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Oracle Receivables Character Mode Forms and Corresponding GUI Windows

The table below shows each Receivables character mode form followed by its character mode navigation path and corresponding standard GUI navigation path. Where applicable, the GUI path includes both menu selections and buttons.

Most windows are accessible when you use the Receivables Manager responsibility. Unless otherwise specified, all navigation paths below assume you are using the Receivables Manager responsibility.

Unless otherwise noted, refer to the Oracle Receivables User's Guide for more information on GUI windows or processes.
Character Mode Form Name and Menu Path  GUI Window or Process, and Navigation Path 
Approve Adjustments 
\ Navigate Adjust Approve 
Approve Adjustments window 
See: Approving Adjustments 
Navigator: Control > Adjustments > Approve Adjustments 
Approve Automatic Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Automatic Approve 
Receipt Batches window 
See: Approving Automatic Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches. Choose Automatic from the Batch Type poplist. Choose the Approve button. 
Approve Automatic Remittances 
\ Navigate Receipt Remit Approve 
Remittances window 
See: Approving Remittance Batches 
Navigator: Receipts > Remittances. Choose the Approve button 
Assign Descriptive Flexfield Security Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Descriptive Security Assign 
Assign Security Rules window 
See: Defining Descriptive Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Flexfields > Descriptive > Security > Assign 
Assign FlexBuilder Parameters 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields FlexBuilder Assign 
FlexBuilder is replaced by the Account Generator in Oracle Workflow. 
See: Overview of Account Generator (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide Release 11)
Assign Key Flexfield Security Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Security Assign 
Assign Security Rules window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Security > Assign 
Assign Value Set Security Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Validation Security Assign 
Assign Security Rules window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Security > Assign 
Clear Bank Remittances 
\ Navigate Receipt Clear 
Run Automatic Clearing window 
See: Automatic Clearing for Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Clear/Risk Eliminate 
Confirm Automatic Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Automatic Confirm 
Receipts or Receipts Summary window 
See: Confirming Automatic Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts. Choose the Confirm button. 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts Summary. Choose the Confirm button. 
Create AutoAdjustments 
\ Navigate Adjust Automatic 
Create AutoAdjustments window 
See: Creating Automatic Adjustments 
Navigator: Control > Adjustments > Create AutoAdjustments 
Create Automatic Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Automatic Create 
Receipt Batches window 
See: Creating Automatic Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches. Choose Automatic from the Batch Type poplist. Choose the Create button. 
Create Automatic Remittances 
\ Navigate Receipt Remit Create 
Remittances window 
See: Creating Remittance Batches 
Navigator: Receipts > Remittances. Choose the Create button. 
Create Recurring Invoices 
\ Navigate Invoice Recurring 
Copy Transactions window 
See: Copying Invoices 
Navigator: Transactions > Copy 
Define Accounting Combinations 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Combinations 
GL Accounts window 
See: Defining Accounts (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Combinations 
Define Adjustment Limits 
\ Navigate Setup Adjust Limit 
User Approval Adjustment Limits window 
See: Adjustment Approval Limits 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Adjustment Limits 
Define Aging Buckets 
\ Navigate Setup System Aging 
Aging Buckets window 
See: Aging Buckets 
Navigator: Set Up > Collections > Aging Buckets 
Define AutoAccounting 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice AutoAccounting 
Automatic Accounting window 
See: AutoAccounting 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > AutoAccounting 
Define AutoCash Rule Sets 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Rule 
AutoCash Rule Sets window 
See: AutoCash Rule Sets 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > AutoCash Rule Sets 
Define Automatic Receipt Programs 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Programs 
Automatic Receipt Programs window 
See: Automatic Receipt Programs 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Receipt Programs 
Define Calendar Periods 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Calendars Periods 
Accounting Calendar window 
See: Accounting Calendar 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Calendars > Periods 
Define Collectors 
\ Navigate Setup System Collector 
Collectors window 
See: Collectors 
Navigator: Set Up > Collections > Collectors 
Define Cross-Validation Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Rules 
Cross-Validation Rules window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Rules 
Define Currencies 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Currencies Define 
Currencies window 
See: Currencies 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Currencies > Define 
Define Customer Banks 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Bank 
Banks window 
See: Defining Banks 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Bank 
Define Customer Profile Classes 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Profile Class 
Customer Profile Classes window 
See: Defining Customer Profile Classes 
Navigator: Customers > Profile Class 
Define Customer Relationships 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Relationship 
Customers or Customer Summary window 
See: Creating Customer Relationships 
Navigator: Customers > Standard. Choose the Relationships button. 
