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General Daily Book Report

General Ledger Book Report

Opening/Closing Pages Report (General Ledger)

Supplier Auxiliary Ledger Report

Supplier Auxiliary Daily Report

Opening/Closing Pages Report- (Oracle Payables)

Consolidated Invoice Register

Cancelled Consolidated Invoices

Tax Register

Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents

Not Associated Trade Notes and Bank Collection Documents

Check Format Program

Bordero-Bank Transfer Request

Import Bank Collection Documents

Customer Auxiliary Ledger Report

Customer Auxiliary Daily Report

Opening/Closing Pages Report (Oracle Receivables)

Shipping Invoice Report

Complementary Invoice Report

Customer Interface Error Report

Customer Account Detail Report

Collection Remittance Batch Report

Occurrences Remittance Batch Report

Factoring Remittance Batch Report

Bank Return Import Report

Post Bank Return Report

Bank Collection GL Interface Report

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