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Report Parameters (Account Analysis Report)

Run the Account Analysis report from the Standard Report Submission window. Enter the following parameters to specify the desired reporting options:

Period Range

Enter the period range that you want to report for.


Enter any currency that is defined in your system. If you select the functional currency for your set of books, the Account Analysis report lists all foreign currency transactions in the functional currency, based on the conversion rate associated with the transaction.


Enter a value between 1 and n to indicate thelevel of precision level of detail that you need to report. The default for this parameter is 3. Only the selected degree level is summarized. For example, a degree of 4 will subtotal the first 4 digits of each account only.

Balancing Segment

Enter the balancing segment that you want to report. If you do not select a balancing segment, the Account Analysis report lists all of the balancing segments with each balancing segment beginning on a new page.

Account Segment From/To

Enter the Account Segment range that you want to report. If you do not select an account segment range, the Account Analysis report lists all accounts for the selected period range and currency.

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