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An Oracle Alert implicit input that contains the date and time that an alert was last checked. Oracle Alert automatically provides the value for :DATE_LAST_CHECKED. You must use :DATE_LAST_CHECKED to create self-referencing alerts.
A message, a SQL statement script, an operating system script, or a concurrent program request that Oracle Alert performs during an alert check or as a result of processing a response.
Action Definition
The set of instructions you provide Oracle Alert that tell it how to perform an action. For example, whether you define your action as detail, summary, or no exception is part of the action's definition.
Action Escalation
An Oracle Alert feature that allows you to create a set of detail actions of escalating severity levels for Oracle Alert to perform if it finds the same exception during consecutive alert checks. Oracle Alert performs one action during each alert check.
Action Group
The collection of actions that comprise a threshold group or an escalation group. An action group can be included in the action set for an alert.
Action History
A record of the actual actions performed for each action set check that includes the value substituted for each output.
Action Set
The set of inputs, outputs, actions, and action groups for an alert that define the instructions you want Oracle Alert to perform during an action check.
Action Set Check
One execution of an alert's Select statement.
Actual Response
The reply that an alert message recipient sends to Oracle Alert. Ideally, the actual response matches a defined valid response.
A SQL Select statement that checks your database for certain exceptions and performs actions based on the exceptions found.
Alert Check
One completed request of Check Periodic Alert (ALECDC) or Check Event Alert (ALECTC).
Alert Check History
Information that Oracle Alert keeps about each alert check, such as date and time, number of exceptions found, and whether the alert check completed successfully.
A unique Oracle name that identifies a set of forms, reports, and programs.
Application Installation
A unique combination of an application and an Oracle User. Automatically created for Oracle Applications by AutoInstall, you can also create your own application installation for your custom applications.
Application Response Account
An Oracle Office account where users return alert messages with their responses, also known as the response processing Inbox. When the response processor runs, it moves all the messages in this account to the Reviewed folder before determining which messages are responses.
The Oracle Applications automated installation program.
Check Event Alert (ALECTC)
The Oracle Alert concurrent program that submits a request to the concurrent manager to run an event alert.
Check Periodic Alert (ALECDC)
The Oracle Alert concurrent program that submits a request to the concurrent manager to run a periodic alert that you check on demand.
The data in a message that represents the value Oracle Alert substituted for a single output. A summary message can include many columns, each one using a specified number of characters across, and as many lines down as are needed to fit the information from all the exceptions.
Column Wrap
Column formatting that uses the first character of the column as the left margin and one space before the first character of the next column as the right margin. Oracle Alert uses as many lines as necessary to display or print the output value. For example, if the width of the column in the message is 20 characters, and the length of the selected output is 60 characters, Oracle Alert displays the output information on three lines of 20 characters each.
Concurrent Manager
An Oracle Applications component that manages the queuing of concurrent requests and the operation of concurrent programs.
Concurrent Process
An instance of running a concurrent program. Each time you submit a request, a concurrent manager processes your request, starts a concurrent process, and runs a concurrent program.
Concurrent Program
A concurrent program is an executable file that performs a specific task, such as posting a journal entry or generating a report.
Concurrent Queue
A list of concurrent requests awaiting completion by a concurrent manager. Each concurrent manager has a queue of requests waiting in line to be run. If your system administrator sets up your Oracle Application to have simultaneous queuing, your request can wait to run in more than one queue.
Concurrent Request
A request to Oracle Alert to complete a task.
Concurrent Request Action
A concurrent request that Oracle Alert submits during an alert check or while processing a response.
Constant Text
Any characters, other than outputs, placed within the Summary Message Template. For example, you can put a dollar sign ($) in the first space of a column that displays money. Also known as boilerplate text.
Critical Output
Output used in an alert summary action. Oracle Alert performs one summary action for each unique combination of critical outputs. For a summary message action, that includes any output that resides outside the summary message template. For a summary concurrent request action, that includes any output used as an argument to a concurrent program request. For a summary operating system script action or summary SQL statement script action, that includes any output used as a file name or as an argument in an external script file or any output used in a script stored in the database.
