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Oracle Self-Service Web Applications Documentation Updates

This section contains important information. Please read this document for the latest additions to your user's guide.

PL/SQL Package and Procedure Registration

Disregard this section of the documentation. With Release 11, this functionality is handled by a loader program in the Applications Object Library.

Predefined Inquiry Flows

The following table lists inquiry flows and their associated products: Web Customers, Web Employees, and / or Web Suppliers. See: Predefined Inquiry Flows.

Inquiry Flow Web Customers Web Employees Web Suppliers
All Open Requests for Quotes  
All Projects    
Buyer / Supplier Projects  
Customer Products Summary    
Customer Projects  
Customer Sales Order Projects  
Customer Summary  
Engineering Change Order    
Item Forecasts    
Key Member Projects    
List of Users    
Margin Analysis by Customer    
Margin Analysis by Item    
Margin Analysis by Sales Representative    
Margin Analysis by Territory    
Open Requisition by Users    
Open Requisition Lines    
Planner Projects    
Purchase Order Change History  
Repairs Summary    
Requisition by Users    
Requisition Distributions    
Requisition History    
Schedule Summary    
Service Requests Summary    
Supplier Catalog Summary  
View Demand by Item    
View Demand by (Sales) Order Number    

Oracle Web Employees

In the Requisitions section, you can at any time click Complete Order Later to save your in-progress requisition without submitting it for approval.

If your session is interrupted while you are creating a requisition, you can retrieve the in-progress requisition by navigating to Saved Requisitions. See: Requisitions

Profile Options

The following table replaces the one in the user documentation:

Profile Option User Access System Administrator Requirements
User Resp App Site Default Value
CZ: Use Simple Configurator         Yes
ICX: Allow Funds Override - - - -  
ICX: Date Format Mask     DD-MON-RRRR. For example, 04-NOV-1997.
ICX: Days Needed By 2
ICX: Default Employee -  
ICX: Default Requisition Template  
ICX: Language     American English
ICX: Limit Connect -     1000
ICX: Limit Time -     4
ICX: Override Location Flag   Yes
ICX: Override Requestor Code   No

You can update the profile option.
- You can view the profile option value but you cannot change it.

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