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Czech Republic New Features in Release 11

Tax Return Source Report

Tax Return Source report lists all tax transactions from all ledgers for the selected period. The Tax Return Source report lets you:

cze90000.gif View the assignment of tax codes to specific lines on the Czech VAT Return.

cze90000.gif Prepare your monthly VAT Return. The summary section of the report groups all tax transactions by VAT return line and tax code.

cze90000.gif Provide official backup to the Czech VAT Return.

cze90000.gif Identify any transactions that have a General Ledger date that is different from the tax date of the transaction.

cze90000.gif Identify any transactions where the calculated tax amount (based on the associated tax code) is different from the recorded tax amount.

Export Tax Report

Export Tax report lists all export transactions from Oracle Receivables for the selected tax date range. The Export Tax report lets you:

cze90000.gif View all export transactions within the given tax reporting period by tax code

cze90000.gif Prepare your monthly VAT Return

cze90000.gif Provide official backup to the Czech VAT Return

Import Tax Report

Import Tax report lists all import transactions from Oracle Payables that do not reference official import documents. The Import Tax report lets you:

cze90000.gif View all import transactions without a reference to an import document

cze90000.gif Prepare your monthly VAT Return

cze90000.gif Provide official backup to the Czech VAT Return

Date of Taxable Supply

Date of Taxable Supply lets you record the tax date of your VAT transactions in a special flexfield in both the Oracle Receivables Transactions window and the Oracle Payables Invoice window. The date that you enter in this field is used to control the following localized VAT reports for the Czech Republic:

cze90000.gif Tax Return Source report

cze90000.gif Import Tax report

cze90000.gif Export Tax report

To activate the flexfield, update the profile option JG:Country Code with the value "CZ" at the responsibility level.

Account Analysis Report

The Account Analysis report lists journal activity and account balances for the range of periods that you select. You can restrict the level of detail in the Account Analysis report by selecting a degree level. The degree level determines the number of characters of the natural account that the Account Analysis report should create a subtotal for.

Invoice Format Report

The Invoice Format report prints all Oracle Receivables documents for a given document type, document range, or customer. The Invoice Format report includes the tax date of the invoice as well as a summary of taxable and tax amounts by tax rate in accordance with the Czech Republic statutory requirements.