Navigator: Customers > Summary. Choose the Relationships button. 
Define Daily Rates 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Currencies Rates Daily 
Daily Rates window 
See: Daily Conversion Rates (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Currencies > Rates > Daily 
Define Demand Classes 
\ Navigate Setup System QuickCode DemandClass 
Demand Class QuickCodes window 
See: Demand Class QuickCodes 
Navigator: Set Up > System > QuickCodes > DemandClass 
Define Descriptive Flexfield Security Rule 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Descriptive Security Define 
Define Security Rules window 
See: Defining Security Rules (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Descriptive > Security > Define 
Define Descriptive Flexfield Segment Values 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Descriptive Values 
Segment Values window 
See: Defining Security Rules (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Descriptive > Values 
Define Descriptive Flexfield Segments 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Descriptive Segments 
Descriptive Flexfield Segments window 
See: Defining Security Rules (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Descriptive > Segments 
Define Distribution Sets 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Distribution Set 
Distribution Sets window 
See: Distribution Sets 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipt > Distribution Set 
Define FlexBuilder Parameters 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields FlexBuilder Define 
FlexBuilder is replaced by the Account Generator in Oracle Workflow. 
See: Overview of Account Generator (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide Release 11)
Define Freight Carrier 
\ Navigate Setup System QuickCode Freight 
Freight Carriers window 
See: Freight Carriers 
Navigator: Set Up > System > QuickCodes > Freight 
Define Grouping Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice AutoInvoice Grouping 
Grouping Rules window 
See: Grouping Rules 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Grouping Rules 
Define Invoice Sources 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Source or 
\ Navigate Setup Memo Source 
Transaction Sources window 
See: Transaction Batch Sources 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Sources 
Define Invoicing and Accounting Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Rule 
Invoicing and Accounting Rules window 
See: Accounting Rules 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Rules 
Define Items 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Item Items 
Items window 
See: Items 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Item > Define Items 
Define Item Status 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Item Status 
Status window 
See: Item Status 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Item > Status 
Define Item Tax Exceptions 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Rate Exception 
Item Tax Rate Exceptions window 
See: Tax Rate Exceptions 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Exceptions 
Define Key Flexfield Security Rule 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Security Define 
Define Security Rules window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Security > Define 
Define Key Flexfield Segments 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Segments 
Key Flexfield Segments window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments 
Define Key Flexfield Segment Values 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Values 
Segment Values window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Values 
Define Line Ordering Rules 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice AutoInvoice LineOrder 
Invoice Line Ordering Rules window 
See: Invoice Line Ordering Rules 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Line Ordering 
Define Lockboxes 
\ Navigate Setup Bank Lockbox Define 
Lockboxes window 
See: Lockboxes 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Lockbox > Lockbox 
Define Memo Lines 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Line or 
\ Navigate Setup Memo Line 
Standard Memo Lines window 
See: Standard Memo Lines 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Memo Lines 
Define Organization 
\ Navigate Setup System Organization 
Organization window 
See: Organizations 
Navigator: Set Up > System > Organization 
Define Other Tax Rates 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Rate Other 
Tax Codes and Rates window 
See: Tax Codes and Rates 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Codes 
Define Payment Methods 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Method 
Receipt Classes window 
See: Payment Methods 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Receipt Class 
Define Payment Terms 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Term 
Payment Terms window 
See: Payment Terms 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Payment Terms 
Define Period Rates 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Currencies Rates Period 
Period Rates window 
See: Period Rates (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Currencies > Rates > Period 
Define Period Types 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Calendars Types 
Period Types window 
See: Period Types (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Calendars > Types 
Define Rate Types 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Currencies Rates Types 
