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Outbound Invoice Data File Organization

The data file produced by this transaction consists of three levels of data: header, line, and tax.

Each invoice contains one header record that applies to the entire invoice such as customer information. The invoice header is followed by one or more invoice lines, each representing the item or service being billed. Each line is followed by one or more tax lines associated with the line item.

For the automotive environment, the following records are populated. In all other environments, these records are left blank.

Record Description
1015 Trading Partner References 1 & 2
1115 Trading Partner References 1 & 2
1215 Trading Partner References 1 & 2
1315 Trading Partner References 1 & 2
3075 Vehicle information
3090-3094 Allowance and charges attributes
7000 7010 7100 7110 7120 Allowance and charges attributes
6005 6025 6070 6080 6090 6095 VAT taxes

Summary Tables

The following tables provide a summary description of the data file:

Record Occurrences within the Transaction

Records Content Occurrences
0010-0070 EDI Gateway Control Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
1000-3900 Invoice Header Records Only one record occurrence per transaction
4000-5900 Invoice Item Records One set of records per item within the invoice header
6000-7900 Invoice Item Detail Records One set of records per item within the invoice item

Record Summary

Seq. Data Data Level Record Number Note
1 Control Record CONTROL 0010
2 Trading Partner Header Flexfields TRADING PARTNER 0020-0050 Flexfields
4 Bill To Address /Code INVOICE HEADER 1000
5 Bill to Misc. Data, Contacts INVOICE HEADER 1010-1015  
6 Bill to Customer Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 1020-1050 Flexfields
7 Bill to Site Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 1060-1090 Flexfields
8 Ship to Address/code INVOICE HEADER 1100
9 Ship to Misc. Data, Contacts INVOICE HEADER 1110
10 Sold to Address/Code INVOICE HEADER 1200
11 Sold to Misc. data, Contact INVOICE HEADER 1210-1215
12 Remit to Address/Code INVOICE HEADER 1300-1315
13 Ship From Codes INVOICE HEADER 1400
14 Basic Invoice Header Data INVOICE HEADER 2000
15 Invoice Misc. Data INVOICE HEADER 2010-2020
16 Shipment Data INVOICE HEADER 2030
17 Currency Data, Misc. data, INVOICE HEADER 2040
18 Payment Terms Data INVOICE HEADER 2050
19 Sales Representative, Comments INVOICE HEADER 2060
20 Invoice Header Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 3000-3030 Flexfields
21 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields INVOICE HEADER 3040-3070 Flexfields
22 Shipping Information INVOICE HEADER 3080  
23 Header Allowance/Charges INVOICE HEADER 3090-3100
24 Extension Tables:
Invoice Header Data
INVOICE HEADER 3900 (Custom)
25 Basic Item Data ITEM 4000
26 Sales Order Data,
Part Descriptions
ITEM 4010
27 Sales Channel ITEM 4020
28 Order Status, Transaction
Reference Key
ITEM 4030
29 Interface Line Flexfields ITEM 5000-5030 Flexfields
30 Line Flexfields ITEM 5040-5070 Flexfields
31 Line Part Flexfields ITEM 5100-5130 Flexfields
32 Extension Tables: Item Data ITEM 5900 (Custom)
33 Line Tax Data ITEM DETAIL 6000-6010 Flexfields
34 Line Tax Flexfields ITEM DETAIL 6020-6060 Flexfields
35 Detail Allowance/Charges ITEM DETAIL 7000-7010
36 Extension Tables: Transaction Line Detail Data ITEM DETAIL 7900 (Custom)
37 Extension Tables: Transaction Line Detail Data ITEM DETAIL 7900 (Custom)

Transaction-Specific Data in the Common Key Positions 1-100

Records Content Occurrences
1-25 TP_CD Trading Partner Code as defined in the EDI Translator
26-47 INVOICE Invoice number
48-69 ITEM Item sequence number
70-91 TAX Tax sequence number
92-95 (Varies) Record Number
96-97 (Varies) Record Layout
98-100 (Varies) Record Layout Qualifier

