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Moving or Merging Account Balances

A move operation transfers balances from one or more source accounts to one or more target accounts. In the Mass Maintenance Workbench window, you use one account specification each to define the source accounts and the target accounts.

For example, assume your account has a cost center segment that you use to represent operations centers. Assume also that you have just closed one of your centers (#683) and want another center (#357) to absorb center #683's inventory and operations. For accounting and reporting purposes, you now want center #683's account balances reflected in center #357's accounts. You can do this with a move operation. Assuming you use a four segment account, with cost center as the second segment, the source and target specifications in the Mass Maintenance Workbench window are:

Source specification: . 683 . . Target specification: . 357 . .

Note that you only have to specify a value for the cost center segment. By leaving the other three segments blank, your move/merge operation will move all account balances for all values of the other segments when the cost center value is 683.

A merge operation transfers balances from multiple source accounts into one or more target accounts. In the Mass Maintenance Workbench window, multiple account specifications are used to define the source accounts while the same account specification is used to define the target accounts.

For example, assume that you want to merge the balances from three costs centers (575, 683, and 937) into one (357). The source and target specifications in the Mass Maintenance Workbench window are:

Source specification: . 575 . . Target specification: . 357 . .

Source specification: . 683 . . Target specification: . 357 . .

Source specification: . 937 . . Target specification: . 357 . .

Business Rules

Additional Information: After you move a net income account's balance, the source account will no longer be treated as a net income account by General Ledger. Instead, the target net income account replaces the source net income account. The source account is then treated as any other account.

If you subsequently reverse a move operation that involved a net income account, the target net income account used in the original move operation cannot be used as a target net income account in any other move/merge operation.

What Move/Merge Does

If no errors are encountered, a move/merge will perform the following steps before it finishes processing:

Translated Balances

After a successful move/merge operation, translated balances will be out of date. You must run General Ledger's Translation program to update your translated balances.

See Also

Defining a Move/Merge Request

Reversing a Move/Merge

Purging Move/Merge Tables

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