Custom Oracle Application
"A custom application is an application that was not installed using AutoInstall, or any application that resides outside the database where Oracle Alert resides. For example, any of the Oracle Applications that resides in a different database than Oracle Alert is considered a custom application."
Database Link
A logical name you define within your database for another (remote) database that may or may not reside on a different machine. Using SQL*Net, your database can use this name to access information in the remote database as if that information were part of your database.
Detail Action
An action that Oracle Alert performs once for each exception found by the alert Select statement. You must define detail actions if you want to use action escalation.
Distribution List
A predefined list of electronic mail IDs and printer instructions that you can use across multiple message actions, rather than entering the complete set of IDs for each action.
Duplicate Checking
An alert that you define to check for exceptions that remain in your database over time. An exception is a "duplicate" if Oracle Alert encountered the same exception during a previous alert check.
Duplicate Check Period
The number of days of history for an alert that Oracle Alert checks when determining whether an exception is a duplicate.
Duplicate Configuration
The set of outputs that are used to determine whether an exception is a duplicate. You define a duplicate configuration for an alert in the Outputs alternative region located in the Alert Details window of the Alerts form.
Duplicate Exception
An exception that was found during the previous alert check.
Duplicate Suppression
Oracle Alert can suppress the action for an alert if subsequent checks of that alert locate the same exceptions.
Dynamic Distribution
You can use an output to represent a list of electronic mail IDs. When you define a message action with dynamic distribution, Oracle Alert sends the message to all the user IDs on the list.
Enabled Alert
An alert that Oracle Alert performs during an alert check.
Escalation Group
A set of detail actions of the same action type. Oracle Alert performs one of the actions during an alert check of an alert that uses action escalation. Which action Oracle Alert performs depends upon the escalation level of the action, and whether the exceptions found during the alert check are duplicates.
Event Alert
An alert that runs when an insert or update occurs on a database table that you specify. For example, you can define an event alert that immediately sends a message to the system administrator when a user creates a new alert.
Event Table
A database table where the insert or update that triggers your event alert occurs. An event alert fires when an insert or update occurs on the event table.
A specified condition found during an alert check. For example, an alert checking for users that did not change their passwords within the designated time finds five users that meet the criteria. Each user found is an exception.
Exception History
The exception values found during an alert check.
Exception Reporting
An integrated system of alerts and actions that focuses attention on time-sensitive or critical information, streamlines your communication channels, shortens your reaction time, and eliminates information clutter. Exception reporting communicates information either by electronic mail or paper reports.
Logical database space, expressed as a specific number of contiguous data blocks, obtained in a single allocation, used to store a specific type of information.
Implicit Input
A predefined input for which Oracle Alert automatically provides the type and value. The three Oracle Alert implicit inputs are: :MAILID, :ROWID, and :DATE_LAST_CHECKED. The value of each implicit input comes from the alert whose Select statement it belongs to. Oracle Alert never displays implicit inputs outside the Select statement.
A optional parameter that you can use to customize the data retrieved by the alert Select statement. You can set an input to different values depending upon to whom and when the alert is sent. For example, an alert testing for users who need to change their passwords uses the number of days between password changes as an input. You need not specify inputs when you define an alert.
Invalid Response
A response that Oracle Alert receives in reply to an alert message that does not match any specified valid response.
Landscape Format
The message format that displays or prints 132 characters across the top of the page.
Represents the application logon ID of the user who enters an insert or update that triggers an event alert.
Message Action
An electronic mail message that Oracle Alert distributes during an alert check or while processing a response.
Message Handle
A unique number that Oracle Alert assigns to an alert message that solicits a response. Oracle Alert places the number in the lower left-hand corner of the message. The message handle must be included in the actual response, for Oracle Alert to process it correctly. In other words, respondents to an alert message must include the original message with their reply.
Multi-Line Exception
The value of an output that spans more than one physical line in a message.
No Exception Action
An action Oracle Alert performs when no exceptions are found during an alert check.
No Response
The actions you want Oracle Alert to perform if the recipient does not respond within the number of Response Days specified in the Action Details window of the Alerts form.
