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Creating Your Own Funds Available Reports

You can use the Financial Statement Generator to design custom reports that report on encumbrances and funds available.

For example, you can prepare a funds available report to measure budgets against expenses and encumbrances to determine the balance of funds available for future expenses. To define an encumbrance report, first define each of the report component parts: a row set, a column set, and an optional content set. When you define the column set, you can use the Funds Available column set, which includes columns for budget, encumbrance, expenditure, and funds available, plus the percentage of budget available.

To request encumbrance reports you define with the Financial Statement Generator, follow the same procedure as you would for any other report. Indicate the report you want to run or request an ad hoc report by specifying a row set, column set, and optional content set. Indicate the budget version and the encumbrance types to use in the report.

See Also

Overview of Financial Statement Generator

Defining Column Sets

Defining Row Sets

Running Standard Reports and Listings

General Ledger Standard Reports and Listings

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