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Report Parameters (Singapore VAT Register Report)

Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Order By

Enter the option that you want to use to sort information by.


Enter the level of detail to use for the report.

Invoice Date Range

Enter the date range for the report.

GL Date Range

Enter the General Ledger date range for the report.

Tax Code

Enter a tax code, if you want to run the report for one tax code only.

Currency Range

Enter the currency range for the report.

Exemption Status

Enter an exemption status, if you want to run the report for one exemption status only.

Show Functional Amounts

Select whether to display report values in the functional currency or the entered currency. If you select the entered currency option, the report will group the transactions by currency code and provide a row heading to display the currency for each set of transactions. If you select the functional currency option, the report will show the functional amount of each transaction, using the exchange rate of the transaction.

Warning: If you revalue the foreign currency transactions for your VAT accounts within General Ledger, the General Ledger account activity shown will no longer balance to the subledger transactions in the detail section of this report. The functional amounts reported by the subledger for the transaction detail are shown using the original exchange rate of the transaction, not the exchange rate used to revalue the General Ledger account.

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