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Revalued Asset Sales

This report shows sales of revalued assets over a period of time, as well as the revaluation balance for an asset class or all asset classes.

You can use this report to identify the net revaluation movement life-to-date for an asset class and the net position for the asset being sold at a specific point in time (point of sale of an asset). Adjustments to the revaluation reserve for that asset and its net class movement can then be recorded via journal entries.

Report Parameters

When you request the Revalued Asset Sales report in the Submit Requests form, Oracle Assets asks you for the following information:

Asset Book

Enter the Asset Book for which you want to run the report.


Enter the asset category for which you want to run the report. Leave this field blank if you want all asset categories.

Start Date

Enter the start date for the asset sales. The start date should be at least the day after the last revaluation for the class. It may be any date since, but should be consecutive over multiple reports to ensure that all sales are reported.

Finish Date

Enter the finish date for the asset sales.

Report Headings

In this heading... Oracle Assets prints...

Asset Book The asset book that you requested
Class The asset category you requested or ALL if you left the Class parameter blank.
Start Date for Asset Sales The start date of the asset sales you entered.
Finish Date for Asset Sales The finish date of the asset sales you entered

Column Headings

In this heading... Oracle Assets prints...

Asset Class The asset category ID
Asset Number The asset number
Description The asset description
Sale Date The date the asset was sold
Asset Value The asset's value on its sale date
Total Prev Reval The total of the net revaluation movements for the asset on the sale date. this figure reflects the total of revaluation movement as at the previous revaluation
Revaluation Position at Start Date The total of net revaluation movement for all assets in the class as at the start date of the report
Asset Sales The Asset Sales revaluation reserve total value of all assets sold in the class for the date range
Adjusted Revaluation Position The adjusted revaluation position. This figure is Revaluation Position at the Start Date minus Asset Sales
Revaluations During the Period Any revaluations during the period for the class
Revaluation Position at End Date The total of the revaluation reserve for all assets in the class as at the end date. This figure is the sum of the Adjusted Revaluation Position and Revaluations During the Period

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