Operating System Script Action
An operating system script that Oracle Alert executes during an alert check or while processing a response.
A variable whose value changes based on the outcome of an alert check. You use outputs in your alert actions to display exception data, or to pass parameters to SQL scripts and operating scripts and concurrent program requests.
Output Value
An exception found by the alert select statement that provides the value for an output.
Periodic Alert
An alert that checks your database for the conditions defined in your Select statement, according to a schedule you determine.
Periodic Alert Scheduler (ALEPPE)
A concurrent program that runs every midnight. It submits, to the concurrent manager, each periodic alert that is scheduled to be checked that day. Then, it resubmits itself to run at midnight. The Periodic Alert Checker also deletes any expired alert history.
Portrait Format
A message format that displays or prints 80 characters across the top of the page.
Process Incoming Messages (ALPPIM)
The Oracle Alert concurrent program that reads the messages in the Oracle Alert response account Inbox and performs the predefined actions for those that received a reply. Also known as the response processor.
Anyone that receives an alert message. A recipient may receive a message via electronic mail-in which case the recipient is represented by an electronic mail ID, or via a printer-in which case the recipient is represented by an identifying word that Oracle Alert prints on the burst page of the printed message.
Response Days
The number of days you want Oracle Alert to wait before it takes the No Response Follow-up Actions you specify. You indicate the number of response days in the Response Days field of the Action Details window of the Alerts form.
Response History
Information that Oracle Alert keeps about the responses received and response actions performed for your response processing alerts.
Response Processing
An Oracle Alert feature that lets Oracle Alert process a user's response to an electronic mail message, and perform a set of predefined actions.
Response Processor (ALPPIM)
An Oracle Alert concurrent program that processes responses to alert messages. Also see the term "processing incoming messages".
Response Processor Interval
The frequency with which Oracle Alert submits the response processor to the concurrent manager. You define a start time, an end time, and the number of minutes between.
Response Set
The set of response variables, actions, valid responses, invalid responses, and no response responses defined for a response processing alert.
Response Template
A template containing predefined valid response text. When responding to an alert message action that solicits a response, the alert recipient copies this predefined text template and substitutes the appropriate values for any response variables.
Response Text
Standard text that Oracle Alert appends to every alert message that is associated with a response set. After appending this text to the end of the message, Oracle Alert lists the valid responses defined for the message. Use the Response Text to tell your message recipients how to respond to the alert message.
Response Variable
A variable whose value is supplied by a respondent to an alert message.
Response Variable Value
The actual value a respondent supplies for a response variable. For example, if REORDER_QUANTITY is a response variable, a recipient assigns a numeric value to it; for example, 200. That numeric value is the response variable value.
The Oracle Alert implicit input that represents the row ID number in the event table where the insert or update that triggers an event alert occurs.
Select Statement
A SQL Select statement that defines the specific database conditions you want Oracle Alert to monitor.
Self-Referencing Alert
An alert that uses its own Date Last Checked value during an alert check to report only the exceptions that are new since the last alert check.
SQL Statement Script Action
A SQL statement script that Oracle Alert executes during an alert check or while processing a response.
Summary Action
An action that represents multiple exceptions found in the database.
Summary Message Template
The template you use to format summary message actions. The template resides in the Text field of the Action Details window of the Alerts form. The outputs you place within the template provide a summary of all exception values found for those outputs during an alert check, within a single message. (As opposed to a detail message, where one message is sent for each exception found.)
Summary Threshold
The number of exceptions found during an alert check that determines whether Oracle Alert will perform the detail action in a Threshold Group, or the summary action.
Threshold Group
One detail action and one summary action of the same action type that you want Oracle Alert to choose between when performing an alert check for an alert that uses summary threshold. Oracle Alert performs the detail action if, during an alert check, it finds fewer exceptions than the summary threshold number defined in the Action Sets window of the Alerts form. Oracle Alert performs the summary action if, during an alert check, it finds the number of exceptions to be equal to or more than the summary threshold number.
Valid Response
A response that you define in Oracle Alert and assign actions to. If an actual response from a recipient matches a valid response, Oracle Alert performs the assigned actions.

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