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Report Options (GL Unreconciled Transactions Report)

When you request the GL Unreconciled Transactions report, Oracle General Ledger provides you with the following reporting options:

Currency Code

Enter either the functional or a foreign currency code. If a currency is specified, the report includes only that currency. If you leave this field blank, the report will be multi-currency.

Period From

Enter the starting accounting period that the report selects transactions from. If you leave the field blank, then:

eur90000.gif If you specify a Start and End Date, the report retrieves data within this date range

eur90000.gif Otherwise, the report retrieves data from all accounting periods

If you entered information into the Period From and Period To parameters, you should not enter the Start Date and End Date parameters.

Period To

Enter the ending accounting period that the report selects transactions to. If you leave the field blank, then:

eur90000.gif If you specify a Period From, the report retrieves data for all accounting periods from that period

eur90000.gif If you specify a Start and End Date, the report retrieves data within this date range

eur90000.gif Otherwise, the report retrieves data from all accounting periods

You cannot enter a value in this field if you did not enter a Period From value.

Start Date

Enter the starting date that the report selects transactions from. If you leave the field blank, then:

eur90000.gif If you specify a Period From and Period To, the report retrieves data within this range

eur90000.gif Otherwise, the report retrieves data for all dates

End Date

Enter the ending date that the report selects transactions to. If you leave the field blank, then:

eur90000.gif If you specify a Start Date, the report retrieves data for all accounting periods from that date

eur90000.gif If you specify a Period From and Period To, the report retrieves data within this range

eur90000.gif Otherwise, the report retrieves data for all dates

You cannot enter a value in this field if you did not enter a Start Date value.

Flexfield From/Low

Enter the start of the Accounting flexfield range that the report should retrieve data from.

Flexfield To/High

Enter the end of the Accounting flexfield range that the report should retrieve data to.

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