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Asset Management in a Highly Inflationary Economy (Revaluation)

Oracle Assets allows you to periodically adjust the value of your capitalized assets due to inflation or deflation, according to rates you enter. This process is known as revaluation. The rules for revaluation often differ from country to country. Oracle Assets has the flexibility to handle your specific requirements.

Oracle Assets multiplies the asset cost by the revaluation rate you enter in the Mass Revaluations window to determine the adjustment to the asset cost.

A revaluation only affects assets added in a prior period. It does not process:

Suggestion: Since Oracle Assets does not Mass Copy revaluations, when you perform a revaluation in your corporate book, also perform it in each tax book associated with that corporate book.

Set Up Revaluation Accounts

You must set up the following revaluation accounts before you can perform a revaluation:

Specify Default Revaluation Rules

Allow revaluation and specify default revaluation rules for a book in the Book Controls window. If necessary, you can override these rules when creating a revaluation definition in the Mass Revaluations window.

Revalue Accumulated Depreciation

If you decide to revalue accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets revalues the accumulated depreciation by the same rate by which you revalue your asset cost. Then it determines the change in net book value and transfers the difference to the revaluation reserve account. Oracle Assets calculates current depreciation expense based on the net book value after revaluation, salvage value, and the remaining life.

If you decide not to revalue accumulated depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the current accumulated depreciation to revaluation reserve. In this case, Oracle Assets calculates current depreciation expense based on the recoverable cost after revaluation and the remaining life.

If you do not amortize the revaluation reserve, the amount remains in the revaluation reserve account until you retire the asset.

Retire Revaluation Reserve

If you want to retire revaluation reserve, Oracle Assets creates journal entries for the remaining reserve to the revaluation reserve retired gain or loss accounts when you retire assets.

Revalue Fully Reserved Assets

You can revalue fully reserved assets that are depreciating under a life-based method. If you choose to revalue fully reserved assets, Oracle Assets also requires you to enter a life extension factor to extend the asset life.

Oracle Assets does not revalue fully retired assets. So if you retire an asset, revalue its category, and reinstate it, the asset is reinstated without being revalued. You can revalue it individually if necessary.

Maximum Fully Reserved Revaluations

You can limit the number of times an asset can be revalued as fully reserved. If you allow revaluation of fully reserved assets, Oracle Assets does not revalue a fully reserved asset if the revaluation exceeds the maximum number of times you can revalue an asset as fully reserved.

Life Extension Factor

When you revalue a fully reserved asset, you must extend the asset life so its revalued cost can be depreciated over one or more periods. To determine the new asset life, Oracle Assets multiplies the original asset life by the life extension factor.

Life Extension Ceiling

The life extension ceiling limits the amount of depreciation you can back out when you revalue fully reserved assets. If your life extension factor is greater than the life extension ceiling, Oracle Assets uses the life extension ceiling to calculate the new accumulated depreciation and the depreciation adjustment. It uses the life extension factor to calculate the new asset life regardless of whether a life extension ceiling exists.

Revaluation Ceiling

Use the ceiling to prevent revaluation above the fair market value. Enter the revaluation ceiling in the Books window.

See Also

Control Your Revaluation

Revaluing Assets

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