Transaction-Specific Data in the Common Key Positions 1-100 Per Record

Seq. Data Trading Partner Reference 1 Reference 2 Reference 3 Record Number Record Layout Record Layout Qualifier
Length 25 22 22 22 4 2 3
Position 1-25 26-47 48-69 70-91 92-95 96-97 98-100
1 Control Record TP_CD INVOICE     0010 CT CTL
2 Trading Partner
Header Flexfields
TP_CD INVOICE     0020 A3 TH1
3 Trading Partner
Header Flexfields
TP_CD INVOICE     0030 A4 TH2
4 Trading Partner
Header Flexfields
TP_CD INVOICE     0040 A4 TH3
5 Trading Partner
Header Flexfields
TP_CD INVOICE     0050 A4 TH4
6 Trading Partner
Detail Flexfields
TP_CD INVOICE     0060 A3 TD1
7 Trading Partner
Detail Flexfields
TP_CD INVOICE     0070 A4 TD2
8 Bill To Address /Code TP_CD INVOICE     1000 AD BT1
9 Bill to Misc. data, Contacts TP_CD INVOICE     1010-1015 RF BT1
10 Bill to Customer Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1020 A1 BT1
11 Bill to Customer Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1030 A2 BT2
12 Bill to Customer Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1040 A2 BT3
13 Bill to Customer Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1050 A2 BT4
14 Bill to Site Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1060 A1 BS1
15 Bill to Site Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1070 A2 BS2
16 Bill to Site Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1080 A2 BS3
17 Bill to Site Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     1090 A2 BS4
18 Ship to Address/code TP_CD INVOICE     1100 AD ST1
19 Ship to Misc. data, contacts TP_CD INVOICE     1110-1115 RF ST1
20 Sold to Address/code TP_CD INVOICE     1200 AD SO1
21 Sold to Misc. data, Contact TP_CD INVOICE     1210-1215 RF SO1
22 Remit to address/code TP_CD INVOICE     1300 AD RE1
22 Remit to Miscalleous Data TP_CD INVOICE     1315 RF RE1
23 Ship From Codes TP_CD INVOICE     1400 SF SF1
24 Basic Invoice Header Data TP_CD INVOICE     2000 IV IV1
25 Invoice Amount Data TP_CD INVOICE     2010 IV IV2
26 Invoice Misc. Data TP_CD INVOICE     2020 IV IV3
27 Shipment Data TP_CD INVOICE     2030 IV IV4
28 Currency Data, Shipping Data, Miscellaneous Data TP_CD INVOICE     2040 IV IV5
29 Payment Terms Data TP_CD INVOICE     2050 IV IV6
30 Sales Representative, Comments TP_CD INVOICE     2060 IV IV7
31 Invoice Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3000 A1 IH1
32 Invoice Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3010 A2 IH2
33 Invoice Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3020 A2 IH3
34 Invoice Header Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3030 A2 IH4
35 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3040 A1 IH5
36 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3050 A2 IH6
37 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3060 A2 IH7
38 Invoice Header Interface Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE     3070 A2 IH8
39 Invoice Header Shipping Instructions TP_CD INVOICE     3075 IV SHP
40 Header Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE     3090 AH AH1
41 Header Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE     3100 AH AH2
42 Extension Tables: Invoice Header Data TP_CD INVOICE     3900   (Custom)
43 Basic Item Data TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4000 IT IT1
44 Sales Order Data, Part, Customer
Item Description
45 Sales Channel, Order Status TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   4020 IT IT3
46 Transaction Reference Key,
Order Status
47 Interface Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5000 A1 IL1
48 Interface Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5010 A2 IL2
49 Interface Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5020 A2 IL3
50 Interface Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5030 A2 IL4
51 Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5040 A1 LN1
52 Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5050 A2 LN2
53 Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5060 A2 LN3
54 Line Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5070 A2 LN4
55 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5100 A1 LP1
56 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5110 A2 LP2
57 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5120 A2 LP3
58 Line Part Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5120 A2 LP4
59 Extension Tables: Item Data TP_CD INVOICE ITEM   5900   (Custom)
60 Line Tax Data TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 6000 TX TX1
61 Line Tax Data TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 6010-6020 TX TX2
62 Line Tax Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 6030 A1 TX1
63 Line Tax Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 6040 A2 TX2
64 Line Tax Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 6050 A2 TX3
65 Line Tax Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 6060 A2 TX4
66 Detail Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7000 AD AD1
67 Detail Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7010 AD AD2
68 Detail Allowance/Charges Flexfields TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7100 AL IL1
69 Detail Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7110 AL IL2
70 Detail Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7120 AL IL3
71 Detail Allowance/Charges TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7130 AL IL4
72 Extension Tables:
Transaction Line Detail Data
TP_CD INVOICE ITEM TAX 7900   (Custom)

See Also

Outbound Invoice Data File Definition

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