Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 1.5.0






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See Oracle Intelligent Agent.

agent discovery

The agent discovers all services on its node.

access (database)

One of the three standard privileges to an Oracle database. A DBA can grant a user one or more of the database privileges.


An authorized user of an operating system or a product. Depending on the operating system, may be referred to as ID, User ID, login, and others. Accounts are often created and controlled by a system administrator.


One or more program modules used to achieve a specific result. applications can be nested within other applications.


The process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or other entity in a computer system, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in the system.


Permission given to a user, program, or process to access resources in the system.

back up

The creation of a copy (or copies) of existing data to enable recovery of that data subsequently required.


Users specify a query to run in batch if they do not want to stop work to wait for the results. The computer decides when to run the query. Users can go back and look at the results of the query later.

cache (memory)

A temporary storage place for database data that is currently being accessed or changed by users or for data that Oracle Server requires to support users. The term buffers (database) is used interchangeably with cache.


To press and quickly release the left mouse button. You generally use the click function to highlight items in a window. You click and hold down the left mouse button primarily to make a choice within a choice. For example, you may click and hold on a menu option to bring up a submenu, and then release it after making a selection from the submenu.


A user, software application, or computer that requests the service, data, or processing of another application or computer (the "server"). In a two-task environment, the client is the user process. In a network environment, the client is the local user process and the server may be local or remote.

Communication Daemon

A process that runs on the same computer as the OEM Console. The process sends and receives information to and from the OEM Console and the Oracle Intelligent Agent.


To access an Oracle database using a valid username and password. Similar to logging on to an operating system using an account name and password. You must connect if you want to create or modify queries or access a display stored in a database.


1. Graphical user interface (GUI) that provides menus, toolbars, launch palettes, and the framework to allow access to Oracle tools, plus utilities available through other vendors. 2. A computer running either Windows NT or Windows 95 operating system where Oracle Enterprise Manager is installed. The console is also referred to as the OEM Console.


To bring an object (a table, block, field and others) into existence, usually by defining its primary characteristics.

Daemon Manager

Allows you to manage the Console's communication daemon.


1. A set of operating system files, treated as a unit, in which an Oracle Server stores a set of data dictionary tables and user tables. A database requires three types of files: database files, redo log files, and control files. 2. The disk space corresponding to this set of files. 3. A subset of the database objects necessary to support a single database application.

database administrator (DBA)

1. A person responsible for the operation and maintenance of an Oracle Server or a database application. the database administrator monitors its use in order to customize it to meet the needs of the local community of users. 2. An Oracle username that has been given DBA privileges and can perform database administrative functions. Usually the two meanings coincide. There may be more than one DBA per site.

database name

A unique name assigned to a connect descriptor in a TNSNAMES.ORA file. The use of database names allows connect descriptors to be easily referenced.

data definition language (DDL)

The category of SQL statements that define or delete database objects such as tables or views. Examples are the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements.


Dynamically linked library on a Windows NT/95 platform.


A file which contains all the database data. A datafile can be associated with only one database.

Data Manager

A tool which allows you to transfer data in and out of an Oracle database.


A value supplied by the system when a user does not specify a required command parameter or qualifier.


The process of identifying services and adding them to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Navigator.

discovery cache

An in-memory list of information about services and nodes.

distribution host

A server that has been designated as a creation, distribution and storage center for software packages and releases.


An occurrence associated with a service monitored by the Intelligent Agent. Users select the events they want to monitor for and register them with the Intelligent Agent.

Event Management System

Allows you to monitor specific event conditions that occur in your network environment.


To write database data to files for the purpose of archiving or moving data between operating systems or Oracle databases. To store a copy of a module to a file or database.


A logical unit of database storage space allocation made up of a number of contiguous data blocks.


A collection of data treated as a unit, such as a list, document, index, note, set of procedures, and so on. Generally used to refer to data stored on disks.


The name component of a file specification. A filename is assigned by either the user or the system when the file itself is created.

fixit job

An unscheduled job associated with a registered event by an Oracle Enterprise user. When the event the fixit job is associated with occurs, the job executes automatically to resolve the problem.


To give a user access to modules. Only a module's creator can grant its access to other users.


A user-definable collection of similar objects such as databases, listeners, Names Servers, or nodes that share a common location or function.