Conversion Rate Types window 
See: Daily Conversion Rate Types (Oracle General Ledger User's Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Currencies > Rates > Types 
Define Receipt Classes 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Class 
Receipt Classes window 
See: Receipt Classes 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Receipt Class 
Define Receipt Programs 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Program 
Automatic Receipt Programs window 
See: Automatic Receipt Programs 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Receipt Programs 
Define Receipt Source 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Source 
Receipt Sources window 
See: Receipt Sources 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Receipt Sources 
Define Receivables QuickCodes 
\ Navigate Setup System QuickCode Receivables 
Receivables QuickCodes window 
See: Defining Receivables QuickCodes 
Navigator: Set Up > System > QuickCodes > Receivable 
Define Receivables Activity 
\ Navigate Setup Adjust Type or 
\ Navigate Setup Receipt Type 
Receivables Activity window 
See: Receivables Activity 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Receivable Activity 
Define Remit-To Addresses 
\ Navigate Setup Print RemitTo 
Remit-To Addresses window 
See: Remit To Addresses 
Navigator: Set Up > Print > Remit-To Addresses 
Define Remittance Banks 
\ Navigate Setup Bank Remittance 
Banks window 
See: Defining Banks 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Bank 
Define Report Set 
\ Navigate Other Reports Set 
Request Set window 
See: Defining Request Sets (Oracle Applications User's Guide) 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Set 
Define Rollup Groups 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Groups 
Rollup Groups window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Groups 
Define Salespeople 
\ Navigate Setup System Salespeople 
Salespersons window 
See: Salespersons 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Salespersons 
Define Set of Books 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Books 
Set of Books window 
See: Set of Books 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Books 
Define Shorthand Aliases 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Key Aliases 
Shorthand Aliases window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Aliases 
Define Standard Messages 
\ Navigate Setup Print Statement Message 
Standard Messages window 
See: Standard Messages 
Navigator: Set Up > Print > Standard Messages 
Define Statement Cycles 
\ Navigate Setup Print Statement Cycles 
Statement Cycles window 
See: Statement Cycles 
Navigator: Set Up > Print > Statement Cycles 
Define Status 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Item Status 
Status window 
See: Item Status 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Item > Status 
Define System Options 
\ Navigate Setup System Option 
System Options window 
See: Defining Receivables System Options 
Navigator: Set Up > System > System Options 
Define Tax Codes and Rates 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Rate Code 
Tax Codes and Rates window 
See: Tax Codes and Rates 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Codes 
Define Tax Exemptions 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Rate Exemption 
Tax Exemptions window 
See: Tax Exemptions 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Exemptions 
Define Tax Locations and Rates 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Rate Location 
Tax Locations and Rates window 
See: Tax Locations and Rates 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Sales Tax Rates 
Define Territories 
\ Navigate Setup System Territory 
Territories window 
See: Maintaining Countries and Territories 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Territories 
Define Transaction Types 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Type 
Transaction Types window 
See: Transaction Types 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Transaction Types 
Define Transmission Format 
\ Navigate Setup Bank Lockbox Transmission 
Transmission Formats window 
See: Transmission Formats 
Navigator: Set Up > Receipts > Lockbox > Transmission 
Define Unit of Measure Classes 
\ Navigate Setup System UOM Class 
Unit of Measure Classes window 
See: Unit of Measure Classes 
Navigator: Set Up > System > UOM > Class 
Define Units of Measure 
\ Navigate Setup System UOM UOM 
Units of Measure 
See: Units of Measure 
Navigator: Set Up > System > UOM > UOM 
Define Value Set Security Rule 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Validation Security Define 
Define Security Rules window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Security > Define 
Define Value Sets 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Validation Sets 
Value Sets window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Sets 
Define Values 
\ Navigate Setup Financial Flexfields Validation Values 
Segment Values window 
See: Defining Key Flexfields (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide) 
Navigator: Set Up > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Values 
Delete Items 
\ Navigate Setup Invoice Item Delete 
Delete Items window 
See: Deleting Items 
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > Item > Delete Items 
Enter Commitments 
\ Navigate Invoice Commitment 
Transactions window 
See: Entering Commitments 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions. Choose Guarantee or Deposit from the Class poplist. 
