Oracle SNMP Support Reference Guide
Release 8.0.4






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This guide covers the Oracle SNMP Support feature and the public and private MIBs that support its use with certain products. This information is provided to assist you in developing SNMP-based management applications for these products.


This manual is intended primarily for third-party developers of SNMP-based management applications. While these readers may have a good working knowledge of SNMP, they may not be as familiar with relational databases, or Oracle products in particular. A secondary audience for this manual includes database administrators, who may be familiar with Oracle products, but who may be less familiar with SNMP.

Related Oracle Publications

Several other Oracle publications include information relating to topics covered in this manual. Where the system (Oracle7 or Oracle8) is not specified, consult your system-specific documentation:

How This Manual Is Organized

The Oracle SNMP Support Reference Guide includes four chapters and six appendices.

Chapter 1  

Provides a general overview of Oracle SNMP Support for Oracle7 and Oracle8 Servers, Listener, Oracle MultiProtocol Interchange, Oracle Names and Oracle Enterprise Manager. It covers the benefits, basic terms and components of the feature.  

Chapter 2  

Describes the Oracle products providing SNMP support, the MIBs supporting these products, and how to interpret SNMP object identifiers (OIDs).  

Chapter 3  

Includes suggestions to assist you in developing the most useful management applications for Oracle products. Using a sufficient sample size to calculate ratios, presenting performance ratios graphically, scaling values dynamically, working around the wraparound, and the top twenty database performance ratios are covered.  

Chapter 4  

Covers the format used to describe MIB variables in the appendices of this manual.  

Appendix A  

Provides information to help you interpret and present individual variables of the private Oracle7 and Oracle8 Database MIBs. These variables support monitoring of the Oracle7 and Oracle8 Servers.  

Appendix B  

Provides information to help you interpret and present individual variables of the private Oracle Listener MIB. These variables support monitoring of the listener service.  

Appendix C  

Provides information to help you interpret and present individual variables of the private Oracle Names MIB. These variables support monitoring of the Oracle Names product.  

Appendix D  

Provides information to help you interpret and present individual variables of the public RDBMS MIB. These variables support monitoring of the Oracle7 and Oracle8 Servers.  

Appendix E  

Provides information to help you interpret and present individual variables of the public Network Services MIB. These variables support monitoring of the Oracle Server7, Oracle Server8 and Oracle Names products.  

Appendix F  

Provides information to help you interpret and present individual variables of the private Oracle Enterprise Manager MIB. These variables support monitoring of databases with Oracle Enterprise Manager.  

Other Related Documents

Any developer of management applications for Oracle SNMP Support must be familiar with SNMP concepts. Standard texts include:

Relevant RFCs include:

Relevant Oracle MIB Definitions include:

Notational Conventions

The following syntax conventions are used in this manual:

Convention   Meaning  

Monospace normal  

Monospace shows computer display or contains text you must enter exactly as shown.  

Monospace italics  

Monospace in italics represents a command parameter or variable. Substitute an appropriate value.  


Uppercase characters within the text represent command names, filenames, and directory names. Note that in case-sensitive operating systems, such as UNIX, these names may not necessarily be in upper-case.  


Text in italics usually indicates a variable for which you need to substitute a value. Italics are also used to draw attention to the first instance of a defined term in the text.  


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