is up. This is prohibited.

Action: Remove the system tablespace from the backup list or change the database state to "Offline" or change the tablespace state to "Online."

VAR-03009: OS Command Arguments must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method: OSCommand on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter the command arguments on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter the command arguments on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-08000 to VAR-13012: Other Error Messages

VAR-08001: Error performing backup.

Cause: Database backup failed.

Action: Check database/tablespace status.

VAR-08500: Day of the week was specified.

Cause: A day of the week was not specified.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08501: No day of the month was specified.

Cause: A day of the month was not specified.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08502: End time preceeds start time.

Cause: The end time is before the start time.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08503: Interval out of range.

Cause: The interval is not valid.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08504: Execution mode invalid or not found.

Cause: Bad execution mode.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08505: Frequency clause invalid or not found.

Cause: The frequency clause is invalid.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08506: Start time invalid or not found

Cause: Bad start date.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08508: Generic

Cause: Unknown schedule error.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08509: Invalid Schedule: schedule.

Cause: The schedule was invalid.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08510: Setting schedule to Immediate.

Cause: A day of the week was not specified.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-08511: Revert to previous schedule?

Cause: A day of the week was not specified.

Action: Do not save or submit a job which has an invalid schedule.

VAR-09001: INTERNAL ERROR: Failed to find IUnknown for Repository Control.

Cause: Failed to find IUnknown.

Action: The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer). The PC may require a reboot.

VAR-09002: Internal Error: Unable to obtain IDispatch from Job Task.

Cause: The Dispatch interface for the Job Task is not available.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAR-09004: Automation call returned error!\n\nCode:\t%0ld\n%s.

Cause: Generic job control error encountered during the submission of a job

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VAR-10000: No Tablespaces selected.

Cause: You did not select any tablespaces on page 2 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Select a tablespace on page 2 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-10001: "Tape Label" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:Write to Disk on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter a tape label on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

Action: Enter a tape label on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-10002: "Tape Device" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:Write to tape on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter a tape ID.

Action: Enter a tape ID on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-10003: "Disk Directory" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:Write to Disk on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter a disk directory

Action: Enter a disk directory on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-10004: "OS Command" must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:OSCommand on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter the command.

Action: Enter the command on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-10005: "Backup Definition Name" must be supplied.

Cause: You must enter a filename for the script.

Action: Enter a filename on the last page of the Backup wizard page.

VAR-10006: Cannot open Backup Definition file.

Cause: Internal exception.

Action: Cannot open file, perhaps the file is already open.

VAR-10007: Cannot write Backup Definition to disk.

Cause: Internal exception.

Action: Cannot write to file, perhaps the file is read-only.

VAR-10008: An offline backup of the SYSTEM Tablespace (when the database is up) is prohibited.

Cause: The SYSTEM tablespace has been included in the list of tablespaces to be backed up while the database is up. This is prohibited.

Action: Remove the system tablespace from the backup list or change the database state to Offline or change the tablespace state to Online.

VAR-10009: OS Command Arguments must be supplied.

Cause: You chose Backup Method:OSCommand on page 3 of the Backup wizard, but did not enter the command arguments.

Action: Enter the command arguments on page 3 of the Backup wizard.

VAR-10010: name already exists. Do you want to replace it?

Cause: The script name, which you have chosen, already exists.

Action: Either overwrite or enter different script name.

VAR-12060: Error Restoring.

Cause: Database backup failed.

Action: Check database/tablespace status.

VAR-13004: Please enter Archived logs directories.

Cause: The user has checked the box but did not enter data.

Action: Enter data.

VAR-13005: Please enter LSN (Log Sequence Number) to start with.

Cause: The user has checked the box but did not enter data.

Action: Enter data.

VAR-13006: Restore date/time must be less than Recover date/time.

Cause: User entered incorrect restore until date/time.

Action: Reenter data (see EBU Admin. guide for more details).

VAR-13007: When tracing is enabled, you can only submit immediate jobs.

Cause: Tracing has been enabled from the Settings menu.

Action: Disable the "Enable Tracing" menu item or submit an immediate job.

VAR-13008: Buffer Size must be at least the greater of Disk I/O Size and Tape I/O Size.

Cause: Buffer Size not at least the greater of Disk I/O Size and Tape I/O Size.

Action: Enter a higher value for Buffer Size.

VAR-13009: Please enter Backup Host.

Cause: Backup Host checked but not specified.

Action: Specify Backup Host or uncheck it.

VAR-13010: You cannot recover the database to a time in the future.

Cause: Recover Until date/time is past current time.

Action: Specify an earlier date/time.

VAR-13011: You are using an earlier version of EBU with this Target Database.

Cause: Catalog version is not current.

Action: Upgrade EBU on the server and update catalog connect string if necessary.

VAR-13012: Catalog Backup and Automatic Recovery features are not available.

Cause: Catalog version is not current.

Action: Upgrade EBU on the server and update catalog connect string if necessary.

VAR-13013: Could not get host name.

Cause: Catalog error.

Action: None.

VAR-13051: Could not connect to the EBU Catalog: name

Cause: Connect failed.

Action: Correct problem and try again.


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