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Finnish Account Payables by Detail Report

You must print the Finnish Account Payables by Detail, one of Finnish legal payables audit trail reports, for each closed payables period. This report verifies that transactions, invoices and payments, are recorded systematically. The report also ensures the audit trail from Oracle Payables to original documents.

Finnish Account Payables by Detail report shows open invoices with a specific date. It also shows paid invoices in an accounting date range grouped by liability account and supplier name (alphabetical order). Finnish accounting legislation requires this report after the accounting period has closed.

Finnish Account Payables supports a variety of payables transactions. Use this report to reconcile your liability balances for specific dates and paid amounts for a specific period in General Ledger. This report is typically used after the accounting period has closed; however, you can reconcile total amounts anytime between Account Payables and General Ledger.

The report shows:

fin90000.gif Original invoice amount in foreign currency as well as functional currency

fin90000.gif Open invoice amounts grouped by liability account both in foreign and functional currency

fin90000.gif Paid amounts in accounting date range

fin90000.gif Discounts taken in accounting date range

fin90000.gif Exchange rate gain/loss amounts in accounting date range

Invoice open total amounts are reconciled to YTD balances for liability accounts. Paid total amounts are reconciled to the PTD balances of cash accounts. Discount total amounts are reconciled to the PTD balances of discount accounts. Exchange rate gain/loss total amounts are reconciled to the PTD balances of gain/loss accounts.

The Report supports the following summary layouts:

fin90000.gif Liability Account Summary displays the total account amounts.

fin90000.gif Currency Summary displays the total account and currency amounts.

fin90000.gif Vendor Summary displays the total account, currency, and vendor/customer amounts.

fin90000.gif Invoice Summary displays each invoice when calculating totals for an account, currency, and a vendor/customer.

Use the Run Reports window to submit Finnish Account Payables by Detail.


Report Parameters

Report Headings

Column Headings

Row Headings

Row Ordering

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