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Define Automatic Accounting

Use this window to define how Import Requisitions generate your account numbers for internal requisitions of delivery type "Inventory".

Replenishment Account Region

Use this region to enter your set of books and account type details.

Set of Books

Enter the name of the set of books for which you wish to create your automatic account numbers.


Enter "Replenishment Expense" as the type in this field.

Segments Zone


Oracle Subinventory Replenishment automatically defaults each segment name in this field.

Table Name

Select the name of the table you wish to use to automatically default the segment value for. If you wish to use a constant value for this particular segment leave this field blank. You can choose:


If you have entered a table name in the previous field, leave this field blank. If you wish to always use the same value for this segment, regardless of the user or item, enter the value in this field.

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