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Column Headings (Facturier de Sortie / Uitgaand Facturenboek)

Column headings describe each column in your standard report or listing.

In this heading
Oracle Financials for Belgium displays
Nom de période/Periode naam
Transaction's period name.
Note: This is not necessarily the period that the transaction was declared.
For example:

Accounting Date
Invoice Date
Date entered in Oracle Financials
Appear in declaration period of (as a correction of JAN '95)
FEB '95
Appear in Facturier de Sortie/Uitgaand Facturenboek

In this heading
Oracle Financials for Belgium displays
Nom du document/Document Naam
Transaction's document sequence name
Numéro Doc/Doc Nummer
Transaction's document sequence number
Num Lign/Lijn Num
Transaction's line number
Date du document/Document Datum
Date invoice line was posted
Numéro Client/Nummer Klant
Customer number of transaction
Customer name of transaction
Numéro de facture/Factuurnummer
Transaction's invoice number
Montant TVA Comprise/Totaal factuurbedrag
Transaction's total invoice amount
TVA Col/BTW vak
VAT Box where you should report the transaction
Code TVA/BTW Code
Transaction line's VAT Code
Transaction's VAT Transaction Type
A VAT transaction type (VAT Trt) on the transaction line is not displayed. If the VAT Trt on the transaction is empty, then the VAT Trt on the transaction line is displayed.
Montant hors TVA/Bedrag excl BTW
Transaction's taxable amount
Montant TVA/BTW Bedrag
Transaction's tax amount
Total période/Totaal periode
Transaction total for the period
Total générale/Algemeen totaal
Grand total for all selected transactions

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