Optional structures associated with tables and clusters which provide a fast access path to the data.


Combination of the background processes and memory buffers. An Oracle instance has two types of processes: user processes and Oracle Processes.

integrity constraint

A declarative method of defining a rule for a column of a table.


Provides a tree list of all the objects in a network, providing a direct view of objects such as user-defined groups, nodes, listeners, names servers, and databases, plus the objects that they contain.


A uniquely addressable computer attached to a network.

Oracle Intelligent Agent

A process that interacts with the OEM Console's Communication Daemon. The Agent receives and processes requests from the Communication Daemon over SQLNET and RPC. The Agent can also communicate through SNMP to an SNMP Master Agent allowing third party SNMP Monitoring stations to access information about Oracle through Management Information Blocks (MIB).

Oracle Process

A server process that performs work for user processes and background processes that perform maintenance work for the Oracle Server.

OEM Repository

A set of tables in an Oracle database which stores data and information required by the OEM Console. The tables are owned by the account that creates them.

Oracle Software Manager (OSM)

A tool that will allow installation of OSM compliant software remotely to other Windows NT servers or Windows clients.

Oracle Performance Pack

A set of valuable Oracle tools integrated with the OEM Console for monitoring and maintaining performance of Oracle databases. The Performance Pack is purchased separately from Oracle Enterprise Manager.


Oracle's extensions to Tcl, including Oracle database-specific commands.


Provides a method of encapsulating and storing related procedures, functions, and other package constructs together as a unit in the database.

package body

Defines all constructs, public and private, of the package.

package specification

Declares all public constructs of the package.


A set of SQL and PL/SQL statements grouped together to perform a specific task.

property sheet

A dialog box used to specify options when creating or altering a composite instance, such as user or tablespace.

Q files

The queues are required for event and job scheduling. They are created the first time the agent starts up.

Q file   Description  


Event Registeration queue, a list of events that have been successfully registered on the console.  


User queue, contains list of all registered users.  


Job request queue, list if all successfully scheduled jobs. Canceling jobs removes them from this queue.  


Job result queue, results stored before successfully sent back to the Daemon.  


Event occurence queue, results stored before successfully sent back to the Daemon.  

redo log

A set of files that protect altered database data in memory that has not been written to the datafiles.


A set of tables in an Oracle database.


Named groups of related privileges that are granted to users or other roles.

rollback segment

A portion of the database that records the actions of transactions if the transaction should be rolled back (undone). Rollback segments are used to provide read consistency, to rollback transactions, and to recover the database.


A measure of how well the software or hardware product is able to adapt to future business needs.


A named collection of schema objects, such as tables, views, clusters, procedures, and packages.

schema object

Logical structures that directly refer to the database's data. Schema objects include such structures as tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, synonyms, indexes, clusters, and database links.


A database object used to generate a serial list of unique numbers for numeric columns of a database's tables.


A specific connection of a user to an Oracle instance via a user process.


A computer running either UNIX or Windows NT operating system where Oracle database is installed.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

A protocol which allows administrators to manage heterogeneous systems with a single administration interface.

snapshot log

A table associated with the master table of a snapshot.


A read-only copy of a master table located on a remote node. It is periodically refreshed to reflect changes made to the master table.

Software Manager

A tool which allows you to distribute, install, and uninstall software packages on servers and clients throughout the network.

SQL Worksheet

A window to enter, edit, and execute SQL and PL/SQL code. It maintains a history of issued commands for easy retrieval.


An alias for a table, view, snapshot, sequence, procedure, function, or package.

System Global Area (SGA)

An area of memory used for database information shared by the database users.


One or more logical storage units into which a database is divided. A tablespace is used to group related logical structures together.

Tool Command Language (Tcl)

An industry standard string processing language for issuing commands to interactive programs. Jobs and events are Tcl scripts processed by the Intelligent Agent.


A description of the interconnections and relationships in a network. Some versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager use a topology file to populate the Enterprise Manager Navigator with manageable entities.


A stored PL/SQL procedure that is implicitly started when an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement is issued against the associated table.

user process

A process that executes the code of an application program or an Oracle tool.


A custom-tailored presentation of the data in one or more tables. Also known as a stored query.


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