Enter Credit Memos 
\ Navigate Memo Standard 
Transactions Summary or Credit Memo window 
See: Crediting Transactions 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions Summary 
Navigator: Transactions > Credit Transactions 
Enter Customer Information 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Standard 
Customers, Customer Summary or Quick Customers window 
See: Entering Customers 
Navigator: Customers > Standard 
Navigator: Customers > Summary 
Navigator: Customers > Quick 
Enter Exchange Rate Adjustments 
\ Navigate Adjust Manual Rate 
Receipts window 
See: Adjusting an Exchange Rate 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts. Choose Adjust Exchange Rate from the Special menu. 
Enter Invoice Adjustments 
\ Navigate Adjust Manual Standard 
Transactions Summary window 
See: Entering Manual Adjustments 
Navigator: Transactions > Transaction Summary. Choose the Adjust button. 
Enter Invoices 
\ Navigate Invoice Standard 
Transactions or Transactions Summary window 
See: Entering Transactions 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions. Choose Invoice from the Class poplist. 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions Summary. Choose Invoice from the Class poplist. 
Enter Miscellaneous Transactions 
\ Navigate Receipt Manual Other 
Receipts window 
See: Entering Miscellaneous Transactions 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts. Choose Misc from the Receipt Type poplist. 
Enter On Account Credit 
\ Navigate Memo Standard 
Transactions window 
See: Creating On Account Credits 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions. Choose Credit Memo from the Class poplist. 
Enter Rate Exception 
\ Other Zoom (from Enter Invoices, Commitments, Credit Memos, etc, forms) 
Exchange Rate window 
See: Foreign Currency Transactions 
Choose Exchange Rate from the Special menu. 
Enter Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Manual Standard 
Receipts window 
See: Entering Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts. Choose Cash from the Receipt Type poplist. 
Enter Recurring Invoices 
\ Navigate Invoices Recurring 
Copy Transactions window 
See: Copying Invoices 
Navigator: Transactions > Copy 
Enter Sales Credit Adjustments 
\ Navigate Adjust Manual SalesCredit 
Sales Credits window 
See: Entering Sales Credits 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions. Choose the Sales Credits button. 
Format Automatic Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Automatic Format 
Receipt Batches window 
See: Formatting Automatic Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches. Choose Automatic from the Batch Type poplist. Choose the Format button. 
Format Remittances 
\ Navigate Receipt Remit Format 
Remittances window 
See: Formatting Remittance Batches 
Navigator: Receipts > Remittances. Choose the Format button. 
Maintain Countries and Territories 
\ Navigate Setup System Country 
Countries and Territories window 
See: Maintaining Countries and Territories 
Navigator: Set Up > System > Countries 
Maintain Customer Profiles 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Profile Maintain 
Customer Profile Classes window 
See: Assigning Profile Classes to Customers 
Navigator: Customers > Profile Class 
Maintain Dunning Letter Sets 
\ Navigate Setup Print Dunning Set 
Dunning Letter Sets window 
See: Creating Dunning Letter Sets 
Navigator: Set Up > Print > Dunning Letter Sets 
Maintain Dunning Letters 
\ Navigate Setup Print Dunning Letter 
Dunning Letters window 
See: Creating Dunning Letter Sets 
Navigator: Set Up > Print > Dunning Letters 
Maintain Invoices 
\ Navigate Invoice Maintain 
Transactions window 
See: Maintaining Your Transactions 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions 
Maintain Lockbox Transmission Data 
\ Navigate Receipt Lockbox 
Lockbox Transmission Data window 
See: Maintaining Lockbox Transmission Data 
Navigator: Receipts > Lockbox > Maintain Transmission Data 
Maintain Tax Authority 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Authority 
Tax Authorities window 
See: Tax Authorities 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Authorities 
Merge Customers 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Merge 
Merge Customers window 
See: Merge Customers 
Navigator: Customers > Merge 
Open/Close Accounting Periods 
\ Navigate Run Accounting Period 
Open/Close Accounting Periods window 
See: Opening and Closing Accounting Periods 
Navigator: Control > Accounting > Open/Close Periods 
Post QuickCash 
\ Navigate Receipt PostQuickCash 
Receipt Batches Summary window 
See: Post QuickCash 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches Summary. Choose the Post QuickCash button. 
