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Detail Record (Magnetic Withholding Report)

In this column
Oracle Payables prints
Record Type
Format Code
The year.
Tax Office Code
The tax office code.
Sender Fiscal Code
The fiscal code (taxpayer ID) of the sender.
Remuneration Type
The type of remuneration.
For Self Employed Supplier Invoices G, for Employee Expense Invoices A.
Supplier Fiscal Code
The fiscal code (taxpayer ID) of the supplier.
Right adjusted, left padded with 0.
Supplier Name
The supplier's name.
Left adjusted, uppercase.
Postal Code/Country
The postal code/country.
If Spain is the country of the supplier's legal address, then the postal code is the first two characters of the concatenated with 000.
If Spain is not the supplier's legal address, then the postal code is 99 concatenated with fnd_territories.ALTERNATE_TERRITORY_
CODE (which is numeric in Spain) for the country of the legal address.
If the ALTERNATE_TERRITORY_CODE is not numeric then put 000.
Number Of Children
The number of children of wage earners. This value is null for data originating from Oracle Payables.
Right adjusted, left padded with 0.
Withholding Tax Amount Sign
N if the withholding tax amount is negative. Otherwise this value is a space.
Net Amount
The net amount.
Right adjusted, left padded with 0.
Withholding Tax Rate
The withholding tax rate, without the decimal point (but with the decimals) and right adjusted, left padded with 0. e.g. 1.50 --> 0150, 15.00 --> 1500, 12 --> 1200
If there is more than one rate during the period, the last rate should be used.
Withholding Amount
The withholding amount.
Right adjusted, left padded with 0.
The year due.
This value is null for Oracle Payables transactions.
Right adjusted, left padded with 0.

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