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Purchase Self Invoice Register

The report of the self invoices register on the Purchase VAT Register can be managed in Oracle Payables by a report in which all self invoices entered and posted on the date of drawing, are listed. The report submission, the report parameters and the register and column headings are managed by Oracle Financials in a way similar to the one used for the Purchase VAT Register.

See Purchase VAT Register Report for more information.

In order to obtain this register, you must carry out the following setup procedures in Oracle Payables:

ita90000.gif Define the self invoices sequence

ita90000.gif Define the self invoices document category

ita90000.gif Assign the sequence to the corresponding document category

During the entry of the self invoice the corresponding document category is selected and the voucher number is assigned. After posting of the transactions has occurred, it will be possible to print the Purchase Self Invoices Register.

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