Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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Oracle Performance Manager Messages

VMM-01000 to VMM-01999: Not So Critical Error Messages

VMM-01000: Failed to create chart.

Cause: A window handle for a chart could not be obtained.

Action: Try freeing up resources, such as closing other windows.

VMM-01001: Collection name not valid.

Cause: The data collection name you have chosen contained invalid characters.

Action: Use only valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, and $.

VMM-01002: System failed to allocate a timer.

Cause: A timer from the system could not be obtained.

Action: Try closing other applications which use timers.

VMM-01003: Failed to connect to database.

Cause: A database session could not be opened.

Action: Specify a different username, password, or connect string.

VMM-01004: Failed to connect to Trace database.

Cause: A Trace database session could not be opened.

Action: Check Trace username, password, and connect string.

VMM-01005: No name specified for data collection.

Cause: You failed to specify a name for the data collection file.

Action: Specify a name in the Data Collection Name dialog box when requested.

VMM-01006: Error during initialization for recording.

Cause: Performance Manager is unable to initialize Oracle Trace for Record and Playback.

Action: Verify the setup of the environment. You may have incompatible versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle server installed in the same Oracle home on the client machine. Please check this on your client machine.

VMM-01007: The chart should not be modified during recording.

Cause: You tried to modify a chart during recording.

Action: Do not modify a chart during recording.

VMM-01008: The window should not be modified during recording.

Cause: You tried to modify a window during recording.

Action: Do not modify a window during recording.

VMM-01009: Please stop recording before closing window.

Cause: You tried to close a window during recording.

Action: Do not close a window during recording.

VMM-01010: Cannot connect to Oracle Parallel Server.

Cause: Cannot run "OPS Select" statement to determine if it is in OPS mode.

Action: Install Parallel Server scripts.

VMM-02000 to VMM-02999: Informational Messages

VMM-02000: Query returned no rows.

Cause: No rows were returned when the query was executed.

Action: None, unless you know the query should return data. In that case, report the problem to Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VMM-02001: No data available.

Cause: A query did not return any data.

Action: Execute the query using SQL*Plus or a similar tool to verify that data can be returned.

VMM-02002: The 'Name' cannot be null or contain all spaces.

Cause: Name field validation failed.

Action: Enter a valid name in the Name field.

VMM-02003: Please enter a valid SQL statement that returns data.

Cause: SQL statement validation failed. To create a chart, you must enter a valid SQL statement that returns data.

Action: Enter a valid SQL statement that returns data.

VMM-02004: Increasing polling interval to allow for query completion.

Cause: Query execution time was longer than the polling interval.

Action: Increase the polling interval.

VMM-02005: Please select a chart to add.

Cause: A chart was not added because none was selected.

Action: Select a chart to add.

VMM-02006: Please select a chart to remove.

Cause: A chart was not removed because none was selected.

Action: Select a chart to remove.

VMM-02007: Please select a window.

Cause: Window field validation failed.

Action: Select a window.

VMM-02008: Please add one or more charts to the 'Selected Charts' list.

Cause: Window field validation failed.

Action: Add one or more charts to the Selected Charts list.

VMM-02009: Please enter a number.

Cause: Window field validation failed.

Action: Enter a number.

VMM-02010: Save changes to Oracle Performance Manager?

Cause: You selected the Exit command before saving changes.

Action: Select YES to save changes, NO to abandon changes or CANCEL to not exit.

VMM-02011: 'Password' must be specified.

Cause: Password field validation failed.

Action: Enter a password in the appropriate field.

VMM-02012: 'Label' must be specified.

Cause: Label field validation failed.

Action: Enter a label in the appropriate field.

VMM-02013: The first 'Function' field must be specified.

Cause: Function1 field validation failed.

Action: Select function desired.

VMM-02014: The first 'Column' field must be specified.

Cause: Column1 field validation failed.

Action: Select column desired.

VMM-02015: Simple operation must be selected for non-numeric data.

Cause: A non-numeric operation validation failed.

Action: Select the Simple radio button, or numeric columns only.

VMM-02016: The 'Operation' field must be supplied.

Cause: Operation field validation failed.

Action: Select operation desired.

VMM-02017: The second 'Function' field must be specified.

Cause: Function2 field validation failed.

Action: Select function desired.

VMM-02018: The second 'Column' field must be specified.

Cause: Column2 field validation failed.

Action: Select column desired.

VMM-02019: Please choose a selection in the 'Selections to Display' list.

Cause: Failed to delete selection because none was specified.

Action: Choose selection to delete.

VMM-02020: 'Table' chart type must be selected for non-numeric data.

Cause: Type field validation failed.

Action: Select Table type, or numeric columns only.

VMM-02021: Cannot transpose axes for non-numeric data.

Cause: Transpose axes validation failed.

Action: Select the No radio button, or numeric columns only.

VMM-02022: No function can be applied to non-numeric data.

Cause: Non-numeric function validation failed.

Action: Select <none> for function, or numeric columns only.

VMM-02023: Please add function and column selection.

Cause: Selection list validation failed.

Action: Select function and column desired.

VMM-02032: No user-defined charts available for loading.

Cause: You attempted to load charts from a repository that does not contain any saved charts.

Action: Connect to a repository that contains the charts you want to load.

VMM-02034: Do you wish to load charts? Note that this will close all active windows and replace user-defined objects.

Cause: You are attempting to load charts.

Action: Loading charts overrides currently loaded user-defined charts and windows. Before loading charts, you can save currently loaded charts for future use, or you may want to connect to a different repository.

VMM-02041: Please select an entity first.

Cause: An entity has not been selected.

Action: Select an entity using "File.Change SNMP Entity..." menu item.

VMM-02042: Please select a window name first.

Cause: A window name has not been selected.

Action: Select a window name using "Window Name" combo-box.


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