Print Accounting Reports 
\ Navigate Print Accounting 
Print Accounting Reports window 
See: Running Standard Reports and Listings 
Navigator: Reports > Accounting 
Print Collection Reports 
\ Navigate Print Collection 
Collection Reports window 
See: Running Standard Reports and Listings 
Navigator: Reports > Collections 
Print Dunning Letters 
\ Navigate Print Dunning 
Print Dunning Letters or Submit Request window 
See: Printing Dunning Letters 
Navigator: Print Documents > Dunning 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Run 
Print Invoices 
\ Navigate Print Invoice 
Print Invoices window 
See: Printing Transactions 
Navigator: Print Documents > Invoices 
Print Listing Reports 
\ Navigate Print Listing 
Print Listing Reports window 
See: Running Standard Reports and Listings 
Navigator: Reports > Listing 
Print Other Reports 
\ Navigate Print Other 
Print Other Reports window 
See: Running Standard Reports and Listings 
Navigator: Reports > Other 
Print Statements 
\ Navigate Print Statement 
Print Statements window 
See: Printing Statements 
Navigator: Print Documents > Statements 
Quick Customer Entry 
\ Navigate Setup Customer Quick 
Customers window 
See: Entering Customers 
Navigator: Customers > Quick 
Quick Transaction Entry 
\ Navigate Invoice Quick 
Transactions window 
See: Entering Quick Transactions 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions 
\ Navigate Receipt Manual Quick 
Receipt Batches window 
See: QuickCash 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches. Choose Manual Quick from the Batch Type poplist. Choose the Receipts button. 
Reapply Credits 
\ Navigate Memo Reapply 
Transactions Summary window 
See: Updating Credit Memos and On Account Credits 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions Summary. Choose the Applications button. 
Reapply Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Manual Reapply 
Receipts Summary window 
See: Reapplying Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts Summary. Choose the Applications button. 
Reconcile Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Clear Manual 
Run Automatic Clearing window or Submit Request window 
See: Automatic Clearing for Receipts or Using Oracle Cash Management to Clear Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Clear/Risk Eliminate 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Run (or use Oracle Cash Management) 
Record A Call 
\ Navigate Call 
Customer Calls window 
See: Customer Calls 
Navigator: Collections > Call 
Remit Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipts Remit Approve 
Remittances window 
See: Creating Remittance Batches 
Navigator: Receipts > Remittances 
Reverse Receipts 
\ Navigate Receipt Manual Reverse 
Receipts window 
See: Reversing Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts. Choose the Reverse button. 
Review Sales Tax Rates 
\ Navigate Setup Tax Review 
Review Sales Tax Rates window 
See: Reviewing Sales Tax Rates 
Navigator: Set Up > Tax > Sales Tax Rates 
Run AutoInvoice 
\ Navigate Run Invoice 
Run AutoInvoice window or Submit Request window 
See: Importing Transactions Using AutoInvoice 
Navigator: Interfaces > AutoInvoice 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Run 
Run Automatic Clearing 
\ Navigate Receipt Clear Automatic 
Run Automatic Clearing window or Submit Request window 
See: Automatic Clearing For Receipts 
Navigator: Receipts > Clear/Risk Eliminate 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Run 
Run Customer Interface 
\ Navigate Run Customer 
Run Customer Interface window 
See: Importing Customers Using Customer Interface 
Navigator: Interfaces > Customer 
Run GL Interface 
\ Navigate Run Accounting Journal 
Run General Ledger Interface window 
See: Running GL Interface 
Navigator: Interfaces > General Ledger 
Run Lockbox Interface 
\ Navigate Run Receipt 
Submit Lockbox Processing window 
See: Running AutoLockbox 
Navigator: Interfaces > Lockbox 
Run Reports 
\ Navigate Other Reports Run 
Submit Request window 
See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings 
Navigator: Other > Requests > Run 
Print Other Reports window 
See: Running Standard Reports and Listings 
Navigator: Reports > Other 
Run Revenue Recognition 
\ Navigate Run Accounting Revenue 
Run Revenue Recognition window 
See: Recognizing Revenue 
Navigator: Control > Accounting > Revenue Recognition 
Run Tax Rate Interface 
\ Navigate Run Tax Rate 
Run Tax Rate Interface window 
See: Running the Tax Rate Interface Program 
Navigator: Interfaces > Tax Rate 
Sales Credit Adjustment 
\ Navigate Adjust Manual SalesCredit 
Sales Credits window 
See: Entering Revenue Credits 
Navigator: Transactions > Transactions. Choose the Sales Credits button. 
