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Report Parameters (Bank Charges Accounting Upon Notification Report)

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Payment Start Date

Enter the starting date for the payments you want to report on. The report includes all payments with a start date that is on or after the payment start date.

Payment End Date

Enter the ending date for the payments you want to report on. The report includes all payments with an end date that is on or before the payment end date.

Bank Account

Enter the name of the bank account to report on. The report shows all payments from this bank account.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code of the payments to report on. The default is the currency code for your Payables set of books; however, you can enter any valid currency code defined in your system.

Bank Charge Amount Upon Notification

Enter the bank charge amount on the notification receipt from your bank. This amount is used to compute the miscellaneous income and offset amounts.

Bank Charge Tax Name

Enter the tax code used to calculate the tax amount on the bank charges. Your system default tax name is the default. Enter None if you do not want the report to display the total tax amount separately from the bank charge amounts.

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