Submit AutoAdjustment 
\ Navigate Adjust Automatic 
Create AutoAdjustments window 
See: Creating Automatic Adjustments 
Navigator: Control > Adjustments > Create AutoAdjustments 
Submit Lockbox Processing 
\ Navigate Run Receipt 
Submit Lockbox Processing window 
See: Running AutoLockbox 
Navigator: Interfaces > Lockbox 
Test FlexBuilder Parameters 
\ Navigate Setup Financials Flexfield FlexBuilder Test 
FlexBuilder is replaced by the Account Generator in Oracle Workflow. 
See: Overview of Account Generator (Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide Release 11)
Update Personal Profile Options 
\ Navigate Other Profile 
Personal Profile Values window 
See: Personal Profile Values (Oracle Applications User's Guide) 
Navigator: Control > Profile Options 
View Call History 
\ Navigate View Account Call 
Correspondence window 
See: Customer Correspondence 
Navigator: Collections > Correspondence 
View Concurrent Requests 
\ Navigate Other Concurrent 
Requests window 
See: Viewing Requests (Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide) 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Concurrent 
View Customer Account Detail 
\ Navigate View Account Detail 
Account Details window 
See: Reviewing a Customer Account 
Navigator: Collections > Account Details 
View Customer Account Summary 
\ Navigate View Account Summary 
Customer Account window 
See: Reviewing a Customer Account 
Navigator: Collections > Account Overview 
View Customer Account Summary Aging 
\ Navigate View Account Summary 
Customer Aging window 
See: Reviewing Account Balances by Aging Bucket 
Navigator: Collections > Aging 
View Customers 
\ Navigate View Customer 
Customers Summary window 
See: Reviewing a Customer Account 
Navigator: Customers > Summary 
View Invoice Image 
\ Navigate View Invoice Image 
Transaction Overview window 
See: Viewing Transactions 
Navigator: Collections > Transaction Overview 
View Receipt Bank Details 
\ Navigate View Receipt Bank 
Receipts Summary window 
See: Reviewing Receipts and Applications 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipt Summary 
View Receipt Batches 
\ Navigate View Receipt Batch Status 
Receipt Batches Summary window 
See: Batching Receipts for Easy Entry and Retrieval 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches Summary 
View Receipts by Batch 
\ Navigate View Receipt Batch Detail 
Receipts Summary window 
See: Batching Receipts for Easy Entry and Retrieval 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts Summary 
View Receipts by Customer 
\ Navigate View Receipt Customer 
Receipts Summary window 
See: Reviewing Receipts and Applications 
Navigator: Receipts > Receipts Summary 
View Reports 
\ Navigate Other Reports View 
Requests window 
See: Viewing Requests (Oracle Applications User's Guide) 
Navigator: Reports > View 
View Requests 
\ Navigate Other Concurrent 
Requests window 
See: Viewing Requests (Oracle Applications User's Guide) 
Navigator: Control > Requests > Concurrent 
Navigator: Control > Requests > View 
Choose View My Requests from the Help menu 
View Transaction History 
\ Navigate View Invoice History 
\ Navigate View Receipt History 
Account Details window 
See: Viewing Transactions 
Navigator: Collections > Account Details. Choose the Activity button. 
View Transmission History 
\ Navigate View Receipt Lockbox 
Transmission History window 
See: Viewing Transmission History 
Navigator: Receipts > Lockbox > Transmission History 
View Unapplied Receipts by Batch 
\ Navigate View Receipt Batch Unapplied 
Receipt Batches Summary window 
See: Batching Receipts for Easy Entry and Retrieval 
Navigator: Receipts > Batches Summary 

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